X - When I fell in love with her again

I Owe This Rain

Mark pulled the doorknob of the music room, wide enough for him to be able to see a pale girl sitting on a stool before the massive white polished piano in the center of the huge room. He stared at her for a while and she did not even inch a bit, she froze in her seat and the fan blown her little hairs, brushing against her forehead. It seemed like she was lost in her thoughts, as if she was in her own wonderland, but not similar to Alice’s, her world was a bit abstract and indefinable. Wendy was as curious as Alice, but she was very different in every way. She was mysterious. She found happiness in something people do not. She had her own taste and preferences. Sometimes she occasionally joked around, but sometime she would cry for days. If Mark had found a genie of his own, he would choose to use one of his wishes to have the ability to read people’s mind. That way, he could read whatever was in Wendy’s mind. That way, he would be able to understand her like how he understood himself.  But he knew, there was no sort of thing called genie. He would have to try to understand Wendy by himself. He remembered Murakami’s words, ‘if you can’t understand it without an explanation, then you can’t understand it with an explanation’.

He should keep that in mind.

“Wendy,” he called out for her, waking her up from her daydream. She turned her head towards him and gave him a small smile. Small, but it was enough to flutter his tiny heart. That was one of the reasons why Mark loved Wendy. Her big; wide smile shone brighter like the sun but every time she smiled, even though a slightest one, it was never not a sincere one. Even if everything was hard on her, she would try her best to give others want she could not get. She was so fragile, yet she was so considerate in many things. Mark could tell from her face that something was bothering her, but from her expression, it was not as serious as Mark thought it could be.

He always thought of the possibility of Wendy still longing for the guy before him, but Wendy promised him that she would always be with him, and those were nothing but her sad, painful past. Mark felt angry of himself sometimes, for doubting the love that Wendy was holding on to, their love. She was always honest in her words, so there was no room for him to feel anxious over the uncertainty.  Maybe he was just too self conscious, thus he felt that he was not good enough for the angel that gave her all to him.

Mark paced towards Wendy who turned her back on him again, her face facing the black and white keys. He rested his hands on her shoulders, giving her a small squeeze. He then leaned closer towards her, his chin on her shoulder. He breathed in, his nose touching the sensitive skin on her neck, inhaling the sweet rose scent. She smelled just like a real rose. There was no rose in the garden anymore though, only daisies. Maybe he should buy her a Daisy by Marc Jacobs to replace her Diptyque Eau Rose. Rose was his favorite scent, and now daisy should be his.

“What are you thinking of?” he whispered into her ear in a low, hush voice. He noticed the corners of raised slightly, lips forming into a smile.

“I was thinking to find a new job,” she explained. “But I don’t know where or what to make for a living.” She took Mark’s hand and pulled him to sit beside her. Sure, the stool was small, but Wendy had a petite frame, so it was not a problem for them. They felt their sides squeezed together but somehow it was nothing close to inconvenient, just warmth. Perhaps it was because of love. There was nothing more important in life than love. Love bound us to one another and to every good deed we do. It was love that keeps people healthy and positively focused. But love, like any other element of life, needs attention to stay strong. Love needs toleration.

Mark raised his eyebrow in a playful manner and chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about that too much, sweetheart.” He gave her a gentle push, not strong enough to make her fall off from the stool. “You just have to marry me and I’ll take care of everything,” he winked.

Wendy pushed him off the stool and laughed. “I’m serious, Mark.”

Mark suddenly took her hand and grasped it tightly, causing her to stand without her feet willing to do so, she almost fell but as he pulled her into a hug, her body was immediately rested against his. He lowered his head to match their eyes and smiled softly. “Well, I’m serious too you know.” But I know it’s too early for that, but still how I wish you would agree to be with me for the rest of my life. “Well, let’s see, what do you like to do? Don’t you like baking? Maybe you should try to work at a bakery or…open up your own!”

