What I Love About You

What I Love About you (Jun)

I love it when you sigh and laugh when you can’t think of the words to say, or the smiles you give in my direction when you try to contain a giggle. I love how your eyes light up when you see something you think is cute, like the dog we passed by on our way back to the dorm. I love it how you can speak near fluently when it comes to arguments. I love the sweet tone you use when you call your mom. I love it when you practice wushu, your skinny frame instantly becoming something that resembles power and ability. I love it how you do a little dance when you’re happy; I love it when you always play with the sand at the beach. I love the hums when you’re calm and content, the pout when you’re bored. I love the little “Ah”s you make when you’re surprised, the giggles you let out when everyone else is laughing so hard, they’re losing air. I love your constant smiling, the face you make when you’re concentrated, the moments when you daze off. I love the way you can switch from adorably happy to serious with just the cue of a dance move. I love the musical tone to your laugh. I love the way you wave with both hands, with that smile plastered on your lips. I love the big sweaters that you always wear, the ones that look like they could envelop you. I love the way your eyes flutter when you try to get used to the light in the mornings; the way your hair looks perfect even when you really don’t try. I love it when you turn towards me, the light in your piercing, yet soft eyes. I love the bounce in your step when you’re happy, the crinkles around your eyes when you laugh. I like they way that I can’t get you out of my head, the feeling in my stomach whenever I hear your voice or see you; I love how you’re the closest anyone can get to an angel. I love the way you still look perfect when you’re tired, and the puppy eyes you don’t realize you make when you see something you want.


But the thing I love most, is how you make me fall in love more and more with every passing day.

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