Shades of Gray & Red

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I see in shades of gray

You see things in shades of red

I feel the chill in the air

But build a fire I don't dare

I don't care if my skin turns blue

Maybe then... you'll finally get a clue

I'm not the girl you think I am

Quit treating me like a helpless lamb

I walk a thin line that shouldn't exist

But your world was just so hard to resist

I still see the world in shades of gray

But I now see it's people in shades of red

You're always the closest

Even when I'm at my lowest

Even when I can't bring myself to care

You're always there

No matter how loud the hype

Things aren't always black and white

There's a whole world in between

With so many things still left to be seen

I live in the shades of gray

It's where I return to at the end of the day

With shades of red on my lips

And dripping from my fingertips

Feel the chill in the air

But I don't care

If my skin turns blue

Would you finally get a clue

I look up at the sky and stare

As ice drops form in my hair

I once lived in the shades of gray

But I now live in your world colored by the shades of red

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I can't seem to get vampires out of my brain.


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