The Wicked Witch and A Kiss

Tale of the Wicked Witch


“Here. Coffee.” Seulgi placed the mug on the table in front of Mino before settling herself next to him. Mino upon realizing that Seulgi was snuggling close to him inched further, creating some distance between them. His hand was still holding his iPhone, like he did for the past 2 hours.


Seulgi froze at his reaction, her mind told herself to collect herself. “You know, it’s not like I’m a deadly virus. You won’t die if I sit close next to you.” She puffed her cheeks in disappointment. She was deeply hurt but there wasn’t anything that she could do to change Mino.


She had to swallow the fact that the prince hated the wicked witch.


But who was she to blame other than herself? She chose to force Mino into this marriage. Everything that was happening, the fault was surely shoved in front of her door. And right now karma was punishing her and she had to deal with it without even whining.


Even so, for a moment, she wanted to be with Mino.


“I won’t die but hey, I might get rashes all over my body. In case you haven’t notice yet, I’m allergic to you.” Sarcastically Mino mumbled but Seulgi heard every word that came out from his mouth clearly.


She bit her lower lips as she felt every single cell in her heart died impulsively.


Clearing in the hope of easing the pain inside her heart, her gaze locked at Mino’s fingers that were busy replying messages that came a moment ago.


“Is it Juhyun?”


Seulgi found herself clueless on how she managed to summon courage and let slip the question. Perhaps she wanted to have some closure in regards of her mortal enemy. Or even better, perhaps she was just being dumb.


She moved nearer towards Mino, trying to peek at his phone.




She shouldn’t have peek for at that moment, the pain inside her heart just grew even stronger and more intense than before. So, Juhyun had been promoted from being the princess to the queen of his heart. Promptly, a noxious question popped up inside her mind.


If Juhyun was the ruler of his heart, then who was she to him?


Who was Kang Seulgi for Song Minho?


“None of your business.” Mino brushed Seulgi off, hiding his iPhone from her. Since the last two hours he was busy texting his mom who was too busy lecturing him about his cold attitude towards Seulgi. His mom loved Seulgi way too much, more than she had loved him.


“Do you… do you really love Juhyun?” Seulgi gazed at the TV, displaying an adorable Sarang playing with her father as she questioned her prince. She tried to keep her composure but deep inside she was broken. “Can’t you just love me the same way you did to Juhyun? Am I not worthy enough of your love?”


Mino scoffed at her question. “Cut the crap, Seul. You should know better. The answer is quite obvious honestly. It’s a no brainer. I love Juhyun and no. I can’t never love you and you’re not worthy of even an ounce of my love.”


Truly, Seulgi knew his answers were as she had expected yet she was foolishly hoping for a different answer. How can she not? The whole idea of this forced marriage between her and Mino was so that she could show Mino, they could build a life together and in the process, maybe, just maybe, he can fall in love with her.


But maybe wasn’t good enough for her after all.


Seulgi took a deep breath and exhaled. “What if… What if I tell you that you can be with her?”


Her statement made Mino turned his gaze at her. Seulgi was wearing her infamous poker face, making it harder for Mino to analyze her real intention. Did Seulgi really mean what she said just now? “Are you serious? I’ll be the happiest guy alive if that ever happen.”


“I’m serious.” Seulgi smiled bitterly. The pain inside her heart was so excruciating until she prayed hard that God would just take her life at that very moment. Holding her tears as hard as she can, she stared deep into his eyes.


“Seriously? When can I be with her?” Mino stretched a smile on his lips.


In all honesty, his story with Juhyun had long ended. He didn’t know where Juhyun had disappeared to but wherever she was, he had hoped Seulgi wouldn’t ever find her. He wanted to keep her safe even though they had to be separated. As long as Juhyun was breathing and living her life happily, Mino was beyond contented.


“The doctor told me I’ve only 6 months left. But who knows, maybe I’ll end up being lifeless the next day. Then you can marry Juhyun like you’ve always wanted to. But if Hades were to keep me alive for the next 10 years, then you and Juhyun have to wait first. Only when I’m gone from this world, you two can be together.” She stated aloofly.


Mino-ah, if I really die, would you be sad?


Would you cry for me?


Would you visit my graveyard every day?


Would you remember me for the rest of your life?


Would you, Song Minho?


“Yah! Kang Seulgi! What rubbish are you spouting here? Death is not something to joke around, missy.” Mino wasn’t expecting Seulgi to give such a feedback. It was as if Seulgi was telling the truth and she wasn’t pulling his leg as usual.


