
Jihoon x Seungcheol

Jihoon rubbed his eyes and continued working on the new song for their album, he just couldn't get the notes right.. Something just wasn't right, and it pissed him off even more not knowing what was wrong! He looked in the corner of his screen looking at the time, 2 AM. It's still pretty early so he has enough time. He clicks on a beat and emmidiatly flip his mouse as he gets a fright from an obnoxiously loud leader storming in the room. He  looks at his all so mighty leader and groans, he had the beat set perfectly in the rigt spot and this guy comes along and ruins it. After a while he notices that he has been staring at Seungcheol right in the eyes glaring at him and blinks his eyes a vew times and puts his focu back on the song as he mumbles '' What do you want? ''.

Seungcheol raises his eyebrow at him and puts a hand on his hip, he walks over to Jihoon and bends over to get on his level to look at the screen '' you're still working on this? I thought you said it was done? '' he questions. Jihoon looks over at him in the corner of his eye and quickly back to the screen '' It doesn't sound right '' a Jihoon said those words he noticed how weak he sounds and how exhausted. He decides to continue working, regardless. His weak voice doesn't go unnoticed by Seungcheol and he leans on the back of Jihoon's chair with his arms '' I see... So,. When was the last time you slept? '' he asked in a serious tone.

Jihoon mumbles to himself hoping Seungcheol would just leave it alone and leave all together. '' Could you repeat that? '' he asks, '' i dunno, i think since sunday '' he mumbles back a bit louder. '' Jihoon. '' Seungcheol sais seriously and stands up and then twirls around Jihoon's chair forcing Jihoon to look at him and sais dead serious and with a slight of concern '' It's thursday. You're telling me you havn't slept for 4 days? '' he looks at Jihoon in disbelief. '' mhm.'' he mumbles back. Seungcheol thinks back and remembers Jihoon hasn't been to the dorm in 4 days either, how did he not notice this? Seungcheoll leans over and clicks on the save button on the screen '' what are you doing? '' Jihoon asked looking at the screen confused until he felt himself being scooped up from the chair.

'' What the hell?! put me down! '' Jihoon shouts softly, since he isn't able to talk loudly at the moment, but if he could he would be screeching at him. He tries to claw at him but he remember he cut his nails because of the annoying sound they made on a keyboard. He tries to wiggle his way to freedom, and soon enough realises he is in a deathlock. Seungcheol starts moving towards the door without talking and silently nudges the door open, he walks down the stairs and out of the buildng. the night breeze blows on jihoon's face, he hasn't really been outside in a while either. Jihoon intirely gives up on escaping, it isn't possible. Plus his eyes kind of hurt after looking at a screen for so long and quietly cringes rubbing his eyes.

Jihoon nuzzles into Seungcheols chest, it's so warm ans soft he could just fall asleep. It feels like when you lay in bed the whole day whilst drinking hot chocolate. Jihoon quickly notices he it falling asleep and shoots up awake and regains all conciousness. '' Jihoon, please go to sleep. You really need it. '' Seungcheol pleads and looks both ways for cars and swiftly crosses over. Jihoon ignored the pleades of his leader and looks around at the dark streets. Seungcheol sighs '' we are almost at the dorm. '' he smiles at Jihoon, Jihoon just pouts, the song could have been dne by now he thinks and crosses his arms. Seungcheol just chuckles at his pout and walks into a apartmentbuilding and walks up the stairs in dead silence. 

He sets Jihoon down and unlocks the door, dragging Jihoon inside and closes the door with his foot, the he drags Jihoon to their shared room and lays Jihoon on his bed, ''what are you doing...'' Jihoon whispers looking confused as Seungcheol cuddles up against him and pulls the covers over them. Soon enough Jihoon falls asleep in the hands of the sweetest leader ever.

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Chapter 1: This is so cute~