“Well, I’ve thought of that…but I don’t know I don’t think I want to do that,” she said as she exhaled a soundless sigh of confusion.

“Don’t think too much, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Take your time, there’s no need to rush. I’m sure you’ll know what you want to do or what you want to be.” He squeezed her arms tightly, assuring her everything was fine. He rested his chin on her head and inhaled the rose scent again. He did not know why, but he felt like that sweet scent did not belong to him. “Hey, Wendy…”

Wendy shifted her eyes from his chest to his eyes, and muttered a ‘yes’. “What is it?” Her eyes were sparkling again, even though the room was dark, with no light shining inside. Her dark brown eyes were like a galaxy to him, full with wonders. The galaxy in her eyes was different to the real galaxy out there, it was dark, and there was only a center, a bright white huge star (which was Wendy) and a small planet far from the center, dark and pitch black, completely blended into the background. He was the small planet. In her galaxy, there was like an attraction between the star and the planet, almost similar to a magnet. As he gradually came closer towards the center, he could feel the light from star shining on him too. The star brightened up his entire life, and he would not want to lose it.

“Can you stop wearing this fragrance you have on right now?” he said bluntly. What on earth was I thinking? He cursed himself, for he was such a childish adult man sometimes.

Wendy lifted both of her eyebrows, her eyes popped out and her face lit up with a question mark. “Well, anything for you but…why?” She frowned, her forehead wrinkled that the ends of her eyebrows almost touched. “You don’t like the smell? Is it awful?”

“No, you smell sweet, darling. It’s because…Because it reminds me of him, and I don’t like it.” Yes, he said that again bluntly. He felt his cheeks blushed in red when Wendy smiled mischievously at him.

“Oh… I’ve never thought a guy like you would be jealous over small things,” she chuckled. She could see the hint of jealousy in his eyes. It was so obvious that no one could unseen them. He squinted at her through hardened eyes that once had been her salvation, but now they brought only the unfounded dissatisfactions of a jealous lover. Every muscle in his face was tense and without a word he communicated intense jealousy. “But you should know that he never bought this fragrance for me. I bought them by myself, so it should be no problem, right?”

“I know that, but…he used to inhale the same sweet scent, and I don’t like the idea of sharing,” he muttered, as his lower lip formed a long pout. Yes, the idea of sharing was not pleasant to him at all. He did not like to know that the trace of their love was there to haunt him the whole remaining years. But he was not that possessive to ask her to sell the house that she loved anyways. He did not mind to sleep in the bed they used to share too. All he wanted was Wendy, to be his. This was a small request from him, so it would make him feel better if Wendy agree for some change.

“Geez, fine, I’ll change it from now on, not because I don’t like this scent on me, but because I love you, okay?” Wendy pinched his cheeks, forcing him to smile again. “Okay.”



They sat across one another on that big round table, eating on the savory dinner Wendy had cooked for them. Their dinner was nothing close to simplicity that night, and it was as if they were celebrating someone’s birthday, or a success of one in getting a promotion. They sat before a feast! It was an amount of food that on any other day would be expected to last several more. Three homemade large pizza piled high with toppings (one of the toppings were pepperoni and cheese, Mark’s favorite), a bowl of macaroni and cheese, and  a large jug of fresh orange juice.

Mark wanted to ask why she had made such enormous amount of food, but he kept it to him when he saw the wide smile on her face. She looked very happy, and he did not want to ruin that. Before she was even done cooking, Mark could hear her humming to songs in a cheerful mood. Maybe she had actually accomplished something she wanted or she hoped for, maybe that was why she was such in a good mood. Or maybe there was no reason at all. Maybe she just felt a little bit better than any other days.

Even on their dining table, Wendy occasionally met her eyes with his and when their eyes locked together, she gave him a small smile.

