Hallyuu Gakuen


“Hey, Jay.” Khun started, stepping out of his shoes and looking around for the rest of the AOMG crew.


“Hey, Khun. Come on in. You sounded kinda miserable on the phone so I sent the guys out for a while. You want something to drink? Or are you good?” A lot of people had the misguided impression that their former leader was an idiot (and to be fair, he sometimes was) but, he was much smarter than people gave him credit for and there were moments, like now, when his intuition was spot on. Khun was grateful for it as he followed Jay into the living room.


“I’m fine for now, thanks, Hyung.” He said, dropping onto the couch and stopping Jay from moving further into the kitchen. Jay nodded and threw himself into the seat next to Khun.


“Mm. So, what’s up? Girl problems?” Khun took a deep breath and tried not to vomit over his next words.


“I’m in love with Chansung.” It came out in a rush and he could feel his cheeks flaming as he waited for Jay to laugh at him. Jay blinked.


“Oh. That’s… What a surprise?” Khun baulked.


“You knew?” Jay shrugged looking rather uncomfortable and a little guilty.


“Dude, I don’t want to burst your bubble, but… I think Chansungie might be the only one who doesn’t know.” Nichkhun let out a groan, covering his face with his hands and trying not to choke to death on the mortification.


“Oh god, was I that obvious?” Jay shrugs again.


“Well… Yeah, kinda. But I wasn’t sure until that night we all snuck out to go to Hongdae. Remember when me, Taec and Channie ditched you guys to check out that club? The way you acted after was kinda… Like a crazy, jealous girlfriend when she finds out her boyfriend’s gone partying, you know? No offense.” But he’s rubbing the back of his neck and looking away from Khun and it stings his pride a little.


“I– I just–” Well… The thing is, he really was acting and feeling like a jealous, insecure girlfriend and he just can’t ever seem to help it around Chansung. Everyone always flutters around him because he seems sweet and polite, ‘like a prince’ they all say, and he knows that his face helps him get away with a lot, but…


“I know, but… Yeah. I think me and Taec have known since then.” Khun burries his face in a cushion and screams a little.


“Aahh!! Ugh… Thanks… For not– Saying anything.” He’s near-tears and mumbling and he wonders if Jay can even hear him.


“Well, it wasn’t our place. Plus, I wasn’t sure… If you were ready to deal with it yet.” He takes the time to breathe and calm down before speaking again.


“I… I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with it now, he’s–” And Nichkhun, for everything that is Hwang Chansung, is suddenly lost for the words to describe it.


“You can gush. If you want to. I mean, it’s kind of… Gooey? And cheesy and uncomfortable, but… I figure it falls under the Bro Code, so if you need to…” Nichkhun tries to nod around the lump in his throat and the weight in his stomach.


“I think I’d be too embarassed to.” Jaebeom looks unmistakeably relieved at that, shoulders sagging and whole body relaxing into the couch.


“Mm, well, I’m here.” Said with an awkward pat to Nichkhun’s shoulder and an intrusive silence, following a clearing of the throat.


“Sorry. I know this was… Weird. I just needed to– Do something. Y'know? Sorry, Hyung. And thanks for everything.”


“Nah, Man, it’s cool. We’re… Practically family. You guys were all I had after I came to Korea. You made it bearable.”


“Yeah. Me, too. This whole thing… 2PM… It’s crazy. I never had a dream before, I never thought…” He never thought he’d be in Korea, he never thought he’d become a singer…


“And now we’re here.” Jay says companionably, thinking back on that first excruciatingly painful year and the temporary relief of 2PM/2AM and all the madness that was last year: having everything ripped out of his hands and figuring himself out and finally, finally, being able to decide his own future and chase his own dreams. It was a long road, ripe with madness, but he’s starting to feel grateful for it now and Nichkhun can see that on his face. Nichkhun’s never been that sure about anything in his entire life. Except…


“Yeah. And I’m probably going to screw it all up with my feelings for Chansung. , Jay, what do I do?” He loves the little family they’ve managed to build for themselves here, and if he could only be satisfied with that… If he could just stop wanting more, more than he has any right to want, than nothing would have to change. They could all just stay like this and be happy. He sinks back against the couch and stares helplessly at the ceiling. Jay stands up.


“Drink time?” Khun has never appreciated his Hyung more than he does in this moment.


“Yyyeeeees. Please.” And they drink until Khun blacks out.

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Hey, Peeps! So, this story is pretty old, but I wrote it as a teen and now that I'm a little older I've found that I'm not comfy with the ages. I'll be changing them now, thanks~


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Chapter 22: Afew more days and I can read the ty chapter ;-)
Chapter 21: So cute and dumb you are khun
Chapter 17: I forgot how cute and short this story is but I really can't stop reading
Chapter 14: Can't stop laughing at taec and honestly taeckhun's friendship is so cute
Chapter 9: Lovely soohyun trying to help khunnie
Rereading but very slowly to get to the last chapter after the break I'm taking away from lol
Chapter 26: ended so soon T.T thank you for this lovely story, hope to see mpre 2pm couples from you :)
Chapter 25: awww innocent and blunt channie made it so good, that was amazing ;)
Chapter 24: omg khun oppa is so cute from channie especially when he‘s long hair ^^ and that ert junho ruining him lol
Chapter 23: khun is really an idiot, why so worried and not being happy after you got the one you love?!