Just Friends

Mamihlapinatapei [GOT7 Fanfiction]
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"A girl and a boy can be just friends. But, at one point or another, both of them can eventually fall for each other."


The loud sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and let out an ungirly yawn. Lazily, I sat up on my bed and stretched out my arms. It was another day, but the happenings from the previous days were still fresh from my mind. Even though the previous week started out wrong, I was glad that my burden was lifted when I talked to Mark. It’s still the best decision to let your problems out to someone.

I could feel the corners of my lips tug up into a smile when I remembered the blonde guy. But, I quickly shook my head to get the funny thoughts out of my mind. I shouldn’t be thinking of him this way. I really shouldn’t, right?

Another yawn escaped from my lips, so I decided that it was best to get out of bed before I fall asleep again. I quickly made my bed and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. I went to my fridge to get the ingredients that I needed and began to cook my breakfast. It was just the usual, eggs, bacons and pancakes. To tell the truth, breakfast is the only time when I can eat a right meal, so I really go big with it. It’s the most important meal of the day after all.

I stopped when I heard the message alert tone of my phone. I took it out from the pocket of my shorts and saw that Mark had just messaged me.

          From: Mark      Time: 07:46am

            Since the sun came out great today, I just wanted to greet you a good morning :)

I felt the corners of my lips tugged up after I read Mark's message. We've been messaging each other for the past few days and I can say that I felt like we've became closer than we used to be. Even though our conversations usually ends up going to random topics, he can still go with the flow of it. It's just really fun talking to him.

         To: Mark      Time: 07:47am

            And good morning to you too, Markie-pooh XD


          From: Mark      Time: 07:49am

            Breakfast, Hana-banana.


         To: Mark      Time: 07:50am

           Told you to stop calling me banana >:(


          From: Mark      Time: 07:50am

            And I told you to start calling me oppa. So we're even.


         To: Mark      Time: 07:51am

           Whatever, Markie-pooh. I'm preparing breakfast, just focus on doing your job :P


          From: Mark      Time: 07:52am

            Imma get back to you some other time then :P


With a smile, I got back to preparing my food. I also got a carton of milk from my fridge and poured some in a tall glass before putting it back. With the tray of food in my hands, I made my way to the living room. I placed down the tray of food on the tiny table in front of me and just sat on the floor before turning the television on. I tried to tune in on the Korean variety show that was on as I eat my breakfast. But, despite of studying the Korean language for a few weeks, I still couldn’t understand some of the words that they were saying.

In frustration, I just changed the channel. The channel was switched into a music show, I was supposed to change it again when I realized that it was an old live stage of, none other than, Got7. I knew that it was old because they were sporting different hairstyles and hair colors, which was actually pretty funny.

 I watched them as I stuff my mouth with my food. Their song was pretty catchy, especially the dance steps that they did. I heard that they were pretty popular, but I didn’t know that they were that good. Especially, Mark and Jackson with the acrobatic thingy that they did.

A laugh escaped my lips when I saw how cute Bambam, JB and the other tall guy, which I guess was Yugyeom acted. I couldn’t help but shake my head in amusement. What I didn’t expect was Mark doing the same expressions that the other boys did, I was quite surprised of how good he was at acting cute.

Their live stage ended with me still laughing at how cute they were during that show. It was actually the first time I’ve watched a live stage like of a kpop group after a few years of stopping. I can feel the fluttery feeling in the pit of my stomach, like the ones I always feel when I watch Super Junior live stages before, again.

“Maybe I should start listening to some of their songs now.” I mumbled to myself and let out a chuckle at the end.

I laughed to myself and just resumed with eating the remaining food on my plate. After a few minutes, I finally finished eating and washing the dishes. I was about to take a shower when I heard my phone rang. I quickly ran to my living room to get my phone and answer the call.

“Good morning!” I greeted the person on the other line.

“Good morning too, sweetheart.” I heard my Auntie’s voice say. “I just called to ask you if you have an schedule for lunch?”

“Anniyo.” I shook my head even though I know that she couldn’t really see me.

“That’s really good to know!”

I walked towards my bed and sat on the edge of it. “I am actually free for the whole day since it’s Saturday. Why are you asking, Auntie?”

“Nothing much. You’ve been here for almost three weeks, but you haven’t contacted me again. I just wanted us to have lunch. Just me, your uncle, your cousin and you.”

“Oh, I’m really sorry. I’ve been so caught up with everything that I forgor contacting you. It’s just been a really busy two weeks for me.”

Auntie chuckled. “It’s okay. You know that I understand.”

“Thanks, auntie.”

“No problem, sweetheart.” She said, I can feel that she was smiling, so I just couldn’t help but smile myself. “Anyway, can you come over here at my workplace again later? I want us to go together.”

I nodded my head. “Araso. About what time should I go there, auntie?”

“How does before twelve noon sounds?”

“It’s ok. I was just going to stay in my apartment all day, after all. Before 12 is good for me.” I answered.

My auntie laughed on the other line before saying, “Ok, sweetheart. I’ll just see you then.”

We both said our goodbyes before she hung up the call. I put my phone down the bedside table and went back to taking a shower. After spending over half an hour, just by taking a shower and getting dressed up, I just decided to relax and surf the internet using my laptop.

At first, I started browsing the internet of good restaurants where I can eat in South Korea, then I just found myself watching GOT7’s performance. From their debut, up to their current song, Confession song, which I found really cute. Especially after I watched their free dance version on Youtube. They are just like little kids.

They are all just so natural and all of them were just dorky. To be honest, I actually found their actions to be adorable. No wonder they have so many fans, after just a year of debuting. But, I couldn’t blame their fans. Because I now know that there was a big reason why they fell in love with those boys.

My thoughts was dragged back to reality when I heard the message alert tone of my phone. I quickly stood up from my seat and went to get my pho

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