“I don’t think we can finish this babe,” he said worriedly. The food was enough for around ten people, there was no way the two of them could finish them . Mark was good at eating, but still he could only finish a whole pizza and a bowl of macaroni and cheese. Wendy was nowhere close to a big eater, (though she said she used to) and she did not really favor eating unhealthy foods.

She giggled and smiled. “It’s alright. You can take them home and reheat it for your breakfast tomorrow.” Take them home? He can’t stay tonight? Usually, if he stayed until dinner, Wendy would plead him to stay with her and they would tug themselves together in the same bed. But something was off that night. Instead of asking him to stay, she indirectly asked him to leave. Before Mark could even wandered in his head, finding for the suitable inference, Wendy’s voice echoed into his ears.

“I have a favor to ask you,” she mumbled softly. Her eyes were bright as usual, and there was no hint of guilty or anxiety. He nodded to her, asking her to proceed on whatever she was going to ask him to do for her. Little did he know that the favor she was going to ask him could make him restless the whole night. If he knew what Wendy was going to ask him, he would already say no. “Don’t come and see me tomorrow, not until 9:00pm. At 9, please come to the café down the street. The one we first met,” she said seriously. What was the reason for all these enormous amount of delicious foods and this sudden favor he needed to fulfill? “And…don’t be late.”



Mark dragged his feet to his bedroom, and his heart was in his throat that he almost threw up. He could not help but to keep thinking on the reasons why Wendy had decided to cook a scrumptious dinner yet asking him to leave afterwards. Was there something that he missed? Could it be Wendy’s birthday? Nope, that was not it. He was sure that he looked at her identification card carefully when he sneaked in her bedroom just to rummage through her purse. Her birthday was definitely on the 21st of February. He could not be wrong, unless if his eyes played a trick on him. And what was with the favor? Why did she tell him to meet her at the same, exact café like they did months ago?

Knowing Wendy, he knew Wendy would not abruptly end their relationship. That was not anything close to Wendy’s demeanor. She would not do that. She loved him. He knew she loved him. There was no need to doubt the feeling they had for each other. If Wendy had lied about the love she had for him, he could be able to see the lie. What was Wendy planning? What if it would be something he never expected? What if he would not be prepared for it? What if the fate would turn its back against him? The ‘what ifs’ that lingered in his mind bothered him so much he felt dizzy.  Was he paranoid for no reason?

He let out a sigh and crashed the huge bed before him. Somehow, he could not find any solace from his bed, not like he used to feel so comfortable in his bed, forgetting about the world and the problems around him. Come on, Mark. Maybe she’s just too busy with something tomorrow, don’t think too much. You’re better than this, idiot.

Mark turned off the nightstand and slipped into the soft comforter. He did not feel like taking a bath that night. He would love to take a hot bath but his heater broke so he could only shower himself with cold water for the time being. Cold water against his skin at night would not be a good idea. He stared at the ceiling for a long time, thinking about the future events and before he knew it, he had fallen into a deep sleep.



Mark staggered along the empty road with his hands in his pocket. Ironically, he wore the same red sweater he had on the first time he went to the café. He did not know why, but he felt just right when he put it on him, and it somehow radiated warmth into his veins. The night was dark, it was fifteen minutes to nine, and he purposely walked there a bit earlier, so that he would not be late. It was cold as well, except that it was not raining that night. Instead, it was snowing and one could freeze if out too long in that night. He would not want Wendy to be disappointed with him, so he chose to be quick. He glanced at his outfit, red sweater and a pair of rugged jeans with a brown boots. He silently prayed that Wendy did not forget to tell him to put on a more appropriate outfit.

He arrived at the café, five minutes earlier as he planned. The door was right in front of him, but he chose to wait until the clock nine. Just 30 seconds before nine (according to his watch on his wrist), he pushed the door and walked in. There were a lot of people there enjoying the food and the liquor, some had strong beers with them while some had cocktails. The crowd was huge, but they were oddly quiet that night. Mark raised his eyebrow in confusion, wondering why the people were not talking between themselves and instead, they had their eyes glued on the stage.