Unconsciously, the thought of losing Seulgi scared him. He didn’t know why and he didn’t understand why.


But the bottom line was he didn’t want to lose Seulgi!


Even if, she was the wicked witch.


“But, I’m not joking.” Straight face, expressionless, ice-cold reply.


“Kang Seulgi!” Mino felt like his heart was going to explode out from his chest any second from now because of the tachycardia that came attacking him out of the blue. The beat of his heart was definitely crazy fast!


“Ha.Ha.Ha.” Seulgi chuckled, her tongue stuck out.


Seul, lucky you, she told herself. At least she had gotten a glimpse of Song Minho being frenzied just by the thought of her dying.


“Spoil brat. Even death can become your play thing.” Mino whined angrily.


Mino found his heartbeat normalized as the thought of Seulgi was just playing around sank in. She was joking, he convinced himself once more.


But the normal tempo of his heartbeat once again elevated when Seulgi edged closer to him. Her face was so near to him until he felt her breath touching his face softly.




“Urm…Seul?” His index finger landed on her forehead, pushing her face away from him.


“Why? Are you afraid, Song Minho?” A playful smile displayed on Seulgi’s lips. “Did I make your heart beat faster?” She jerked her eyebrows, clearly taunting him.


“You’re a girl. Don’t sell yourself cheap. It should be the guy who makes the first move.” He explained.


“Hubby, if I wait for you to make the first move, I’ll be in my silver casket first before that even happens.” Sarcasm hinted.


“Why you….” He couldn’t take it anymore. His abnormal heartbeat was driving him crazy. Mino quickly stood up before her sensational lips managed to claim his.


“Shoot! I missed!” Seulgi punched the sofa as disappointment filled her.


“Yah! Byuntae!” Mino shouted before he escaped to the bedroom that Seulgi had insisted for them to share. From behind, her laughter echoed, making Mino more irritated than he already was.


“Fuh! Dear God! What the hell just happened? That crazy chick! She almost gave me a heart attack.” Mino his chest that was still boomed with strong beats before his lips curved a smile.


Kang Seulgi, you wicked witch! Just what kind of spell was you trying to cast on me?




“Hey, what’s wrong?”


For the first time Mino noticed Seulgi was lying on the bed, her face was pale as a white sheet. Usually as early as this morning, she would busy herself in the kitchen cooking breakfast for him. It was pretty funny when he thought about it. He never realized that a wicked witch like Seulgi would humble herself and lift a finger to do the whole cooking all by herself.


“I don’t know. My head just hurt like hell.” Seulgi replied faintly, her fingers continued to massage her forehead.  Her head felt like it was going to blow up any second from now. The pain was so searing that she just wanted to curl on her bed and cry.


“Do you have any fever?” Mino placed his palm lightly on her forehead, feeling her temperature. He felt her burning up.


“A little.” She mumbled with her eyes closed.


“Why is your nose bleeding?” He queried strangely. He constantly had fever when he was a kid but never once his nose bled like she did.


“Huh? Where?” Quickly Seulgi ran towards the mirror, her hand touched her nose. No wonder she felt like there was some hot liquid oozing from her nose. She thought that she was having a runny nose but it was actually blood… She tried to stop the blood from flowing out with her fingers.


“Hey, take this. Wipe the blood.” Mino handed her some tissue. She took the tissues from his hand without any hesitation. Wiping away the blood from her nose, she glanced at him with a smile drew on her face.


Mino was being nice to her. What a rare sight to see.




“Get dress. We’re going to the clinic.” Mino commanded as he went to the closet and took out his shirt that Seulgi already had ironed.


“It’s okay. I’m alright. Can you just let me lie on the bed for just 5 minutes, Mino? I promise you after that I’ll make your breakfast.”


Seulgi walked straight to the bed, wanting to launch her body on the king size bed, but before she even managed to do so, she almost stumbled down at the edge of the bed.  Luckily Mino managed to grab a hold of her before she fell down.


“How is this alright? If you fall down and hit your head on the bed cover, what am I supposed to do?” Mino nagged but at the same time he did the unpredictable. He pulled Seulgi into his embrace and carried her bridal style before gently settling her down on the bed.


“I don’t care if I have to fall a thousand times and hit my head. At least I have my prince to carry me like this.” With her pale lips, she smirked happily.


“Witch, can’t you stop being a brat?” He grumbled but apparently he felt at peace when he saw her smile.




