The Most Beautiful Moment In Life

When The Shadows Howl
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BGM:The Most Beautiful Moment In Life-


“It’s been so long since we just laid down, doing absolutely nothing, right Jin Hyung?” As we continued to gaze at the clear night sky, just us in the park, alone.


“Yeah, it’s great isn’t it?” He muttered.


Despite the stinging pain on my cheeks, the pain eased as I admired the moon. Usually all of us prefered the stars gleaming as compared to the moon. Well I like the moon more. Unlike the stars, the moon is a loyal companion. Stars can’t always be seen at some parts of the year and in some parts of the world, stars are scared. But the moon, the moon never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Moonlight drowns out all the brightest stars.


Loyal; how ironic it is to talk about loyalty when I never received one from Boyoung; my girlfriend. Or should say Jin’s girlfriend as well. But like everyone, Booyoung too is a moon, and has a dark side which she never shows to anybody.


“I never really want to ask this Hoseok but how did you meet Booyoung?” He asked.


“I…” I didn’t know why but it was hard for me; I hesitated and stumbled but it was the past. It was history. Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.


“You don’t have to tell me if you -”


My throat felt dry but sometimes talking about the past helps to overcome our fear of it. “Well, it all started on a day like this. A dark and peaceful night.”


Panic. That was all I could remember. It started that way with the members walking back and forth in front of the operation theater hoping everything was alright. Tears welled in my eyes but I endured it. Namjoon had it the hardest since he had to calm the younger ones who were worried sick of their hyung’s health. Everything went by so slowly. We had to see him suffer from the flight from Japan back to Korea as he experienced severe, excruciating pain on his abdomen area. I hate the hospital. I hate the smell of it.  I hated how the hospital rooms was as cold as winter, the hallway crowded with lost souls and reeking of illness.


Every member still remembers this incident very vividly. Yoongi Hyung’s appendix, the wait at the hospital, him trying to withstand the agony. I very well remember every part of it.


It all simmered down when we received the news at the dorm that Hyung was alright. But still it doesn’t feel right promoting without him by our side. We are never a complete BTS when one of our members is missing. Despite hating the hospital so much, we all visited him as much as we could so he wouldn’t die out of boredom. We talked about our days, our progress and apparently he was working in the hospital as we would in the studio.


Once, I visited him without the rest of the boys. I was bored and the schedules weren’t as tight so I decided to greet Yoongi Hyung alone at the hospital. It’s weird not having him around the dorm.


"Oh!" Cried t

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Chapter 22: I feel so infires & that last part was cute
Chapter 21: Poor will be afraid to fall especially after seeing what has been going around you
nona_sj15 #3
Chapter 19: Thank you for writing this...everyone just try to be perfect for yourself not to please people but to feel blessed and happy
Chapter 19: This is beautiful & very real because I struggle with this issue too
nona_sj15 #5
Chapter 18: i.....i...i ....*speechless* all what i can say you just wrote a flashback ... i need time!
Chapter 18: This is so sad yet so real...I need a continuation with Jimin's reaction
Namgenius #7
Thx sweetie @whitetulip9765
whitetulip9765 #8
Chapter 17: happy birthday author-nim.
Namgenius #9
Thx for the birthday wishes!!!! @nona_sj15 @Elleally
It means a lot!
nona_sj15 #10
Chapter 17: Happy birthday