A Gift For You

Two's A Company

Jin was nervous, nervous as hell. He finally woke up to realise that all the members of AOA and BTS were in the living room downstairs, waiting for him to explain the little fight he had the previous night, with Choa witnessing everything that had happened. However, Choa was not downstairs, the idol was in her room, with the door locked.

"Hyung! Hyung! Come on, let's go!" Jungkook snapped his finger in front of Jin, with his left arm on his waist.

Jin tapped his foot nervously on the floor, and he sweated profusefly. He was too absorbed with his own thoughts that he didn't realise Jungkook was right in front of him.

"Argh, come on now!" Jungkook said, while grabbing Jin by his arms and lifting him up in annoyance.

He immediately softened when he saw the anxious expression on his hyung's face.

"Hey hyung, don't worry. Just be yourself and be honest okay? We'll all understand you" Jungkook smiled sweetly while playfully slapping his hyung's face.

"Hehe, yah Kookie ah! Stop!" Jin said as he grabbed Jungkook's hand and giggling.

Jungkook released Jin from his grasp and the latter went to their closet and picked out a plain white tank top, to match with the black shorts he slept in. He took a deep breath and left the room. It felt as if time had slowed down and the sound of his footsteps had amplified, and his heart beat faster everytime he went down one of the steps. Sweat trickled down his chin, falling and staining the wooden steps. As he came down, everyone's chatter had quitened, and they were waiting for him to show himself.

"YOU!" Jimin ran up to Jin and slapped him across his face, out of anger.

"Argh that stings," Jin thought to himself, frowning, but managed to turned his head to the brown haired girl, who was fuming mad at him.

AOA couldn't even react, they were frozen in their seats and all of their eyes widened. They were angry as they thought Jin had something to do with Choa's state, but they didn't think that their leader would actually slap him. Jimin was about to give Jin a piece of her mind until Yoongi quickly grabbed her into a back hug and pulled her into the kitchen, whispering soothing words into her ear, effectively soothing the short idol. BTS immediately ran up to Jin and bombarded him with questions, all of them sounding worried. Jin winced in pain as hands were snaking around his body, all of his dongsaengs trying to examine his wounds. But he kept his cool because he knew all of them worried - after all he did disappear for the entire night, he was lucky no one robbed him while he was asleep by the beach.

"Give Jin some space guys, he's in pain," Seolhyun spoke up.

BTS heard this and backed off, giving Jin some space to breath. After pausing for a minute, Jin finally knew what to say. Everyone looked at him in concern, but they patiently waited to hear his story.

"First of all, I'd like to ask, did Choa-noona say anything when she got home?"

AOA shook their heads and muttered to each other. Jin sighed.

"Okay, I know what you're thinking, I probably did something horrible to Choa and I did."

Everyone held their breath at this, waiting to hear his story.

Jin finally explained everything that had happened the previous night - how he went berserk, how Choa looked at him with utter fear in her eyes, and how she ran away from him without saying a word. AOA just stared in bewilderment while BTS shrugged at this, to the surprise of the former group.

"Really Jin? Again?" Namjoon questioned Jin, before sighing.

"O-Oppa, what do you mean again?" Chanmi asked, tilting her head cutely. Taehyung noticed this and turned around to giggle at the cuteness of his crush.

Jimin noticed this and spoke up " Yeah, Jin actually did this before. Before we debuted, him and Jungkook were taking a shortcut through an alley at night to get home after dance practice-"

"Erh, Jimin I don't think they need to hear this," Jin went up to him, embarrassed at what he was going to say next, but Jimin continued anyways.

"-Anyways, Jin and Jungkook were held up by these 4 gangsters who wanted to rob them, and Jin was fine until-"

"Yah! Jimin-ah stop!" Jin tried to cover his mouth but was held back by Hoseok.

"Jin was fine until one of them punched Jungkook, and Jin went completely mad. By the end of it, he was the only one standing and all of the gangsters were basically half-dead" Jimin finished.

Jin hung his head down, too embarrassed to even face s or Choa's, and all they could do was gasp in shock after hearing the story.

"A-Anyways, can you girls please tell me what can I do to get her to forgive me? I swear I couldn't stand it when the guys were attacking her, I just lost control," Jin begged while bowing to AOA.

The girls couldn't help but 'awww' at his words and they decided to help him out.

"Okay Jin, you'll have to get a number of items for Choa to forgive you. Are you ready to spend money?" Yuna asked cheekily, unable to contain the jester smile on her face.

Jin gulped "I-I'm ready."