“Cut me some slack, will you, my prince? I’m sick. It won’t do you any harm if you spoil me a bit.” She pursed her lips, feeling a little let down with Mino’s comment.


Don’t you know that a short time inside your embrace felt like a taste of heaven for me, Song Minho?


“Enough. I don’t want to brawl. Get some sleep. After this, I’ll bring you to the doctor.”


Mino stood up from the bed. Heading towards the door, he planned to prepare the breakfast himself. Judging from Seulgi’s condition, he bet that the witch wouldn’t have the strength to even get up from the bed let alone cooking a meal.


It was almost eight in the morning when Mino came into the bedroom once again. Seulgi was still sleeping; her face was still showing paleness and heck even there was even bloodstains on the pillow because her nose bleeds. He placed the tray with a slice of sandwich and a glass of milk on the drawer beside the bed.


 “Seul, wake up…” He pushed her shoulder lightly to wake her up but his eyes still can’t ignore the bloodstains on the pillow. Why did her nose bleed so much?


“Hhmm….” Seulgi opened her eyes a little. Her vision was still blurry; her head was still stinging with pain. What time was it, she wondered.


“Time to eat…” Noticing how there was still blood coming out from her nose; he took a tissue and wiped it off.  Seulgi was burning even more than before. Was that the reason for her to be having nosebleed?


“I’m sorry. I’m being a burden to you…” Seulgi got up from the bed, ready to drink the milk that Mino had kindly brought for her. But before she even had the chance to take a sip of it, she jumped from the bed, running towards the bathroom.


“Are you really okay, Seulgi?” Watching how Seulgi was throwing up her whole stomach content worried the daylights out of Mino. He didn’t know what to do. He just stood behind Seulgi, his hand froze, didn’t know whether he was supposed to rub her back or just did nothing at all.


“Nope. Getting worst by the second.” Seulgi shook her head, the pain elevated to the point she felt like she could pass out any time soon.


“Clinic. Now.” Mino took her arm, helping Seulgi who was losing her balance to walk.


“Can I have a piggyback?” She said with an aegyo.


Yah, Kang Seulgi… Just now I carried you in bridal style and you’re asking for a piggyback now? Seriously, you’re a total spoil brat!


Despite his mind was giving out comments about Seulgi’s bratty attitude, Mino didn’t oppose to her wish. He did what she wanted willingly. “Okay… but we’re still going to the clinic.” He said, didn’t let the topic about clinic faded away easily.


“No. I don’t want to. I’ll just eat my meds.” She protested but in truth she was in cloud nine. At least she can cross a piggyback from Song Minho from her bucket lists. Yeay!


“Stubborn wicked witch!” Grandpa Mino nagged for the second time. He considered Seulgi and how she despised everything related to hospital or clinic since her mother died. She once told him she hated the smell of the hospital because it reminded her about death.


“I’m okay, Mino. Really I am. Just go to the office. You’re going to be late.” Seulgi said after Mino put her on the bed.


That One Person You sang by Jessica Jung rang for the umpteenth times. Clearly it was from the office because Seulgi knew Mino had an important meeting with a client from China today.


“Is it really okay if I leave you alone?” He asked, his voice filled with concern.


He would be lying to himself if he said that he wasn’t worry about Seulgi at all. Seeing all those nosebleeds and the way she threw up, their family would kill him on the spot if they knew that he didn’t take care of Seulgi when she was sick. She was their angel after all, despite her image as a witch in Mino’s eyes. And truth had been told, he himself didn’t have the heart to leave Seulgi all by herself in this condition. But when the thought about the client from China crossed his mind, he knew he was torn.


“I. will. Be. Okay.” Seulgi spoke word by word, trying to convince Mino. Her hand pulled the blanket to cover her shivering body.


“Alright but leave the phone next to you. If I call, you answer it on the first ring okay. Can you promise me that?” Mino pushed the strands of hair that covered her face.


“Cross my heart and hope to die.”


Mino wanted to walk away after she promised him but his steps stopped when Seulgi pulled his arm.


“Can I have a kiss?” Oh, Kang Seulgi, seriously you were pushing your luck!


“Just snooze, witch!” Mino quickly yanked his arms away from Seulgi. Why so many demands wicked witch?


“Urgh! Stingy Mino!” She pouted.


Seeing how she was sulking, Mino couldn’t help but to feel guilty. “Fine!” He finally said in defeat. “After this, no more outrageous demand from you.” He complained before he leaned down and landed a kiss on her forehead.




