Alternate Ending : Timeline

Of Peaches and Blues (COMPLETED)

"Can you see something? Anything?" the ophthalmologist said as she unrolled the layers of bandage on Jimin's closed eyes. 

It was pitch black. Nothing. Honestly, Jimin's heart sank.

"N-no." He replied. "No, doctor. I still can't see." 

"Blink a couple times and let your eyes adjust."

The room was not totally dark, but the window folds were closed with only Jimin's night lamp on. Too much light might interfere with Jimin's sensitive eyes. The nurses and the doctors were holding their breath, Taehyung included.

"Nothing. There's still nothing." Jimin sighed. 

Shoulders deflate. 

"Well, there might be complications and the chance of success is pretty low for this kind of surgery." She said as she rubbed her temples, disappointed. She wasn't exactly disappointed in herself because she knew she did her best. She was disappointed because Jimin wanted this. Park Jimin wanted to witness the world so badly and his wish couldn't come true.

"W-wait, I'm seeing something." Jimin held his hands infront of him, longing for something. "There's a light" He pointed his fingers towards the dimmed night lamp. 

"Oh lord." Taehyung's grin spread through his face, ear to ear. The young doctor opened the blinds of Jimin's room slightly to expose the latter to more light. He sat in front of Jimin. "Dude, I'm right here. Can you see me?" 

"I-I can see you. I can see you!" Jimin smiled a smile so sincere it could stop rain storms and bring rainbows. "But you're kinda blurry. I can barely make out your silhouette."

"It's still something, Chim! You can see! Oh my gosh, you can see!" Taehyung hugged Jimin so tight the latter coughed a little. The opthalmologist tapped Taehyung's shoulder, encouraging the latter to stand back and give the patient some space. 

Jimin's eyes started tearing. All he could see back then was blobs of colors, but still, it was pretty damn amazing. He wobbled towards his window as he peeked outside, witnessing the sky at dusk. 

The gradation of colors touched him. 

The sky was dominated with red. The bright passionate red, combined with oranges, yellows, dark blues and purples. 

He felt numb. Park Jimin, despite being blind since the day he was born and being able to regain his sight, felt numb. His eyes started to glisten from the tears. blurring his already blurry sight even more. He recalled the time when Yoongi described what colors were like to him months ago on the rooftop. 

'Red is the color of pain, blood, and suffering.' Yet what Jimin saw was the complete opposite. It was a color of pure boldness. A color of desire.

And boy did he desire to see Yoongi.

"There's somewhere I really want to be." Jimin said as he wiped the droplets of tears from his eyes. 




The room was as void, as dark and as lonely as what he imagined it to be. There was a lonely lump on the bed and a bundle of fresh blue flowers he assumed as forget-me-nots. 

"Hyung," Jimin called as he approached the bed. 

Yoongi, or who he assumed to be Yoongi, was lying on the bed, void of any movement. 

As he laid his eyes on Yoongi's frail body, he wished that Taehyung had brought him to the wrong room. Instead, Taehyung took a deep breath and left the both of them alone. 

Multiple tubes was inserted in Yoongi's nose, mouth and a couple with needles attached to them in his veins. He was wearing a beanie, covering his head. 

"Hey hyung," Jimin said as he took a seat beside Yoongi's bed. "As you can see, I can finally see. I can look at you. You look quite dashing." The younger joked as he Yoongi's hand. 

The elder's complexion was as pale as snow, his lips cyanotic. Yoongi's eyes was shut closed but Jimin could somehow imagine them when they're open. Beautiful brown orbs, filled with wisdom, warmth and love. 

Jimin flinched when his fingers touched Yoongi. He was ice cold. And that there's no way that Taehyung brought him to the wrong room. Jimin could never forget the feeling of Yoongi's skin against his, no matter the temperature.

Jimin stood up and turned the thermostat up. "You need to keep yourself warm, hyung." 

"I bet you must've been bored. I know what it feels to be kept in a room with nothing to do, unable to do anything." Jimin grabbed a book from Yoongi's bedside. "Do you want me to read you something, hyung?" Jimin grabbed his favorite, Of Peaches and Blues. 

He opened the thick cover of the book and was greeted by rows and rows of blurry characters. He squinted, moved the book away and closer from him, and things didn't get any better. Once his vision was cleared, he laughed. "Silly me. I don't know how to read." Jimin's chuckle was dark and heavy, reflecting what he felt at that time. 

"I have an idea. Wait here." Jimin gestured at Yoongi as if the latter was perfectly able of running away. 

Jimin scanned the corridors he was so familiar with, except it all felt foreign to him. 