Mark felt confused. He really did. But it was not long.

As he had his eyes set on the stage, he found himself glued in his position. A girl, whom he knew so well, was standing on the stage smiling at him. She was giving her best smile. She was in a white dress, long until her toes. The dress was quite simple, but it looked good on her. She was absolutely beautiful. She looked like a real angel with invisible wings attached at her back. Mark saw her lips moved slightly, mouthing a silent ‘thank you’. He was not sure what was the thank you for, but he put that aside as he was mesmerized by her beauty and grace.

He watched her carefully sat, afraid that she would trip because of her long dress, with a guitar in her hand. Now he knew why Wendy cooked so much for him. Now he knew why she told him to come to the café. It was because she knew what she wanted to be. She wanted to be a singer. She always did. She quitted once and now she became one again because of him. He was the reason she felt alive again. This was a surprise for him. When she plucked the guitar, his world went silent, only the sound of the guitar and her voice engulfed him. 

When I saw you waiting at your place,
Something felt familiar in your face,
Oh, you smiled as if to say,
I knew my heart was yours from the first day.

We were right,
We stood through it all,
Holding tight,
Whenever we fall,
What we found is second to none,
I knew, I knew, I knew this would be love.
I knew, I knew, I knew this would be love.

There were days when I thought I'd lost you,
I read the letter aloud, what could I do?
Now, we're right back where we belong,
Don't second guess your heart, it's never wrong.

I knew, I knew, I knew this would be love.
I knew, I knew, I knew this would be love.

She was singing. And this time it was for him.

This song was about them.

And it was not a sad one.



The crowds applauded for Wendy’s breathtaking performance. It was indeed beautiful. That night, she sang wholeheartedly, and her sparks were lighted up. “Thank you,” she exclaimed and smiled at the cheering crowd. As she walked down the stairs of the stage, she felt a presence before her. Mark stood before her in his favorite red sweater, and he was grinning from ear to ear. Wendy jumped onto him for a tight hug and she could feel his strong arms wrapped around her tiny waist. His face was so close to her neck that she could feel his hot breath against her bare skin. “I love you, Wendy.”

“I love you too, Mark,” she smiled, and her tears fell down her cheeks unknowingly. “I love you so much.” Mark wiped her tears and leaned closer to give her a peck on the lips.

Wendy giggled before whispering into his ear. “Can you walk me home?”

“Of course, but…what do I get in return?” he teased, winking at her playfully.



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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 10: Markdy is so sweet. Omg, the feels~~
Wandaforever00 #2
Chapter 10: The FEELS! It's my first time reading a markdy fanfic though. But even so, this story is like taking me in another place. Good thing I read it. Though I'm actually rooting for wenga hahahha.
cassiemarie #3
Chapter 10: I love it! Thank you soooo much for creating this story!
7380ssiw #4
Chapter 10: Ahhhhh.... the song that Wendy shared on their official Instagram on Valentine. Nice one, dear author. :')
Chapter 10: Awww I love the last chapter so much! <3 I think the line that struck me the most was "love needs toleration". It made things more vivid(?). I'm so glad this is a happy ending btw hahaha can't wait for your next fic (;
sone41 #6
Chapter 10: This is such a great story. U did it well! *standing applause*
ayychan #7
Chapter 10: Lol... after giving fluff and angst feel. Why in the end, the wild thing xD,, please make the sequel for this kkkkkk...
Thank you for this beautiful story, happy birthday ^^~
Chapter 10: I love it. Happy birthday. ^^
Chapter 9: sweetie you always amaze me (and i always will). the fluffiness was beyond words- i'm already dying here oh god i was giggling through the whole chapter. markdy is love!<3 though i'm sad it's ending :-(
Chapter 8: Just in case you're hearing something that sounds like a dying whale, that's me.