Our Story

Mr Mystery

When I hear my name being called, I quickly turn to the source.


“Get this dish to table ten,” my sunbae at the restaurant orders me. Without further delay, I quickly head towards the kitchen.


“Sir, yes, sir,” I say as I take the dish and make my way to table 10. He makes a fuss out of me calling him “sir,” again, but I just laugh it off. He acts like he’s annoyed but secretly, I know he enjoys my dorkiness. In fact, everyone who works in this restaurant does. It just brings the atmosphere up. We also have a lot of regulars who come here just because they tell me, and I quote, “This place make me feel “homie” and your service is exceptional.” Of course, it makes me feel happy but I’m not trying to boast here.


After I get the dish to table ten, not forgetting to beam at them to enjoy their meal, I go towards the front door. Just that instant, the restaurant bell rings, signaling a customer’s entrance. Automatically, I bow and say in my usual chirpy voice, “Welcome to Heaven’s Delight!”


However, when I look up, my eyes meet the customer’s. Oh, remember how I said we have regulars who love the place because it makes them feel homie and how they just love my service? Yeah, I forgot to mention this one teeny tiny fact. We also have this man, who is also a regular but only God knows why —and when I say this, I’m not even exaggerating— he hates me with a passion. He seems to always go out of his way just to make me know of his never ending disdain towards me, and only me.


I flash him my toothy smile, and brace myself for the worst.


“You again? Why must I see you every time I come here?” he snarls at me. See? I told you he hates me. He’s lucky that I am someone who sticks to the principle, “Customers are always right.” And I also do not like to make scenes, so whenever someone wants to argue or fight with me, I’ll just give in. Besides, I was prepared for it.


“I’m sorry sir. I’ll just get another waiter to serve you,” I give him another bow and make my way to Sehun, my closest hoobae here.


“Hey, Sehun?” I call.


“Yes, noona?” he automatically answers.


“Can you help noona serve that customer?” I say, pointing at the man who was still at the entrance, waiting to be seated.


As soon as he sees the man, he scoffs. “Oh? It’s that man again. Did he say something harsh to you again, noona?”


Awh, Sehun’s such an adorable guy. I can just see the sympathy in his eyes when he asked me that.


And yes, Sehun knows about this man too. Actually, everyone here knows about this man. I mean, how can they not know? He literally scolds me every time he comes. And like I said earlier, I don’t even know the reason. No one does. At first, my manager thought that it was my fault and I really did a mistake. I was this close to getting fired. But since it was my first time so-called “messing up,” he gave me another chance.


Since this Mr Mystery is a frequent customer, he always comes here. And each time, he never fails to make a scene involving me. This is how my manager knows I’m not guilty. Only he has a problem with me. The other customers adore me. We can’t exactly ban a customer from dining at the restaurant just because he has a beef with one of the waitresses there so, we have no choice but to always welcome him. However, I always try my best to stay away from him at all times. My fellow colleagues are nice enough to understand my situation so it is possible.


I look at Sehun, shaking my head, “Nah. He only asked why must he see me here. I think you should go and serve him.”


“Hahaha, he is so funny. Of course you will be here. You work here for God’s sake,” Sehun laughs as he heads towards the man to bring him to his table.



The restaurant always gets busy during lunch time that all the servers have to run around everywhere. I get to the kitchen to see if there are any new orders and just on cue, the chef rings the bell.


“This is for table four,” he says.


Oh no, table four? That’s his table. I look around and sure enough, everyone else was busy serving customers.


Come on, until when do I have to depend on my colleagues and ask for their help? I feel bad for doing so. It’s okay, I’ll just have to it up this time. Who knows, maybe he decided that he’s now tired of scolding me? Besides, I only have to bring the food to him, and then I can leave. What can go wrong, right?


I make way towards the man, puts his food on the table and bow, crossing my fingers so that he wouldn’t say anything. I turn around am about to leave when he suddenly says, “Wait!”


Oh, God. Why oh, why? Can’t you just spare me this one time? I turn back to him and flash him a smile.


“Yes, sir?” I ask him politely.


“Can’t you do a better job at the presentation! Can’t you see how ugly and hideous this dish is? Is this how you serve your customers?” he yammers at me, pointing at the plate in front of him.


