
Don't Leave!

Muffled screams, the sound of breaking bones, dripping blood. The tears streaming down his face that was all he could recognize. His vision was blurred. He just felt the worst pain in his entire life distracting him from thinking clearly. He had no idea what was happening only that it was terrible. As his vision became clear again. The scene was almost copied out of an horror movie but that wasn't the thing that scared him so much that his voice didn't came out. It was the eyes that pierced straight through his heart. The one that let him scream and cry in Panic. "MINGHAO!!!" Everything went black.

As he opens his eyes He firstly felt very disorientated. But as soon he recognized the arms rapping around his chest His sweet dropping, the pain from his eyes. He realized it was another painful dream. His breath started to calm down after the realization. He had this kind of dreams for a while now. It started with one nightmare per week and almost with everyday it became worse. A Dream in this extrem became slowly an everyday issue. He couldn't sleep normal anymore. If he were lucky he could catch 2 or 3 hours a day just to wake up scared and crying. "Minghao?" He heard the familiar voice of his boyfriend mumble. Junhui.... Since the nightmares started he didn't want to leave his side especially at night. At first he tried to hide his nightmares but Jun soon found out and was now worried and took care of him. He hated it. It's not like he hated Jun or the fact he wants to help him. But just to see how his condition became worse since the very first day he found out. His worried eyes his self blaming, the nights he didn't sleep to look over him, searching on the web after help, the days he didn't go to work to bring him to therapist Doctors everywhere just to find help for him. It almost felt like he threw his life away. That's what he hated. How his little nightmares made him feel worse and get sick too. Not the same as him thoe. He had no idea what was wrong with him. Only that it maid Junhui sick. If he just... "Stop the staring into nothing and talk with me" he heard now the worried voice of the older. "Sorry" was all he could answer at that as he looked into the worried eyes of his boyfriend that made his heart fill with guilt. These worried eyes were his fault and he didn't want to be burden to anyone. Especially not to the one he loved the most the one that got hurt the most through all of this. "You worry to much again." Junhui smiled gently and pulled him closer to his body. It calmed him down very easily. His unusual cold expression changed into a little smile as he hugged the elder back and buried his face into his neck. "I'm sorry for waking you up again." "No needs for apologies." Jun answered smiling as he over the Youngers hair.It was always like that. Every time he would get woken up by Jun when his nightmares became worse, when he started crying in his sleep, started shaking and screaming. Junhui was always there to wake him up he couldn't watch him suffer like that. It wasn't easy for him, too. He felt so helpless only to be able to wake him up when he got too scared. He always tried to let him sleep even if the dream looked like the worst. The younger needed the sleep but only to watch him suffer like that made the elder sick he needed to wake him up. Actually he didn't knew what was worse to let him sleep like that or to wake him up and make his body get even more weaker. He never thought over himself the only thing in his mind was Minghao. He felt guilty as his boyfriend he couldn't even protect him from an little nightmare. He felt like the worst boyfriend ever, but he still tried his best without thinking about his own condition. After a while he looked down at the younger and realized he felt a sleep again. He keep the Youngers hair he felt a little relieved and hoped that he could sleep through this night. Obviously that didn't happened he woke up 4 times till the both were faced with the first morning lights. What meant that they had to go to work and pretend like nothing is happening.

Junhui decided to stay at home and skip work again. He phoned the office and lied that he is sick. He told them he could work at home too so that wouldn't be an problem. With that the call ended and he sat down at his laptop to start his research again. He searched the symptoms up and called an new therapist that appeared on the website. He lost count on the therapist he had called but he wouldn't give up even if f it meant to go to every single therapist at the world, but he would lie if he didn't say it wasn't frustrating. The therapist said the same as the 10 before him. "Take the pills and everything will be fine." That's the nice way to say "I don't care give him the pills and don't bother me" at least that's what it said to Jun. he was so sick off those answers. He already used them it was true that he could sleep with them for an hour but it ended the same. He internally scream at the guy as he respectful said good bye and thanked for his "stupid" help. He threw the phone away and let out an grown of frustration. why wouldn't anyone try to help. Why did no one care? Aren't they suppose to save him. The only thing they did was to make his condition worse. He pushed the thoughts away. He couldn't give up if no one cared he needed to do it even more. He closed the page with the therapist and decided to search by himself to find what's wrong with the younger and actually find an expert or something who could really help him. He went through pages over pages the first thing that caught his mind was the nightmare disorder. It literally had the same symptoms as Minghao did. The article said that it of it often paired with dissociative disorders. The article even got so far that the person with this disorder are more likely to self harm and attempt suicide. As his eyes fly over those words he paused reading the sentence over and over again. "Minghao didn't want to kill himself right. He doesn't self harm" he could have over looked it. He still could hide something for him. He actually new something was up. Every time he asked the younger what he dreamt of he answered were short and sounded scripted without much detail yeah maybe he just didn't want to talk about it because it was that horrible, but the way he said it how he avoided his eyes. Jun knew that something was up the younger were just a terrible liar.

