ㅤㅤ☇ SEMPITERNAL  —  an ask.fm based roleplay & open!


s e m p i t e r n a l

This is an ASK.FM based roleplay; probably the first one ever made. Eventhough it's an ask.fm based, the reservation and applying for the character is the same as aff based roleplay. Once accepted, you must create an acc of your face claim here in aff and set it to private. IT IS NOT NECESSARY to reply on the wallpost because most of the interactions are on ASK.FM.

       " I'm thrilled to try this new thing, I hope you guys are excited juast as I am. Waiting for your arrival! - SNE. "

I'm taking a risk of making this kind of thing and looking forward to make bonds that may not last long but wonderful enough to stay on our memories, together. Selecting Naeun as my face-claim and also a head admin for this took a very very much courage for me because, her character is not the trending one. After so much thinking, I think I will be at so much ease and comfortable in potraying Naeun as my character. I hope you guys give this roleplay's 'concept' a change as it has many twists and excitement! Thank you for your time reading, xoxo. -- Head Admin.

rules and guidelines

001. One account per head. 002. This is an ask.fm based roleplay so please make sure to FOLLOW EVERYONE. 003. NO bashing, biased interaction. 004. Love has no boundaries, love whoever you want. 005. No on the ask.fm thread. 006. It's also a MANDATORY to add all of the member in aff. 007. No password. 008. HAVE FUN!

how to join

comment down your reservation.

wait for admin approval.

Be kind & enjoy!









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droidkid #1
reserving rv's seulgi, please!
incheon #2
rv's irene please? thank you!