Seriously? I’m the waitress! I bring the food. I don’t make them!


I bit my lips to a firm straight line before bowing at him. “I am truly sorry for the mistake, sir. It will not happen again, I promise. I’ll inform our chef to remake your dish for you.”


Again, I smile, bow and take his dish before entering back the kitchen.



Noona! Why did you serve him? You know how he would treat you yet you still insist on being your stubborn self. Why didn’t you just ask me to do it?” Sehun asks me as he enters the kitchen, shaking his head.


“I’m sorry, Sehun-ah. Next time, noona won’t do that anymore, okay? You were busy handling another customer, I can’t simply disturb you. That is rude,” I reason.


He sighs, “I know, noona. It’s just… haish, I don’t know what the hell his problem is!”


“Hey, Sehunnie, watch your language,” I shake my head at him.


“Hehehe, sorry, he just brings the worst in me. I just really don’t like him. Anyway, noona, since I’m not busy now, I’ll bring this to him this time.”


I nod at him and my mouth curves upwards. I’m so happy to have such a good friend like Sehun. He’s really a nice boy.




Oh God! I am late oh my God!” I screech when I look at the clock. It’s fifteen minutes to 3:00 and my shift starts at 3:00. Looks like I overslept when I had my afternoon nap. I grab my bag, keys and phone as I rush out of my house, not forgetting to lock my door.


Since I am in a hurry, when I reached a junction, I simply cross the road, without looking at the color of the light.


As I run and cross the road, I hear a loud and long honk. I look to my left and I see a car, coming towards my direction. I freeze on the spot. My mind is screaming instructions to my body telling me to move but it’s like I am not the one in control of my own body. I close my eyes, as I feel like I need to just accept my fate: I’m gonna die this way. Goodbye world.


I wait for the impact to hit on me when suddenly, I feel like I am being yanked away by someone. Because of the sudden yanking, my ankle got twisted and I end up falling into someone’s chest. I fall on a stranger, on a pavement by the road. So now someone please tell me, how is that not weird? I am embarrassed. Too embarrassed to even look at my savior’s face, so I shut my eyes tight.


With me still on him, I hear him wince. My eyes still shut, I abruptly stand up and bow 3 times. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I say with each bow. I gather all my courage and slightly open my eyes. Well, I have no choice now, do I? It would be considered as ungrateful if I were to just bow, apologize and leave my savior without even looking at how he looks like.


When my eyes are fully opened, I am astounded. It’s the mystery man. I couldn’t believe my eyes and I thought that I am dreaming. I blink a couple of times and I rub my eyes, to ensure that my eyes are not playing jokes with me now. But they really aren’t. It really is him!


“Omg! I am so sorry, sir. I truly apologize. It is entirely my fault. I know, you must hate me so much right now. It’s not enough that you find me disturbing at the restaurant and now I’m-” I stop talking when I realize that he squats down in front of me, with his back facing me. “Get on,” he says. What? Did I hear him right? He’s asking me to what? “Eh?” I ask with a confused expression. He slightly turns his head and look at me, “Get on my back and I’ll carry you to your work place.”


Work! Oh God I totally forgot about work! I look at the watch on my wrist; 3.15pm. Oh no I am fifteen minutes late! I immediately start to leave but my ankle hurts and I wince. Then it hits me. So is this why he offers to carry me? But how did he know? I look at him. “How did you know my feet hurts?”


“I saw you wince earlier when you get off me.” He replies with a straight face.


I have no idea why, but I kind of feel like my face is heating up and I’m blushing. I stand there like an idiot, just staring at his back. Since he realize that I am not moving, he himself wrap my arms around his neck and lift me up to his back. I am too astonished to even react to all his actions. I can’t believe he is doing this. “S-sir, what are you doing?” I stutter as he starts walking. “What does it look like I’m doing? I am carrying you. How do you expect to walk with those feet of yours?” he answers in a firm tone and continues walking towards the restaurant.


I have to admit, I am feeling kind of scared but I don’t know why, I’m feeling secured and protected at the same time. I like this feeling. It’s like I feel so safe on his back. As we arrive at the restaurant, it is packed with customers. We are greeted by the manager, and I got off the man, but still holding on him for support. “Oh? Why-” The man cuts him off, “She almost got hit by a car on her way here and hurt her ankles.” The manager is still a bit surprised, he just blinks at the man. “Manager-shi?” I call, making him get back to reality.