He used to only be able to hear people walking around. Then, he could actually, literally see them. The different faces of people, their expressions, gestures, stature, clothes, everything. 

He got to his room as he slid the door open. His room was as neat as ever. The curtains was raised and the doctors had left. He grabbed the book on his table and jogged back towards Yoongi's room. 

Jimin made it back safely, though he was slightly panting due to the running. 

"I have your book in braille. I can still read it to you." The young male said as he waved the book merrily. "Ok let's start."

Jimin closed his eyes as he start to run his fingers through the paper's embossed surface, recognizing letters, words, and sentences. 

He could see but he can't read. Yoongi was there but he wasn't at the same time. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle darkly at how ironic the whole situation was. 

His life has always been so boring. So lonely. So colorles. 

Void of any emotion, void of any feeling.

And there came Min Yoongi, bringing everything he has always wanted to experience but couldn't. 

And when everything was supposed to go into place, life played a sick joke on the both of them and took everything they had away from them.

"I-I know you told me to read you another book." The younger stuttered from his pathetic attempt on stopping himself from crying. "But I don't really have a large amount of books to choose from anyway. Besides, this one is my favorite and will forever be my favorite." 

"A long time ago, there was once a fruitful peach tree, standing proudly on top of a lonely hill. Her leaves were the deepest color of green. Her branches bear the sweetest of peach. Out of all of the peaches, there was one peach who hung higher than the other. This peach was the closest to the sky. To its friend, Blue." 

Jimin was reading Yoongi's book to Yoongi, and he was so focused that he didn't realize a presence in front of the door, standing right there.

"Jimin, is that you?" Seokjin asked as he walked further towards the younger.

Jimin turned his head around. He recognized the voice, but not the face. Kim Seokjin was one of the most beautiful person he has ever seen.

"Jin hyung?" Jimin asked as he stood up.

"What are you doing here? Have you had your dinner?" The elder asked.

"I'm just visiting. I see that you're bringing something." Jimin said, emphasizing on the word 'see'. 

"Yeah I brought dinner for myself. I didn't think that you would be here." Jin said as he walked towards the table as he placed his bag of dinner. "You can have this. I'll grab a sandwich on the coffee shop downstairs."  

"No, hyung. It's okay. I'm planning to leave." Jimin stood up. He moved the chair back to it's place. "By the way, your hair is tousled." Jimin said again, dropping another hint. 

"Really?" Seokjin walked towards the nearest mirror to fix his hair before everything clicked. "Jimin?" 

"Yes, hyung?" 

"How did you know that my hair is tousled?"

"I can see that, of course."

It was right then that Seokjin saw the fainted bruise around Jimin's eyes, a remnant from his operation.

"Oh my god. You can see? You really can see?" The elder walked towards the startled youngster. Jimin didn't expect Seokjin to be that excited. "How many fingers am I pointing out?" Seokjin asked as he placed three fingers up, right in front of Jimin's face.

"Three, hyung." Jimin replied calmly as he chulckled. Seokjin's reaction was beyond adorable. 

"Oh my gosh Jimin! I'm so happy for you!" Seokjin grabbed the younger into a super bear hug. Jimin was starting to have some troubles breathing. "I have to tell the kids. I have to tell them!" Seokjin said as he scattered towards his coat to grab his phone. Just before going out of the door, Seokjin walked towards Yoongi. "Yoongs, Jimin can see now. The both of you can finally see each other. Hurry and wake up, yeah?" The eldest rubbed his thumb against Yoongi's cold hands. "I'll be right back, Jimin. Take care of Yoongi for a while."

Jimin nodded with a smile as Seokjin hurried out of the door with his phone on his ear. 

The room was silent. 

"Jin hyung has always been so positive, isn't he, hyung?" the younger said as he sat on the elder's bed side. Jimin sighed. He slouched as he took Yoongi's hand, placing them closer towards his cheeks "Everyone is patiently waiting for you. I'm finally here. Can you wake up? Please?" Jimin said, his voice as faint as the softest whisper.

He was about to continue reading the book when he heard something vibrate. It was Yoongi's phone on the desk. Jimin walked towards it. Seokjin's picture was on the display. He unknowingly pressed the green symbol and held the device closer to his ears.


"Jimin! I knew you would pick up. I didn't know your phone number so I called Yoongi's knowing that you're there."

"Ah, I see. What is it, hyung?"

"The kids are all downstairs in the cafe, drinking some coffee. They would love to see you."

"Really? Who?"

"Jungkook, Hoseok, Namjoon. Taehyung can't be here, he's on duty."

"Ok. I'll be there in a minute." 