Seulgi was too dumbfounded to even react. Mino kissed her!


Song Minho just frigging kissed Kang Seulgi!


She was lost in her Lala land but only to snap back into reality when she heard the door closed.


“Oh, my prince! You just swept me to seventh heaven!” Seulgi crooked a wide smile. Her headache just disappeared into thin air!




Mr. Song saw how Mino was looking down the table since ages ago. What interest his son so much until he can’t even pay attention towards Mark who was busy presenting the project to the clients?


~Halloooo…. Are you okay?


That was the first message that Mino sent to Seulgi last 15 minutes ago. He waited and waited but there was still no answer from her.


~Yah, wicked witch!


Second message sent! Where the hell is she?! Mino was anxious. He couldn’t even focus. At times he touched his lips; the sensation from kissing Seulgi’s forehead still taunted him.


~Witch, are you still alive and kicking?!


Five minutes later, he sent the third message. Did she pass out? Gosh, heck no! Please don’t! The image of Seulgi’s pale figure, her nose bled massively flashed in front of his eyes.


~I’m coming home. NOW!


Mino stood up from his chair, pushing the chair hard, as the fourth message that he had sent still didn’t manage to get her to reply his messages. Before he went into the meeting, he called her 12 times but she didn’t pick up. Mino thought that she was sleeping but now, he wasn’t sure about it anymore.


“Yes, Mr. Song Minho? Do you have any question?” Mark upon noticing that his boss stood up cocked his eyebrows.


“Sorry for interrupting you, Mark. But excuse me, Mr. Song Myungsoo, can I leave now? I need to go home.” Mino grabbed all his folders. Every set of eyes inside the boardroom looked at him with a big question mark.


“Why?” The older Song asked, didn’t understand why his son was acting weird.


“Errr… I need to see my wife.” Mino answered spontaneously with a smirk; his feet were already marching to the exit. And everybody just burst out laughing hearing his silly answer.


“Gosh, how cheesy mushy gushy can you be, Mino?! Can’t even wait for lunch hour to meet your wife.” Kim Hanbin commented as he shook his head.


“Mr. Kim Hanbin…. That’s my son you’re talking about.” Mr. Song said with a serious face.


Hearing that Hanbin immediately put a hand to cover his mouth. Crap! How did he ever forget that Mino’s father was sitting next to him? Aigoooo…



A/N: Yeay!!! New subscribers and upvotes. Welcome and thank you!

And please, please comments so I know what are your thoughts about this story and how I may improve it. Once again, thank you! :)

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Chapter 7: This made me cry. Such a sad but beautiful story. Thanks a lot.
ohpearl #2
Chapter 4: *didn't sick
Sorry for typo
ohpearl #3
Chapter 4: I wondering, what if seulgi didn't at all mino will be realize that he love her? Or will mino love seulgi early?
Chapter 4: I fcking love this!
Chapter 7: I thoroughly enjoy reading, laughing and crying all at the same time.

Thank you Author-nim
Chapter 7: At first, I have no idea that this is angst. Seriously, I have no idea. I haven't had the time to prepare for the sudden heartbreaking scenes. No boxes of tissue, no chocolate or ice cream or sweets, just me and my plain blanket.

This has been a good read. The characters' emotions have been brought out well. Those emotions have reached the readers, touching thy hearts. When I was reading the first chapter, I had that feeling of sadness. I felt sad for Seulgi. When the next chapters came, I felt like a water dam broke. I cried so much.

The ending is beautiful, although I expected that Mino will go back to Joohyun. I'm glad for Joohyun, too! Who knew that she married Jaebum? Hooray!

Thank you for writing this wonderful piece. I enjoyed reading it. Teehee. ♡
rna_cl #8
Chapter 7: you make me cried a river T . T
Even thought this story didn't have an happy ending but when i read the last part i can't stop smilling (while i cried too)... a great end for a great story thank you ....
AnneXue #9
Chapter 6: p.s upvoting this story because you deserved it. ten out of ten for me!
AnneXue #10
Chapter 6: firstly i want to apologise because i'm going to curse. i ing cried every chapters! i literally crying out loud in my room because i know that feeling so well. the feeling of being rejected and unrequited love. guess what i finished reading your story whole night and i slep around 1 in the morning and i have class at 8, my eyes is red and swollen. not to forget my turns red. because i cried so hard.

p.s this story is very beautifully written, i really hope you to continue writing on Mino and Seulgi.

(finally i have time to give a comment/feedback. i am sorry for that.)