(YOONSEOK) When, Not If

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Title: When, Not If


Author: lost_now_found


Pairing: Hoseok & Yoongi (Yoonseok)


Rating: –


Warning(s): character death, angst


Description: Hoseok was stuck in the same hospital, in the same room, in the same bed, with the same machines, with the same doctors, with the same smell, with only Yoongi by his side, and Yoongi couldn't care less as long as he could be with Hoseok. They could've been in the goddamn trash bin for all he cared. All Yoongi had to know was that Hoseok was still alive and as well as a man with cancer could be.


Recommended by ISHIPMYUNGYEOL (:

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Aimz19 #1
Chapter 170: I cried until i slept on this one

Holy cow
Chapter 338: Will this have an update?^^
BaboBaegchi #3
Chapter 8: Urgh Number 8 is no lonnger a thing why did they deleteeee :(
bts_4life #4
I couldn't read any of them for some reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jangujung23 #5
Luvaju #6
Chapter 262: Does anyone know why 259 was deleted?
Peaceb #7
Chapter 69: The Story of Chapter 68 was deleted.
Chapter 58: I cried so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I couldnt read because the tears