

Love is like a scalpel. If you use it correctly, you'll save lives and make people happy— but if you use it wrongly, you might end up hurting someone severely.

Lives are in the hands of the surgeon, the one holding the scalpel. If he doesn't take proper control over it, he'll lose the ability of it— and with that, you know what'll happen.


"You've been getting way to close to Jaebum, and now you're telling me you did nothing wrong?"

"Jaebum is my assistant surgeon and my bestfriend, Mark. It's only normal that we discuss our patients' conditions together most of the time, so I really don't know what you're overreacting about."

"Oh, so now I'm overreacting? I'm the only goddamn one who is trying to save this relationship here and you're telling me I'm overreacting!? Wow Jinyoung... So much for promising each other that we'll love each other till death do us apart."

"What are you talking about!? Our relationship wasn't even anywhere near breaking, and you're the one who is causing the tension here. Do you not realise? Look, I made it clear to you that Jaebum is just an assistant surgeon and bestfriend of mine but you're the one assuming that I'm lying about it."

"Did you forget what he tried to do to us in University?"

"Jaebum has no more feelings for me. He made it clear. We're all grown ups now, I don't want to hold a grudge against him." 


"Hyung, you should seriously stop taking those sleeping pills. It's bad for you and you know it. You're a cardiologist hyung, you should know the effects of sleeping pills on your health."

"I know, Yugyeom ah. But I really can't get any sleep if I don't take them. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Hey Mark hyung, what's going on? Too much stress or emotional problems or... depression? Why do you even have insomnia in the first place?"

Yugyeom gave Bam Bam a look, throwing mixed signals to tell Bam Bam to dismiss the question.

"It's nothing." Mark answered with a cold tone, then walking right past them to his office.


 "Jinyoung, I think you should keep a look out for Mark's health. He's been losing focus when conducting surgeries. I don't have a good feeling about it. I'm pretty sure Yugyeom and Bam Bam both know something about it, because they're always exchanging looks when Mark loses focus. You should really start taking care of Mark hyung."




Hello wonderful people! This is my first ever GOT7 fanfic. Sorry about the ty description and foreword— i tried ><

Actually I went on a major hiatus from aff and I'M FINALLY BACK. My username used to be baek_exoloves, and I wrote a few VIXX fanfics which were quite successful— but i decided to start afresh after going through emotional problems and I deleted all of them.

So here I am with a new fanfic, starring mainly Markjin, featuring others in between, andddd I hope you'll enjoy this story :)



Thank you STAR-STRUCK advertisement shop for advertising!


Omg thank you so much guys T.T 100 SUBS TT.TT 진심으로 감사합니다. 진짜. ♡


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Chapter 8: Oh boy, this is not good to read during my lunch break at the office. I can't control my god damn tears ??????
BillaNatasha #2
Chapter 11: OMG.why I just found this story now.. It's sooo sad and hurt soo much..How could u Jinyoung serve ur. right Mark dead but it's hurt..I'm glade u making final2 but it's soo easy fr them to forgive jaebum when he almost kill Mark. WELL I understand that u want make this story end as fast as u can..soo good job authornim..Im really like this story it's make my heart beat sooo fast on every chapter when I read..hope u can make a lot of fun and good story again..good luck
sofaa98 #3
This is so beautiful! I cried when I read it :') their love is so strong. Mark loves Jinyoung so much :')
icing_on_cupcake #4
Chapter 10: I just... I can't describe how well this story was written. At the end I started crying when Jinyoung started screaming at Mark's body for him to come back. To be honest i've never cried in a story before and this is my first! But I definitely gotta say that this was a job well done! It was really well written and I could just feel the emotions!! Definite fav story and fav author :D
sapphireblu #5
Chapter 11: i am really glad that you made the second final to this story, authornim, because i'm wrecking as hell when i read the original ending
i am just craving for some angst and this thing happened, thank you for such a great story line
it's a good job *thumbs up*
graccikoh #6
Chapter 11: i seriously needed that final 2. if not, i think i should also take those pills for not being able to sleep as it was so heartbreaking. :(
such a great story authornim. chukahaeyo! :)
Chapter 8: im crying rn :'(

why you have to die mark?
Chapter 11: OMG both ending make me cry . I guess i love to cry so much? Lol i literally cried at both endings thou one is sad while the other... sort of more happy ㅋㅋ but anyway it felt good after a good cry! ^^ it really has been long since i read agood angst fic!! You really daebakkkkkkkkkk!!
thunderbaek921 #9
Chapter 11: both endings were oh-so adorable but with your truly unique and brilliant writing style of angst, i for some reason loved the sad ending better. but this is a great read. please write more. this is one of my favorite chaptered markjin stories.
Chapter 11: Both endings rocks