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For No Reason
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[Your POV]

I used to hate him before. That young man. Super hate. I don't know what makes me hated him. I just hated the way he is. The way he talks. His glare. His manner. Everything he does would be a big annoyance to me. If I saw him, I would turned around and walked to other way or just walked away. I would do anything just to get rid him off my view. But everything end not long after that. That time when he confessed to me.


I was doing my works silently on my seat, in the class when one of my classmates approached me. "(y/n), can I borrow your library card? Mind had lost. I wanna borrow a book from the library". Let's make the situation clear. So, it means that everything she does will be under my name. I thought for a second and I guessed I just have to lend it to her since I don't really use it.

"But I haven't update it for a long time. Are you fine with that?". I took out the library card that I own from my blue purse and handed it to her. She seemed to be kind of surprised hearing that I hadn't update the card for a long time. She gave me that suspicious look and I bet she was thinking of something. "It's fine but.. Hey, do we have to update the card when borrowing the book?". She nudged the side of her friend. "I don't know". Her friend eyed me for a second then slightly shrugged her shoulder. "Just update it if you have so". I flashed me a plain smile and continued with my works as they walked away.

A week passed. I went to the library with my friend to photostate some papers for our upcoming tests. I walked into the library right after her and we were greeted by voices of people talking. I turned around and saw him with his friends sweeping the floor, probably cleaning the library. I frowned as I stared at him for a second who was laughing and talking with his friends while I let my friend handled about the papers.Then I groaned and looked away. His presence was just making me pissed off. "What's wrong?". My friend asked me as she looked over her shoulder. I was quite sure that she heard me.

"Nothing. It just that Yoongi is here". I shrugged still frowning. She turned to him with a brow raised up as I mentioned his name just now. "He's looking at you". She whispered after pulling my ear closer to her face, so that she could whisper to me. "What. You gotta be kidding me. Why would he does that?". A deeper frown formed on my face. I turned around again and met his eyes. I glared at him and immediately walked out of the library. "I'll wait outside".

Few minutes passed then she came out. "Finish?". I asked just wanna confirm it. She was looking at the papers that she was holding as she nodded.

A half an hour after that, my friend from the next class came searching for me.

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romanceworm #1
rereading~it's an amazing sotry btw...
Wow nice begin for the storyy I loved it ^_^