
In the Dark of Night

Young Bae lay restlessly in his hotel bed; the rest of the guys had gone out to a club. He tossed and turned, imagining them dancing, drinking…flirting. Would any of them find partners for the night? Surely not Dae Sung, he was devoted to his girlfriend. Top-hyung might; he liked Japanese women. Seungri probably would, although he would pretend otherwise. Ji Yong would definitely flirt, with men and women. But he had a girlfriend, so he wouldn’t get too carried away. And despite hitting on men, he never took one home. That was another of their unspoken rules, women could change, but no other men were allowed in. But when Ji Yong drank too much, he would let the flirting go a little too far. Once, he had had to call over their manager when a guy refused to accept a ‘no’ when he was sure it would happen.

Groaning, Young Bae sat up on the edge of the bed; he should’ve just gone with them. He was grabbing a pair of jeans to go meet up with them when the door buzzed. Checking who was outside, he saw Ji Yong leaning heavily on a boy’s shoulder.

“What the hell?”

Irritated, Young Bae pulled on his pants as the alarm buzzed again. He opened the door, not bothering to hide his frustration. Why had Ji Yong brought that guy with him?

“Young Bae-ah!” Ji Yong greeted with a large gummy smile. Releasing the other man, Ji Yong lunged forward into Young Bae’s arms, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Young Bae automatically held him, even though he was angry. Ji Yong bent himself to fit his lips against his throat.

“Ji Yongie, who’s this?” Young Bae asked quietly, trying to be calm, especially since the door was open for any of the neighboring rooms to hear.

“Oh!” He semi-straightened; but didn’t let go of his friend. “This is Yamamoto Yuri. Top-hyung found a girl, Maknae found a girl, so I was alllllll alone. Yuri-ssi was so nice, he brought me back.”

“I see. What about Dae Sungie?”

“Got bored and left hours ago. Can we come in?” He laughed, falling into Young Bae’s body again. “I promised him a drink. Isn’t he nice?”

“Sure,” Young Bae muttered, but relented.

He drug his friend inside, helping him to the bed to rest. The boy followed, awkward but obviously excited. Frowning, Young Bae moved to the mini fridge and looked inside.

“What would you like? Beer, water, or tea?”

“Beer sounds good,” Yuri answered in halting Korean, sitting beside Ji Yong’s reclined form.

Young Bae sighed; obviously Ji Yong hadn’t been clear with the boy about what wasn’t going to happen in his hotel room. He held the beer out to him, and then sat on Ji Yong’s other side. He gave the boy about five minutes to finish the drink, and then he would kick him out. Hopefully, he would go quietly.

Ji Yong yawned and curled up to Young Bae. He was humming softly, but it didn’t sound familiar. He kept squirming until he was turned enough to use Young Bae’s thigh as a pillow.

Yuri took a deep breath and sat the can down on a nearby desk. He turned to Young Bae, his lips nervously.

“You’re finished?” He indicated the can.

“Yes.” He laid a hand on Ji Yong’s hip.

Clenching his jaw, Young Bae grabbed Y8uri’s wrist and removed his hand from Ji Yong’s body.

“It’s getting late.” He stood. “Thank you for bringing him safely.”

The boy blinked up at him, confused.

“Wait… I thought…”

“I’m sorry for any misunderstandings, but it really is late. Goodnight.” He bowed slightly and gestured for the door.

“But he…”

“He’s a bit naïve about these things. He never meant-“

“Hyung!” Yuri shouted, his accent more pronounced as he got upset. “Hyung, wake up! Taeyang is making me leave!’ He shook Ji Yong’s shoulder.

“Huh?” Ji Yong mumbled, blinking drunkenly. “Sleepy.”


“Alright, that’s enough!” Young Bae raised his voice. “Don’t shake him; you’ll make him sick.” He placed his body between the upset boy and his groaning best friend. “I really am sorry that you misunderstood his intentions, but you’re not causing a scene here. Do you understand me? Nothing is going to happen here. We are going to sleep, you are going to leave. I’d rather not have to involve security since I appreciate that you brought him, but now it’s time to go,” he ended sternly, crossing his arms.

Yuri looked rebellious for a moment, but when Ji Yong shot up and stumbled to the bathroom, the fight went out of him.

“Fine. But remind Hyung to call me tomorrow. We made plans to go dancing, you can go to bed early,” he said with a smirk.

Young Bae scoffed. “Get out.”

The boy practically strutted to the door. It took all of his self-restraint not to throw him from the room. When the door snapped shut, Young Bae went to the bathroom. Ji Yong was curled up on the floor, leaning against the bathtub.

Sighing, Young Bae helped him clean up and removed his sweaty shirt.

“If you ever bring another man to me again, you’re dead,” he threatened.

“Sorry. I won’t,” Ji Yong mumbled eyes down.

“What were you thinking, huh?” he scolded a little more gently. ‘What if he didn’t bring you to me? Do you want some strange man taking off your clothes? Using your body while you’re too drunk to stop him?”

“No,” he barely made a sound, shaking his head.

“You have to be more careful Ji Yongie. I don’t want you to get hurt. Hmm?”

“I understand,” he whispered, wiping a tear away.

Young Bae sighed again, this time in sympathy.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed.”

Slowly, he lifted Ji Yong to his feet and led him to his bed. Tucking his shaking friend under the covers, he quickly joined him.

JI Yong folded easily into his arms, legs intertwined, head resting on Young Bae’s chest. Young Bae smoothed his fluffy hair back and hummed softly until long after his friend fell asleep.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who has subscribed and reviewed so far! You rock!

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Chapter 5: I loved this story!!! :D And the end is awesome! <3 Thank you author-nim!
Chapter 5: “I don’t want to play these games anymore....." <----LOVE IT!!!! Way to man-up TaeYang!!!
claire_yj #3
Chapter 5: Wow. Love this story. It is awesome! Hahaha the ending is somehow unexpected and very funny. :-D
ashtami01 #4
Chapter 5: ♥♥♥♥♥♥the last chapter...... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 5: that was really cute ^^
i really liked it :D
vododoll #6
Chapter 5: That's was amaziiiiiiiiiing ... I love this storyyyyyyyyy author .. Really thank you *________*
Ms-Hyde #7
Chapter 5: ahhhhhh this was so great!!! i really loved it :))) but so sad it's over ><
Zico01 #8
Chapter 5: This was amazing
jasmine751 #9
Chapter 5: Aw, it's over :(