"You're already home" his head shot up by the familiar voice that distracted his thoughts. "Yeah The company meant I could work at home anyway I have good news I guess." "good news about what" " you're desie" he showed him everything he found out. The other disorders he found there too like, insommia, hypersommia, sleeep deprovation, seperation anxiety, night Terror, and so one. He explained him all of them because he couldn't say if they fit and because he still believed that he hide something from him. Maybe he finds what he has by himself and then starts to talk about what's bothers him. Minghao listens quietly to everything He didnt know anything About Stuff like that. Everything kinda fit he could understand now why the therapist had so much problems with this. later the two of them got back to there bed at least he needed to try to sleep thats all he could do at least. He snuggled next to Jun and simply closed his eyes but without the intened to sleep he didn't want to anymore there was something he didn't tell the elder he didn't want to worry him more he was scared to sleep now he would rather Stay awake for the rest of his life. "what's the matter?" Minghao heard the other ask. Was he that bad in pretending to sleep? "nothing why are you still awake? " "that's what I should ask you. What are you trying to hide so miserably" he attempted at least to get it out of him. That's when Minghao realised he needed to work at his lying skills he answers with a deep sigh "maybe you're right... With the desies I mean I thought about it and I could have the seperation Anxiety." a little surprised Jun looked at him he didn't expect that one or to talk about it right now so he let Minghao continue. "do you remember that accident?" obviously he did he didn't pay enough attention he simply was on his way home listening to music as a car came with way to much speed at the road. He didn't look the driver didn't saw him and the last thing he saw was the shining light of the car as it hit him while the car tride to avoid him. The next thing that he remembered were the red light of the car the panicking man in the suit that first seemed to help him but turned back in his car and there he was gone. He thought he was going insane his Hole body felt broken he already gave up as a woman found him she called the ambulance and saved his life for sure. He would be dead without her. He passed out after a few minutes the ambulance arrived. He didn't remembered anything what happend after then. His lungs were crushed Rips broken organs injured. It was really an miracle that he didn't die. "I was so scared to lose you. What should I have done without you. To see you in the hospital not moving an inch with all of the machine attached to you. And as you finally waked up how confused you looked as I walked in how you didn't recognise me. How you forgot me" Minghao continued as tears fell from his cheeks. Just to remember the time was the worst. A little soft sob left his lips as Jun gently kissed his tears away. "I won't leave. I never will I promised you that. And I will never forget you how could I forget the importantst person in my life." he then softly kissed his neck as he continued. "you don't need to worry about that. I'll never leave you alone like that." the last words echoed in Minghaos mind as his body started to feel numb and he only could look at Jun who slowly began to disappear and he started to panic.

Alone in the darkness after this words like in some of his dreams but it never happened like that before. He started running as fast as he could. As he found himself in an dark alley in front of the terrible person with the eyes that starred holes in your heart he didn't say one word just grinned at him as he got back in his car and disappeared in the darkness. The sound of breaking bones find their way to his ears again, muffled screams the sound of someone dying. The someone that let his heart break in thousands of pieces. His tears streaming down his face as he run to his Beloved Jun who laid on the cold street coughing up blood as he tried to move making his bones crack with every breath he take. He tried to hold him, tried to help him said he shouldn't move but he was already so cold. He only could cry, cry as hard as never before. Jun tried to calm Him down but his power left him a while ago already. As he didn't move anymore Minghao felt so helpless he screamed "you promised to never leave me like this. You said you won't leave me alone. Please don't make this a lie." he screamed his lungs out in frustration. He wanted to wake up. But Why didn't he wake up. The Nightmres always ended here. He needed to wake up this cant be real. But there were no voice screaming his name,  no Armes that rapped around his chest and never let him go. It was just him the street and the cold body of the only person he ever loved.

This world we live in is a dream.  The dream we have at night is infact the true world.


Authores Note: *cough* *cough* Warning Character Death *cough* *cough* Thank you very very Very Much for reading I Hope you liked It. I wanted to make another chapter but I'm not really happy about what I wrote for it so for now I leave it as an one shot. 안녕


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Chapter 1: heartbeeaking T^T