He hung up and took a deep breath. Meeting them was no big deal. A part of him wanted to see his friends too, but Jungkook will be there and his last meeting with him was not the most pleasant. 

"I'll go down for a while hyung. I won't be long." Jimin bid his farewell as he walked towards the door. 

The smallest things brought joy to him. He no longer had to ask strangers to press the button of the elevator for him. There's no need in swinging stupid sticks all over the place to know that he won't stumble. Everything felt so foreign yet so familiar. 

Jimin stepped out of the elevator and he was greeted by the bitter sweet smell of coffee which reminded him so much of a certain someone. It was pretty crowded but the sight of Seokjin blurred everyone else. He was that beautiful. 

Jimin nervously walked towards the table. Everyone was grinning. He couldn't tell which one is who before they speak.

A man stood up. He was wearing tattered jeans, white t-shirt a black cardigan. His look was completed with a bright red pair of converse highs. "Can you really see us, Jimin?" 

This is Namjoon. "Yes I can see you, Namjoon hyung." Jimin said with a huge smile. 

Without warning, someone wrapped his arms around Jimin's body. His hair was shiny, to say the least, lips widened into one of the most cheerful smiles Jimin could ever imagine. "I'm so happy for you!" 

Jung Hoseok. He could immediately recognize Hoseok's cheery voice. 

One person didn't move. He continued stirring his cup of coffee, without even giving Jimin a glance. 

Jimin knew in an instance that it was Jungkook. He was a sculpted perfection, to say the least. He knew that Jungkook was tall in stature, even when he was sitting. The man was wearing a black button up shirt with his sleeves rolled, showing his muscular arms. 

Jungkook's eye lashes casted a shadow underneath. His lips was pink and his nose was pointy. His brown hair matched his complexion very well. Jungkook looks ethereal. 

"Congratulations, Park Jimin." Jungkook said, eyes never leaving the steaming cup of coffee. 

"Thankyou." Was the only reply he could get out of his mouth. 

"So we were talking about Yoongi." Seokjin started. Everyone was back at their seats. Their expression switched back, except for Jungkook. The light in Hoseok's face dimmed. The smile on Namjoons face nonexistent. 

"What about him?"

"It's been a month since Yoongi was declared brain dead. We're discussing on turning off his life support." 

"You can't do that." Jimin spat in an instance. Out of everyone he knew, it was Seokjin who said those words. It was Seokjin who started giving that idea, planting it in their minds. "No. There's no way."

"We contacted Yoongi's parents. They agreed. Jungkook has signed the permission letter too. Jimin, this is the only thing we can do." 

"Why don't you give him a chance? Jungkook? Tell him! How could you let him do this to your brother?" 

Jungkook finally looked at Jimin in the eyes. His light brown eyes was dull and his voice was way rougher than how Jimin used to imagine it to be. 

"It has been a month. We thought about it. This is for the best." 

Jimin was dumbfounded. Jungkook gave up on you, hyung. He gave up.

"No. There's no way I'm letting this happen." Tears started welling up on Jimin's eyes, blurring his sight. "I'm not letting this happen."

"Jimin, we have family consent. That's all we need." Seokjin continued. "Besides, we found this in Yoongi's wallet." 

It was a small metallic card. "DNR. MIN YOONGI, 9 MARCH 1993" 

"What is this?" Jimin examined the card, flipping it, squinting his eyes, trying to decipher the letters on it. 

"It's a 'do not resuscitate' card." The look Seokjin saw on Jimin was that of a confused kid. "It means, if his heart stopped, this card will let the medics know not to perform a CPR. He wants to die, Jimin."

"There's no way. He was so positive. I'm sure he wanted to live his life I'm sure of it. How could you guys so easily gave up on him? Jungkook? How could you?"

That was the moment when Jungkook snapped. He stood up, walked towards Jimin and pulled his collar roughly. 

"Listen. You've known him for months whereas I've known him since I remembered. Don't act like this is the toughest on you when there's people out there, who knew him more than you do, who cared about him as much as you do, being forced to make a decision that they know would haunt them for the rest of their life!" Jungkook lets go and Jimin stumbled back. "I would die for him if I could. Don't you dare say that this is an easy decision to make. You are not his family. You have no say in this matter."

Everyone held their silence. Jimin's was a sobbing mess.

Seokjin stood up and held Jimin by the shoulders. "This is the best for Yoongi. He doesn't have to feel pain anymore."

"When will it be?"




It felt like a dream. Everyone was stoic, everyone was silent. Jimin had no energy left to sob. His tears ran dry. 

Ironically, they called a priest to pray for Yoongi. Probably an attempt to redeem his sins, or a fabrication of forgiveness. 