"So what did Yuna-noona ask you to buy, hyung?" Jungkook asked Jin, who only groaned at his question.

The two idols were inside a taxi and were on their way to a popular mall near the villa to buy stuff for Choa. Jin took out a list that Yuna wrote, which had the items he had to buy for Choa. However, when he lay his eyes on the paper, his eyes widened and his jaws dropped.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jungkook asked in confusion

Follow your heart Jin. Use your feelings to help you find the perfect present for Choa-unnie!


"Oh my god..." Jin facepalmed when he saw the words on the paper.

Jungkook looked at the paper and laughed at Jin's reaction.

They had finally reached the mall after a few minutes and they paid the taxi driver. Jin and Jungkook entered the mall and were greeted with a cold blast of air from the air conditioning. They looked around in awe - the mall looked so much bigger on the inside! They walked around slowly, admiring everything. Jin walked towards a map which showed where all the stores were, and he found a shop which sold perfume.

"Hmm, Choa loves perfume. I wonder what I should get her," Jin muttered to himself as he walked off to the perfume store, with his dongsaeng following like a puppy.

He looked through many perfumes, and the workers were staring at him and Jungkook. Whenever Jin made eye contact with them, they would turn their heads away while blushing. Jin just shrugged it off, he had a particular blonde idol in his mind right now. After searching for a bit, he finally found a perfume he thought would fit Choa. He sprayed some into his arm and inhaled.

"Hmm, it smells like vanilla, Jungkook do you think Choa-noona?" Jin asked while taking in the wonderful vanilla scent.

"Let me smell it hyung!"

The maknae took a whiff.

"Oh! This will definitely fit her, Choa-noona always looked like vanilla ice cream to me hehe~" Jungkook said while smiling goofily, his bunny teeth showing.

Jin chuckled and he decided to buy it for her. He went up to the counter, and found the cashier staring at him with dreamy eyes.

"Erm, can I please pay?"

"Oh! S-Sorry, that'll be forty-four dollars and ninety cents," the brunette said to Jin, who seemed to be around the same age as her.

Jin paid and was about to leave with Jungkook when-

"Erh! Sorry, but can I ask you something?" The woman said nervously.

Jin turned around and looked at her in curiosity.

"C-Can I...have your number?" The woman managed to squeak.

Jin just stared at her. He knew he was good looking, but never before had anyone asked him outright like that.

"Oh, I'm sorry but no, I already have a girlfriend," Jin lied, dropping his head down and stratching the back of his neck.

"I-I see. I'm sorry for disturbing you then." The girl said cutely.

Jin and Jungkook bowed at her and made their way out of the store.

"Woah, you've got moves hyung~" Jungkook smirked cheekily at him, receiving a playful punch.

"Don't make me punish you~" Jin teased.

They were walking through the mall and girls left and right noticed them. A few even looked as if they were going to approach them. Jungkook, noticing this, quickly slid his arm around his hyung's free arm, hugging on to it.

"Jungkookie-ah! What are you doing!? People are gonna see!"

"Hyung, just look around,"

Jin did, and almost immediately the girls turned away, walking off to do their own business, with defeated expressions on their faces.

"Now no one will bother us," Jungkook chuckled.

Jin sighed and the two idols were about to make a right turn to exit the mall until he saw something that caught his attention.

"Hyung? Why'd you stop?" the younger boy asked Jin in confusion, tilting his head.

Jin looked into the store he stopped in front of. He grinned a wide, toothy grin.

"Kookie-ah, I know the perfect thing to get for Choa."


BOOM! Cliffhanger again! Sorry guys but something good is cooking in the next chapter. I will try to make this story at least have 10+ chapters, and after that I'll probably make a short sequel to. Please tell me what you think of this story so far. I honestly am so happy that I got 13 subs! Thanks so much<333 I will try to update soon. I love you all and have a good night:D

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Chapter 10: WOAH THIS WAS AVERY SUPRISING CHAPTER, your story is so good, keep up the good work, sorry I couldn't read earlier, I have alot of schoolwork.
Chapter 10: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 10: Perhaps an accident?
Chapter 10: omgg omg omg omg
Verlynteo #5
Chapter 10: Don't end it so soon! Continue with the story, it's too cute!
Chapter 9: eh update la
zSecretz #7
Chapter 9: Update soon pls!!!!
Chapter 9: Wahhhh I love it~ please take your time to update author^^^ and Seolhyun and Jungkook were going that hehe ;)
Chapter 9: Chapter 9: keep up the good work! Interesting plot ^^ it's ok if you're busy, just take your timen