
Dreams Do Come True...

"WHERE WERE YOU?! YOU HATE YOUR DAD DON'T YOU, YOU LITTLE BRAT!!", the sentence echoed in my mind nonstop as I quickly kneeled in front of my drunk father, bitting through every kick and punch he threw at me. I had just came back from getting ridiculous bottles of soju my father had rudely and harshly requested for. I knew that if I were to flinch or retaliate in any way, I might run the risk of getting killed. So I no choice, but to kneel and try my utmost best to protect my head from getting injured seriously. I pleaded for forgiveness repeatedly, even though I knew deep inside me, I have done nothing to deserve this treatment. But being the stubborn me, I still decided to hang on to my dreams that one day, someone special will rescue me from this hell. I still am not willing to give up on Mimi's advice of loving others and respecting them, while forgiving their sins. Having lived this way for 6 months, I was starting to get used to the routine. Not the pain, but what I was in for with no choice. 

- After 4 Years -

It has been 4 years since I came into this house, and although I was getting used to knowing that I would be abused from the time my father was awake till the time he falls asleep, I could never get over the trauma he had given me every single day, for the past 4 years. It was a miracle I wasn't dead, and I thanked god for this very fact. I had also been attending high school for 2 years now (another miracle I thanked god for) and I loved every single bit of school even though I was an outcast. Maybe it was because I felt that school was my safety zone from all the pain I suffered at home. Anyhow, I had no friends because everyone was disgusted by me. To put it precisely, they were yucked out by the injuries I had. Most of them looked down on me too, since I was an orphan, had no mother, and had an insane father who was extremely abusive. Nonetheless, I still continued dreaming and hoping that this will eventually come to an end. Even though my schoolmates disliked me, I was thankful for the fact that they didn't bother bullying me (but yes they still spread horrible rumours about me and still make fun of me right in my face). Surprisingly, I was alright with that. I thought I could still handle this much. 

"You'll be just fine Jae.", I reassured myself, forcing a smile onto my face, as I stared into the mirror after my meal, which was always held in the cubicle of our school toilet. I felt safe in there. Another hideout. I would turn 17 by christmas of this year, which meant that high school life is ending soon, and I would be embarking on a new journey in college. I will survive this no matter what it took. I believed strongly, that my dream will come true. It was just a matter of time and the amount of trust and faith I had in myself. "Persevere Jae. Don't give up just yet. Hwaiting!", I did a second round of reassurance and walked out of the toilet to class.

- Start of college -

Finally! It was COLLEGE! That meant no more school uniforms, which meant that I could cover up my bruises that never seemed to recover. It was definitely a new start, even though there was still business carried over from the previous years I had to deal with, hiding the pain as much as I could. Ignoring this fact, I walked into my first day, as confident and as positively as I could. One glaring difference college daunted upon me, was none other than the prescence of guys. "Who are you kidding.." I chuckled sheepishly at the thought of having some kind of relationship, which was quickly overshadowed when I remembered the nasty comments I received frequently in high school and that sickly reflection of my bare body I had to face every time I showered. My cheeks felt hot instantly, with a mixture of fear, embarrassment and if I was correct, anger. Well, it clearly wasn't the time to dwell upon this fact and offer myself some self-pity, so I quickly wrapped up whatever thought I had in my mind and focused on getting to my destination. 

The hall was filled with jostling freshmens and seniors. Everyone was clearly excited at orientation. Somehow I felt the urge to ensure I didn't make any eye contact with anyone, so I let my long wavy brown hair cover the sides of my face as much as possible while still maintaining my vision. Soon enough, we were put into groups and ready for self-introduction. I still maintained my sheepish posture and introduced myself shyly but still making sure that I was audible. I have not made any eye contact with anyone, so I really didn't know who was who. 

"Hello! I'm Kim Taehyung! Hehehe!!" a low but distinctly cheerful and animated voice caught my attention. I looked up unknowingly and our eyes met conincidentally. A wave of unfamiliar emotions shot through my entire body. It was unfamiliar but I liked it. He was so... good-looking... His dark brown eyes were exciting but gentle, his smile was strangely attractive, a rectangular toothy grin I had never encountered before. Needless to say, all his features fit so well, hair and all. I was taken aback for a moment when our gazes met, but quickly returned to my usual position, head facing the ground. My cheeks were flushed and hot, this time not with embarrassment or rage, but of excitement and nervousness. I couldn't exactly put a word down to describe what I was feeling. 

Orientation went ahead as it was, and I found myself trying to avoid Taehyung as much as possible. I'm not sure why, but my heart palpitated wildly whenever I sneaked a glimpse of him. It was new and it was definitely special.

School was going really well, even though I was still in pain everyday due to new beatings and lashings. I loved school more than anything in the world at that very moment in my life. No one noticed my differences and I felt safe about it. And of course, I finally got to eat in the canteen without feeling and being threatened by anyone. "Hey there! Can we sit here?", a familiar voice sounded out to me, sending jolts of nervousness down my gullet as I swallowed my mouthful of food and looked up. It was Taehyung. I looked up and fought against the glaring sunlight that poured down my face mercilessly. He must have noticed my expression and stood slightly closer, just enough to block out the stream of light, giving me a full view of his flawless and handsome, yet cheeky face. "Y-yea sure.", I was clearly surprised and speechless as my eyes followed his every action, causing him to chuckle playfully. "You're red Jae", he said teasingly yet gently, while his 2 other friends sat down, one beside me and the other next to him.


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yoonicorn00 #1
Chapter 9: This was amerzing!!!!!!
thimajaa #2
The beginning was very good so I hope you will update soon:)