- Tuition

Our Last Moments

The next day:

Sehun was glaring at his best friend who was smiling from ear to ear as he looked around the classroom for the tuition that they joined the next day, after finding out that the boy they followed the day before went here as well.


"I can't believe that I'm here! Do you know that it's already a big deal that I go to school, let alone tuition!" Sehun complained, still not stopping the glare he was giving Jongin. 


The classroom was a bit big with benches lined up on either side of the room, an aisle in the middle that divided the benches, and a table at the front of the room where their tutor would teach them with a whiteboard behind him.


A few students started to arrive and were going to their seats, but Jongin still couldn't find the boy he was waiting for. Next to him, Sehun was still complaining about joining tuition, but Jongin was not really listening to begin with. Even after fifteen minutes, the boy was still not here, and Jongin began to feel uneasy.


"Are you sure we're in the right place," Jongin asked doubtly.


"Yes, yes we are," Sehun answered back annoyed.


"It best not be the wrong place, or else-" Jongin was cut off.


"Well, what do you expect if you wanted to get here a whole two hours early?" Sehun pointed out.


"What were you going to do at home anyway?" Jongin asked in return. Sehun was quite, and didn't reply back. "Exactly," Jongin said.


Jongin turned his head towards the enterance of the class room, and just then, the boy walked in with his two friends, talking to them happily. Once he spotted Jongin he stopped on his tracks and the smile on his face fell. He looked at Jongin for a while and then continued walking past Jongin, to the other side of the classroom to get to his seat.



Taemin waited until his two friends sat down and sat next to them at the end of the bench, just like he usually does. The boy who fixed his cycle chain was sitting two benches in front of him, on the other side of the aisle. Their tutor began his lesson and the whole class room fell silent.


But Taemin couldn't stop looking at the tanned boy in front of him. He would write a few lines and would look up to where the boy was sitting, surprisingly he kept catching the boy looking back at him, and when they made eye contact, the boy would turn his head around quickly as if he was shy.



After two hours, tuition ended and the students quickly thanked their tutor and began to leave the classroom. Jongin tried to go next to the boy, but a group of the students blocked his way. After a while, he went down the stairs and quickly made his way to his motorbike with Sehun tagging along behind him. He turned around looking for the boy who got his cycle with his friends and walked past Jongin without giving him a glance.


Jongin got on his motorbike and hurriedly left, riding the vehicle near an oak tree that was near the tuition area. He got off his motorbike and looked down the street that he just came down.


"Why did you stop here Jongin? Is there a relative's house nearby?" Sehun asked curiosly.


Jongin just continued looking at the street. A few minutes later, he caught the sight of the boy and his friends cycling down the street and smiled. Next to him, Sehun rolled his eyes. Again he got on his motorbike and started following the boy to find out where he lived. 




The next day:

"The two fields are right angle to each other. Electric field and magnetic field..." the tutor was saying out loud whilst writing it on the whiteboard.


Jongin was looking at the boy behind him, he had found out that his name was Taemin when the tutor was giving out their practice test results and called his name out. It was such a beautiful name for such a beautiful person, Jongin thought. Suddenly their tutor called out.




Jongin quickly turned around looking at the front of the classroom, scared that he got caught not paying attention to the lesson.


"Get up," he ordered. 


Jongin was not sure who he was talking to, but his tutor pointed the pen at him, so he slowly got up.


"Not you Jongin, sit down," his tutor said. Then he pointed at the person next to him.


Sehun who was oblivious to the fact that the tutor was pointing at him looked around him, trying to find who his tutor was talking to.


"Stop looking around and get up," their tutor said.


"Me, sir?" Sehun asked innocently.


"Yes, you. Now get up," the tutor once again demanded, losing his patience. Sehun slowly got up confused as to why he was told to stand up. The whole class fell silent.


"Define electric dipole," his tutor said putting his book down on the table.


Sehun slowly crossed his arms and pouted and moved around uneasily in his standing position. His tutor let out a deep sigh. 


"Answer my question. Why are you wriggling around like noodles?" His tutor asked.


Sehun still didn't answer and looked around for help, silently pleading Jongin, who to his utter shock was looking at Taemin again.


"Do you not know?" His tutor asked after some time.


"No sir!" Sehun quickly answered. 


"How comes you can answer my question now?" He asked irritatedly. "Well what do I expect from students like you, you just come here to look around other than learning!" His tutor said.


As soon his tutor said that, Sehun looked at Jongin who was still looking at Taemin, as he slowly sat down. It was Jongin who was the one that was looking around rather than learning, not him!




Taemin's house: 

"Taemin, get ready!" His mum shouted.


"Mum, I have an exam tomorrow. Will you please let me study!" Taemin replied annoyed.


"We need to go to the US Embassy, Taemin. Stop complaining and get ready." His mum said.


Taemin angrily walked out of his room and came to the living room. 


"Who's complaining that we're not in the USA?" He asked. "Just because your sister now lives there doesn't mean we have to move there as well," he muttered. 


"Your job is to just get 90% or above for your exams. Focus on just that, as your parent I know what's right for you," his mum replied.


Taemin just rolled his eyes, but made sure his mum didn't look.



Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because right now I should be asleep cause I have school tomorrow. But I just wanted to update because I don't think I will be able to for a while. So I hope you guys won't mind. Sorry xx












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Chapter 8: OMG! I READ THE FLASHBACK AND..........well i don't know who died so..........BUT PLZ UPDATE AUTHORNIM AND LUHAN JUST FREAKIN TALKED!
Shihaam1 #2
Chapter 8: When I First Started Reading This Story I Thought Taemin & Jongin The Strongest Sweetest Cutest Adorable iest Handsome Gorgeous & Most Beautiful Angels Were Going To Have Happy Ending Together Forever I Guess I Was Wrong:(
exolgurl #3
Chapter 7: Oh my god this story is so cute and sweet ♥♥ I love it! I wonder what happened to Jongin and why Taemin's mother said that he left. Looking forward to the upcoming chapters, I can't wait to read more ^^
nantae #4
Chapter 7: jongin Is he dead??
Shihaam1 #5
Chapter 7: This Not Right Taemin & Jongin The Sweetest Cutest Adorable iest Handsome & Most Beautiful Angels Should Be Happy Together Forever Because They Love Adore Understand Care Protect & Treasure Each Other Forever & Not Ripped Apart With Beautiful Taemin Crying Because His Beautiful Jongin Gone:(
nantae #6
Chapter 6: i cant waiting to know what taemin and jongin will do alone finally
I am a fan of this sweet story :>
kk1401 #7
Chapter 6: This story is so so so sweet but there's that angst tag and i'm afraid....
Chapter 6: This is such a cute story. Poor taemin. His parents r so annoying! And Jongin is so sweet, trying to get taemin's attention like that.
woosansweetkins #9
Chapter 6: Aww cant wait for next.. i hope you update soon. Bcs ill be waiting for you..