"May the Lord forgive his wrong doings as he forgives those who did him wrong." The priest prayed. Jimin chuckled in his head. Yoongi would probably curse the hell out of those who did him wrong. 

"Let his soul be in peace as he enters the gates of heaven" No, Yoongi would prever to wreck havoc instead. 

The priest was somehow annoying to Jimin. 

Jungkook was holding in his tears so bad that his hands was shaking. Seokjin had his eyes shut tightly. Hoseok was just standing there looking devastated and Namjoon kept taking deep breaths every now and then. Taehyung tried his best to look professional. 

Doctors clicked buttons on the machine and slowly pulled the tubes out of Yoongi. They detached his IV drips but left the heart monitor on. Jimin felt like punching the hell out of Taehyung when he turned off Yoongi's breathing support. They could see blood staining the tubes, a sign of infection. 

Jungkook lost it. He broke down beside Yoongi's bedside and sobbed like a little child. 

"I'm so sorry, hyung. I'm so sorry. I love you so much, hyung. I love you. I'm so sorry." He repeated those words as if it was a chant.

It was too late. Jimin knew it was too late and it brought him rage. Jungkook shouldn't agreed in the first place and now it's too late to turn back. There's nothing they could do. 

Amidst all the noise inside his head, he heard a flat line.

And all he could see was black. 





It's has been a year. A year since Yoongi left him. Jimin continued his parents' business. A brilliant young CEO with everything everyone ever wanted. 

Jungkook got casted into an entertainment company and with all the wealth bestowed upon him from Yoongi, he was living abundantly. 

Taehyung was still stuck inside the hospital, trying his best to finish his study. 

Namjoon and Seokjin was the same as usual. 

Hoseok found another bright mind. The publishing company was and still is, running very well. 

Everyone moved on but it was not the same. 

Jimin sighed as he leaned deeper onto his seat. Looking outside his office window, the sky was slowly turning into a shade of crimson he had always loved. He sighed and flopped himself down onto his desk.

A book dropped.

Jimin groaned as he rose to grab the fallen book.

It was Yoongi's book, printed in braille. The book was opened on the last page.

Jimin was about to shrug it off when he saw what appears to be a hand writing.

It was not supposed to be there. On a braille book, at least. 

He grabbed the book and opened the last page, putting on his glasses to focus even more.

It was a poem.


A Timeline.


You and I, against a rule,

set for us by time.


A marker drawn, to show our end,

etched to its line.


The briefest moment, shared with you - 

  The longest on my mind. 





That's it peeps! The final chapter of my fanfiction!!! FINALLY!!

i haven't updated in ages. First year of med school has passed and i somehow made it (idk how) 

Thankyou so much for those who have read my fanfiction! I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a comment! show  me what you think!

Thankyou guyss!!! thankyou for the support, the votes, the comments, the views, everything!

See you!!!!!!!

P.s: the poem was not mine. It was written by the author lang leav!



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Chapter 32: im glad you dont write , authornim ?
Chapter 25: honestly ive been searching for this kinda fic and im GLAD i found this story of yours! platonic relationship is good, rather than the too-fast romantic relationship progress. anyway, i do hope to read more of your works.

keep it up! and thank you for writing such a great story for us ?
Chapter 18: i gave up on life
Chapter 31: Just when I had high hopes that the alternate timeline might end on a happy note QAQ TAT UAU OAO QAQ YOU OWE ME BOXES OF TISSUES AND WE MIGHT NEED AN ARK SOON
navi_1004 #5
Chapter 22: oh my gawdd....i literally am crying reading this letter...
i was wishing and hoping for a happy ending for yoongi...but somewhere in my heart I had a feeling that it will be a sad ending....This is so touching...great work author-nim~
I've read this story twice already and my tears are still flowing like a stream! Aaahhh!!! My YoonMin feels are so attacked!!!
I subscribed this fic for ages but I didn't dare to read. I read only 3 parts of it and I stopped for ages becuz I was too emotional. Now I read it again and I'm sobbing like a baby :') such a wonderful fic ♡
meneth #8
Chapter 31: I really love this story, the rollercoaster of emotion the i feel every chapter. I love it so much that i sneak my phone in the office just to read this, and then cried in some of the chapters that some of my colleagues panicked. Hahahha. But really i love it so much. Thank you for a wonderful story.
I read this story back when I had my other account on AFF and I had been trying to look for this again and I've finally found it. This made my poor pathetic soul feel so many emotions and nothing at the same time. Your story is definitely one of my favorites!
Naznaz #10
I'm enjoying reading this fic ?