
I hate you (love you)


 Kyungsoo ran as he saw Sehun at the hallway.He approached Sehun and see the boy sweat so much,'What happened.Are you alright?'.Kyungsoo touch Sehun's arm and Sehun moan a little.Kyungsoo taken back,and looks concern at Sehun. 'I..I'm fine'. Sehun said as he walked leaving Kyungsoo behind.

 'Stupid Kai'. Sehun straight to the toilet and locked himself in one of the room.He ped his pants and let down his boxer at once.A cockring around his shaft,his begging for a release and he can't wait any longer.

 'No touching yours before me,understand'.


 'Mhnn..' Sehun take out the cockring with heavy breath,he pump his in slow pace. 

 'I know you want it'.


 'Beg me,Sehun..'

 Sehun begin to fasten his pace when he feel his getting near.

 'Come on Sehun'.


 'It will be our little secret...'


 Sehun let out his seed on his hands and on the floor.He take a heavy breath slowly before quickly clean up the mess he done. 'It's all his damn fault'.He walked out from bathroom not forget to keep the cockring in his bag before anyone find it.


 All day,Sehun showed no interest in studies,he looked outside more than on the board. 'Sehun,are you sure you're fine?'. Kyungsoo sit in front of Sehun. 'Why're you ask?'.

 'Well,this morning you're sweat like crazy and now you can't even focus on study'. Kyungsoo said,chewing his gum. 'Really,thanks for your concern but no thanks'.Sehun looks outside,ignored ths boy in front of him. 'If you want to survive this school,you need to do your best'. Kyungsoo said,making a big balloon with his mouth before it's pop.

 'Yeah,I will'.Sehun said,shortly. 'You're a boring person'. Kyungsoo said a little bit annoying. 'Yeah.I am.And I thought you're one of the smart,bookworm,timid guy in school.' Sehun said and Kyungsoo look at him. 'What that suppose to mean.'

 'That was my first impression,but now you're more like one of the guys who 'rule' the school'. Kyungsoo chuckled. 'I am smart bookworm and I also 'rule' the school'.Kyungsoo said leisurely.

 'No wonder you're behave like that chewing gum,sit like a deliquent,your way of speaking.'. Sehun said. 'You got it right but wrong perception.I eat gum when I study or focus on something.Well,they said habit died hard'. Kyungsoo continued.'Not all what you think is right.They're severals possibilities'.

 'That's why,I don't like human'. Sehun said with soft voice.


 School ended,Sehun walked to the gate and meet with a familiar car parked in front of the gate.The window slide down and Chanyeol waves his hand and showed his wide grin.Sehun don't waste any time,jump into the car and soon,they departed. 'So,how's school'. Chanyeol begin the conversation.


 'Do you have any friends in school?'. Chanyeol asked again. 'No.'

 'Why.You should make friends so that you're whole year will be exciting.' Chanyeol starts nagging. 'Did Kai asked you to asked me or what.' Sehun begin.

 'Nope,I just want to know.We might be spend a lot of time together'. Chanyeol explain. 'Really,where's your boss.'

 'He's a workaholic.You know it very well.' Chanyeol said and Sehun couldn't agreed more.He always be with his job even when they have dinner he choose a place to have a meeting with his client.

 'He currently,consult a huge leader from Taiwan and Japan to invest in his 'little' bussiness.They're really picky'. Chanyeol said. 'What are you suppose to do.I mean in this organisation.' Sehun asked,carefully.

 'Me,as you can see,I'm a babysitter'. 

 'Tell me seriously.' Sehun pout and Chanyeol laugh. 'I just a backup person.It's mean,when there's a people who can't do their job.It's my time to shine.If not,I'll just lazing around at the club or Kai's house.' Chanyeol said.'That's mean you can do any job'.Sehun asked,again.

 'ohh..you're really catch up fast.Yes,I can do all the job except one tho.' Chanyeol said,as they turn to Kai's mansion. 'So here we are.' Chanyeol said.They go inside and Sehun going upstair to his room.It's a long day and Sehun want to rest for a bit before shower.He flop on the cosy bed,closed his eyes.Soon enough,dream consume him.




'You're being a bad boy again,Sehun'.



 Sehun open his eyes when his lower half feel cold.He suprised to see Kai above him,smirking. 'W..what are you doing.Get off of me.' Sehun struggle and push Kai hard but he don't move an inch.Kai pinned Sehun's arm down,his chest up and down rapidly.

 'I think you done something without my permission.' Kai said with lower voice. 'What.I don't know what are you talking about.' Sehun said.Kai's grip getting stronger and Sehun whince by the sudden force.

 'Really,let be help you remember.' Kai grip Sehun's and make Sehun jolt up.Kai Sehun's in slow pace,Sehun bite his mouth not to let moan comes out.

 'You touch it,don't you.You touch it before me.' Kai said leans near to Sehun's neck.His hot breath makes Sehun's hard. 'You're hard just from my voice,don't you.like a '. Kai said as he bite Sehun's flesh.Sehun can't hide his moan when Kai's play with his and leave a mark on his body.When he's about to come,something block his pleasure.Something that he wish don't want to see.

 'Kai,pull it out.' Sehun said as he feel the cockring on his shaft.Kai still him and that's makes him more hard. 'You're hard even I block it.You like pain,are you a masocist,hmm Sehun'.Kai said as hesit between Sehun legs.

 'B..bastard,.pull it..out..It's hurt.' Sehun said as he can't control his feeling.Tear trying to find it's way to escape.Kai shaked his head, 'That's not how you ask help,Sehun'.

 'Kai,..pull it..out..'. Sehun desperately said,he want to touch Kai but it's to far. 'M..master...pull it..ahh..' Sehun feel something weird below his stomach and the pleasure Kai give him is not enough...he needs more.

 'That's not the word,Sehun.' Kai said,playfully,now playing with his hole. Sehun now a crying mess,he can't think right and all he need is Kai.

 'Master...p..please..I need..you.' Sehun plead,his tears can't stop running,his face as red as tomato. 'Good boy,what do you want.' Kai asked, softly.

 'I..need you..mhnn..in me.Please, me hard.' Sehun said like a rabbit.Kai is more glad than to give what Sehun and him always want.He ped his pants and prepared Sehun for his big .


 'You'll like this,baby'.




That's all I can write.I'm not an expert in this kind of situation so it's might be .

But I'll do it because it's not complete with a little 'entertaiment.'

(Don't hate meh --'' )

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I'm sorry for late update..I accidentaly delete the next chapter T.T..and I need to rewrite it again...the full chapter...huhu..I'm sorry


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Arinka98 #1
Chapter 12: Waiting for your update ;)
880 streak #2
Are you still looking for a beta-reader?
Chapter 12: Huuuhuu i thought this ff is gone T^T but i was wrong! When i saw its upadated im very happy omg thank you authornim for start updating againn i really love ur storyy ~♡
emmaemma2510 #4
wow please update ! i really want to know what will happen next :)
MomoEXO #5
Sehun cutecutecute super cute! Please update author-nim!
Chapter 11: NoNoNOOO!!! WHAT HAPPEN?!?!?! Pls i dont want a bad thing happen to anyoneee.. huhuHUHU ;^;
Hedyeh #7
Chapter 11: Oh my god...what happened???
Please update it soooooon :`(
Looking forward to the next chapter ^^ thank youuy
Chapter 10: Oh My God!! thats was soo sekshi ;3 i love it, update soon author~~ ill be waiting.
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 10: I am admiring you, this is soooo hooottt and I bet sehun looks so y right now.....oh please continue....but what will be the relationship between kyungsoo and sehun? he won't hurt sehun, right?