what a cruel cruel world


Mingyu's POV


"Mingyu, you should come and hang out at my house this weekend. My parents arent home so we can chill without stress." Seungcheol said leaning back against his chair.

"Uhmm, i'll text you later, if i finish all my work i'll definitely come" Mingyu replied, trying to think of even more ways to get out of that plan. It's not that he didn't like Seungcheol, no way, it's just that he didn't feel like going out. His mind was way too clouded for that.

"Okay, well me and Jeonghan are gonna head home now- will you be alright?"

"Of course, why wouldn't i be?" he flashed a smile and patted Seungcheols back. "See ya"

He watched the two walking out of school, playfully pushing each other resulting in Seungcheol draping his arm around the other and ruffling his hair. Cute.


Mingyu headed towards his locker, thinking about the day he saw Wonwoo in the corridor. When he went to see Seokmin, taking a risk and asking how Wonwoo was. He felt like a fool because he caused the hurt. He caused the rift. He caused the distance. Pulling open his locker he shoved some books inside when he saw Wonwoo practically running over to him. His heart almost beat right out of his chest. Then he saw how angry he looked, tears forming at the corners of his eyes, hands shaking. The next thing he knew Wonwoo had him by the collar, his face inches away from his own.


"There's no need to ask Seokmin how I am because i'll tell you right now. I am full of hate, hate towards you. And i will never stop hating you Kim Mingyu."


The younger flinched every time the word hate escaped his lips.

Mingyu stared at him tense with wide eyes before he was pushed onto the floor and could only look at Wonwoos back as he walked away. He rested his head in his hands. Why does it have to be like this.




Wonwoo unlocked his phone seeing a string of messages.


From: Seokmin

At 10:00am


Wonwoo? Are you okay?


From: Seokmin

At 10:02am


YAH Wonwoo, stop ignoring me!


From Seokmin

At 10:04am


Wonwoo i know you're not asleep its 10:00am for crying out loud answer my messages!


From: Seokmin

At 10:05am


I give up, I'm coming to you instead. Make sure you're prepared because I'm going to punch you when i get there.


He chuckled to himself. There wasn't even a space of 10 minutes between the messages. Seokmin really is crazy. He looked at the time. 10:20am. A loud banging noise filled his house and he heard muffled shouting.

"Wonwoo open this door right now! If you've done anything crazy i will kill you! I know this Mingyu thing is a bit out of hand but you don't have to get all dramatic on me and pull this disappearing act-" Wonwoo swung the door open with an unamused look on his face. Doesn't he know there's a bloody door bell he could have just rung once?!

"Seokmin its 10 in the morning can you give me a ing break" he rubbed at his eyes.

"Oh be quiet, you get up earlier than this to go to school so miss me with that" Wonwoo glared at him.

"What do you want anyway?"

"I was just checking up on you!" he began his theatrical piece of acting " Is that a crime now? Am i not allowed to check up on my closest friend? What a cruel cruel world" he exclaimed, placing his hand on his heart.

Wonwoo threw a pillow at him.

"Shut up, you're so dramatic"


They spent the rest of the day watching movies on the sofa, laughing out loud. It feels good to laugh.


"I'll see you on Monday! Bye" Seokmin waved, retreating from his house out onto the street.

"Bye!" Wonwoo waved back, softly shutting the door. He sighed smiling to himself. Thank god I've got a friend like him.




Wonwoo decided to stay in again on Sunday, he was known for being a bit lazy. Everyone had gone out which meant he could play all the anime openings and endings he had downloaded as loudly as he wanted. He was getting really hungry and decided to make some ramen. Searching through the packets,  he made puking noises when he saw the seafood ones and just settled on chicken flavour. He shrugged his shoulders. This'll do.

It didn't take long before he was huddled up on the sofa ready to dig into his ramen, chopsticks in tow when he heard the doorbell ring.


"Oh for fuc-" he started, swinging the door open for the second time that weekend. He stared at the figure in front of him. Why? Why is he here? Numerous options ran through his head but he thought the best option would be to just close the door. Which didn't work. Obviously. The tall boy stuck his foot in the door before it shut.

"Wonwoo i just want to talk-"

" I don't want to talk, didn't you get the message?"

"Wonwoo, please" he practically begs, pushing against the door.

"What!?" he opens the door enough to let the younger stumble in. "Have you had enough time to think of all the excuses you can use to explain what you did?? You think you can just waltz in here and apologise is that it?? What exactly do you want Mingyu? Because if it's friendship you won't find it here i can promise you that."

The two stand there staring at each other. Mingyu can hear Wonwoos words echoing around him and it's painful. It feels like centuries before someone speaks again.

"Wonwoo you don't understand-"

"You're right, I don't understand. I've never understood"

"Wonwoo can you stop acting like such a ing baby and let me speak!" Mingyu is now raising his voice so loud it could probably be heard outside.

"Baby?..." it came out as a whisper.

"No i didn't mean-"

"You ruined everything, You hurt me, and not just physically either. You made me terrified of you." he takes a step closer to the younger despite still being afraid. "And you're saying I'm a baby?"


"Get out"

"Please just let me talk"

"I said. Get. Out. Of. My. House"


Wonwoo slams the door after Mingyu leaves. He bursts into tears bringing his knees to his chest as he crouches in front of the door.

After a few minutes of crying he realises. My ramen. " you Kim Mingyu" he curses under his breathe as he scrapes the cold, soggy noodles into the bin.


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eunlyhae_elf07 #1
Chapter 3: The poor ramen XD
Chapter 4: Yeah I will cry, stupid Kim Mingyu. Why do I have a stupid son
Chapter 3: I don't know if I should laugh or cry because of the wasted ramen or what.
ashkhen #4
Chapter 6: Chapter 1-5: Wow the story was interesting and glad Mingyu and Wonwoo got their issues solved. The crying moments hurt me but glad they feel the same way towards each other.
Chapter 5: this was cute, my heart. ❤️
gilliebeanss #6
Chapter 6: please do post ut. i'd love to read it. :)))))
Chapter 5: crying bloody joyful tears.
taehyung95_jy #8
Chapter 4: The plot is interesting and addicting to read~~~ keep up the good work and hope you update soon :) hwaiting :D continue plzz ^^