Go MiNam and More Chaos

The Rhythm To Their Music

TaeKyung stared down the shaking boy seated in front of him. "This is supposed to join A.N. Jell?" He scoffed to himself "How to find out if he really can sing as well as we have heard..." TaeKyung wasn't quite sure what he said, but whatever it was certainly had its desired effect. Go MiNyu or whatever his name was shrank farther into the seat.  Smirking, TaeKyung grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the studio where the other members were waiting. Jeremy was shocked by his leaders action, but he did his best to mask it while MiNam backed into ShinWoo. Something seemed... off about this guy, but he couldn't place it.  Go MiNyu was terrified that she had run into one of her brothers new band members, and in her panic, she backed into Jeremy as well. Instead of trying to  reassure him, he accidentally said the first thing that came to mind "Isn't he a little short?" MiNam stood shaking in the middle of A.N. Jell, avoiding their eyes.  Jeremy wasn't sure what was odd about him, but he was definitely different. Manager Ma and a few others pounded on the door, demanding to be let in. TaeKyung made his signature smirk and demanded that GoMiNam sing before he was signed, or was let out. There was a huge stall. Jeremy and ShinWoo both encouraged him to sing, but he paniced silently. Finally, just as TaeKyung was about to rip up the contract, Go MiNam sang. It was more amazing than he had heard. The astounded looks on both of his band mates expressed the same. Just as he finished his song, the janator unlocked the door, and Manager Ma and the President burst in. Jeremy didn't know what to say. Neither did TaeKyung, so he slouched out of the room. Manager Ma and the President congratulated him on his singing. ShinWoo and Jeremy both mumbled something to MiNam and followed their main vocalist out of the studio.  MiNam breathed a sigh of relief and followed Manager Ma outside.


Well. That was something. I am still deciding how many chapters I will have per episode. It might flutuate. Ok, the dangerous question now: how am I doing so far? Kamsamida! *bows*

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K, real talk for a second. No one is giving me feedback. 210 veiws and no comments. Wow. This is the reason that I havent updated.


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Fiona1233 #1
Chapter 4: I love this drama and this story I can't wait what happens next