::: Chapter 7 :::

My Boyfriend is a Vampire?

(Oh well, to day I'm so so so NOT lucky!! At the afternoon, I was in the middle typing this chapter and... my laptop suddenly turn off by it self! aargh! I really hate it! So I have to write it all from the beginning TT^TT well, fortunately i can update it, happy reading!)



*DooJoon's POV*

"Yo." JunHyung open the mansion's main door before I could open it.


"Why are you running?"

"How did you- uh yes, you're ability..." (JunHyung abilty is, he can see from a distance. Even from the other side of the world!)


"I'm not ready now to face her."

"Man.. You already wait at the intersection for about thirty minutes and this is all that you got?! Nothing!"


"Hyung, I'm talking seriously to you!" he crosses his arms, "Just make sure you do it before it's to late." he says. "Let's go, breakfast is ready." (For them, night is morning, morning is night, right? So for them, dinner is breakfast, keke~ confuse?). I walk to the dining room and find all of the boys already sit there.

"Hyung! You must face her!" DongWoon says to me.

"Yup!" HyunSeung nods his head, means he is agree of what DongWoon said.

"Gomawo guys for supporting me," I say to them and look to the plate; a rare beef for today's breakfast.


(Can you see the blood? Keke~)


"Anyway, today GiKwangl"

"YA! DON'T SAY IT!" suddenly GiKwang shouts and make all of us looking at him.

"What? Tell me!"

"He nearly bite NaYoung..."

"BWOH?! *cough*" I choke on my food, shock of what JunHyung said to me.

"Omo, drink first, hyung!" YoSeob gives me a wine glass that filled with blood; type AB, which is my favourite type of blood. (Just for your information, they got the blood from hospital, I mean they brought it, keke~ they don't haunt to get their food nor blood).



"Gomawo, banana." I put the glass on the table and wipe the blood that left behind on my lips. "Kwang! What were you doing?"

"I don't know why.. At first I want to show her my tusk, but I can feel that her blood is sweet and I can't control myself!"

"Omo, Kwang.. You still want to your own human-friend? You still have to learn!"

"I know...," he says not energetically.

"Fortunately I have my ability and with quickly go to that place and stop him," JunHyung says and continues eating.

"So now she knew our secret?" YoSeob asks.

"Ne..," GiKwang nods slowly. "Mian~"

"It's okay, Kwang. I knew that overtime our secret will be revealed."

"Oh anyway, I already said to her not to said it to Mira first." JunHyung talks.

"Oh, ok.. Let's continue eating then."


~ * ~


*Mira's POV*

Oh God, I'm still curious about the guy who was standing at the intersection back then.. Was it really him? Beside the tall, I can also smell that aromatic scent. But if it was really him, why was he running away? I really miss you, oppa! Why were you running away?

"Excuse me...," someone knocks the door.

"Come in!" I say and turn my body to the door.

"Here's your food, Mira-ssi," the butler puts the tray that filled with milk, cookie and some fruits.

"Oh, gomawo.. You may go back now^^" he nods and goes out from my room, leaving me alone again. "How many times should I say to Umma that I can't eat this lot?" I shake my head and start to eating while surfing the internet, I'm opening youtube and search a video to watch. After awhile I find this video. (Don't worry, it's a music video, not a weird or rated video, keke~) This video really makes me remind of DooJoon oppa when he safe me from...

*Drop* a tear just drop into my cheek again.

"Omo, why am I crying?" I wipe my tear, but my eyes become teary and the tears can stop flowing while I am hearing this song. "DooJoon oppa, will you really left me forever? I can't live without you.. I need you, oppa. I'm so weak without you... Even though everyone said that I'm stong, but I'm so weak without you...," I keep crying that night, thinking about all the memories that already past away.


~ * ~



(Omo guys, guess what? I nearly cry while writing the last dialog.. It's so deep!! TT^TT Hopefully right now I'm single, or else, I'm pretty sure that I will cry also, thinking if my bf left me, lol! I'm single and I'm happy! *stress*  Well, I choose to learn first before have a bf. Love is number 2, but all the way that can my future bright is number 1! Keke~ Oh well, do you guys like this chapter? Please comment! I want to know what you guys think!^^)


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Chapter 25: Good job author-nim. Aww Dujun is sooooo sweet. Aww *melt*. Keke sorry YangYo oppa ><
@artemis623: Hope you enjoy it^^
I luv x10 this story
Oh and for a sequel u could have youngjoon's idk vampire sibling come and find that they killed their little brother or something...
@blacklover_1995: thanks for reading and the compliment! :D *hugs*
I just finished reading this story today, and it was awesome! :D
@lollipop13: OMG REALLY? XDD that was such a coincidence! hahaha~ and your title is good! i like it! gomawoyo~ :3
@JiaHui_MinHo yeah, she is survived^^
JiaHui_MinHo #8
apple survived rite???
@HoneySweetieBear :D<br />
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@kollfen hehe, gomawo^^ *bows 90 degrees*<br />
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@Arxhyhix thank you! :D let's see if i will make this kind of story again~^^