“Eh? A-ah, sorry. There is a first aid kit is in the locker room.” Just on time, Sehun suddenly appears, “Noona? What happened? You got injured?” he asks with worries written all over his face. “Aniyo, it’s nothing. I just sprained my ankle.” He sighs in relieve, “Ah, keurae? Arasso, let’s bring you into the locker room.” Sehun then wraps my free arm on his shoulder and helps me walk. But, because of the pain, I wince at every step I take. Suddenly, someone take me by my back and below my knee, and carry me bridal style, shocking Sehun and I.


I look up and it’s the man, that is actually carrying me. I look into his eyes, and I soften. It’s like, he’s not angry at me like he always is. This time, I can feel his sincerity in helping me. And when I look into those eyes, I don’t know why, but I feel like shivers running down my spine. He is staring right back at me too. It’s like I’m tranced. He has very beautiful brown eyes. Daamn! I wanna know what he is thinking. Why is he so caring about me now when all he did all this while is scolds me?


“Excuse me, what are you doing?” Sehun asks the man, snapping both of us back from our daze. The man looks at Sehun, “She’s hurting with every step she takes. Just show me the locker room and I’ll carry her there. And since I can see that you are quite busy now, don’t worry. I’ll take care of her,” he replies. Whaaaaaaat? Did I hear right? He said… he said… HE WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF ME?! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHY IS MY HEART SUDDENLY BEATING FAST NOW? CRAP OH NO! I need to calm down. No, scratch that. I HAVE TO CALM DOWN. Because if I don’t, I swear, my heart will jump out of my body at this rate.


Sehun leads us to the locker room and the man follows suit behind him. He sits me on a bench while Sehun grabs the first aid kit and an ice pack and hands them to the man, “Here. I have to go now. Please take good care of her, and don’t scare her.” With that, he leaves. “This will hurt a bit, alright? But I’ll put it slowly,” Mr Mystery looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile. YES. HE SMILED. AT ME! OMG! My heart is jumping up and down again. He carefully put the ice pack on my sprained ankle and I grit my teeth. I can’t believe this. Why is he so nice to me? I trace his face with my eyes as I study his features. And I can’t lie. He is holy freaking drop dead gorgeous! “Am I really that good looking?” he asks me, without even looking at me. Oh no! I’m caught. What to do? I know. Deny, deny, deny. “N-no! I-I was just wondering, why are you helping me? I thought you hated me?” I ask.


He suddenly stops, and looks at me. Then, he slowly gets up and sits right next to me on the bench. He reaches inside his pocket, and takes out a photo to show me. I look at the photo. It’s a photo of him and… wait a second! Is that… ME? I look at him, and I blink a couple of times. As if he knows what I'm thinking, he continues. “Her name is Suzy. She’s my ex-girlfriend. We dated for three years and then she broke up with me. I still couldn’t face the fact that she dumped me for another guy. She cheated on me. That is why I keep on scolding you every time I see you. You remind me of her. And that is also why I always come here,” he tells me, with his head hangs low.


I soften and almost felt like crying. So, that is his story. That is why he hates me. I remind him of his cheating ex-girlfriend. Now the puzzle is put together. “B-but, I am not Suzy,” I say and he looks at me. “I know. You are a much better person than she is. No matter how much I scold you and yell at you, you never get mad at me. Instead, you always give me a smile and apologize, even though it's actually my mistakes,” he says. I smile at him and he continues, “Look, I want to apologize. I’ve hurt you a lot. We had a very unpleasant start. So, can we please start over? A new beginning?” he questions me, looking straight at my eyes. Somehow, I can feel his sincerity.


I flash him a teeth smile and offer my hand for a handshake. “Hi there,” I say, as I tell him my name. He smiles as he replies the handshake, “Hi. I’m Jongin. Kim Jongin.”


And…THAT is the beginning of OUR STORY.


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jessi828 #1
Chapter 1: ya that was cute...
Chapter 1: Awh that was cute
viviker #3
Chapter 1: nice chapter authornim ^^
toomuchsootuff #4
i think this gonna' be fluff