Staying Strong

They Lived Happily Ever After...

Author POV

After the phone call with the doctor, everyone got ready to go to the hospital. They called their manager so that he could drive them. Jimin packed some clothes for Jungkook in his backpack and with Yoongi they carried him to the car. He was still asleep, breathing heavily. They all sat in the car and Yoongi talked with Jimin.

"Jimin-ah. Did he explain everything to you?"

"Yes, hyung. I'm sorry, I got mad at you."

"It's okay, I understand. Are we good now?"

"Yes hyung." Jimin said and Yoongi hugged him.

When they arrived at the hospital, Dr Park was waiting for them with a stretcher and two nurses. They put Jungkook on the stretcher and the manager went to register Jungkook. Dr Park turned to Jimin.

"Jimin-ssi, don't worry. It's probably nothing but I want to be sure. We're going to get an MRI and then we'll wait until he wakes up. See you."

Jimin nodded and watched the doctor go. They all waited in the A&E's corridor. It was so familiar for Jimin, he began to feel sick. He went outside the building. He inhaled and exhaled deeply and squatted. He was extremely worried. He felt someone's hand on his back and looked up. It was V.

"Hey. Relax Jimin. He'll be well, don't worry."

"I know. It's just... What if he remembers when he wakes up?"

"You don't want him to remember?" V asked, confused.

"That's not it. I want him to remember. In fact, I want everything to go back to what it was like before. But if he remembers, he'll probably be mad at me. He would hate me when I didn't want anything of what happened." V looked away. "I don't blame you Tae. Not at all. But it's the truth. You kissed me and I didn't want that to happen."

"Anyway, it was a mistake. An enormous one."

"Yes. But what happened, happened and we can't do anything about it. But if he has to remember, I'd like to explain everything and tell him how much I love him." Jimin said, thinking.

"You know, I think he can hear you. He may have collapsed and be unconscious, he can still hear what happens around him. You could try to tell him everything while he's still sleeping."

"Maybe it can work... I'll ask the doctor."

They went back in to building and waited for the doctor to come. When he came, everyone stood up, expecting what he was going to say.

"So, we did an MRI and nothing was wrong. We'll wait until he wakes up. However, we don't know when he will. I suppose that it must have been a big shock so it can take a few days."

"Thank you." Namjoon said.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you in private?" Jimin asked the doctor.

"Of course, come with me."

Jimin followed the doctor to his office. It was kind of big, with a desk, a couch and a coffee table. The doctor gestured to Jimin to sit on the couch, which he did. The doctor sat too and Jimin talked.

"I wanted to know if Jungkook can hear what happens around him even if he's unconscious."

"Yes. He can and if he is dreaming, what you say to him can appear in his dreams." The doctor replied.

"If I tell him something that happened to us, will the moment replay in his mind? Like a flashback?" Jimin asked.

"Well... I don't know. Every brain is different Jimin-ssi, like the persons. The brain remembers everything but if the person doesn't want to remember something, he or she won't. What I mean is that even if you tell him one of the happiest moment you shared together, Jungkook-ssi will choose to remember it or not. That is if he doesn't already remember, of course."

"Are the chances of him remembering high?"

"I think so. But we can never be sure. But to go back to your question, I suggest that you tell him moments that were important for him. Even the painful ones."

"The painful ones too? But why?" Jimin asked, a little confused.

"Usually, painful memories create a shock and help to remember quicker. But it doesn't mean that you have to tell him only the painful moments." The doctor said, smiling to Jimin.

"Thank you Dr Park." Jimin said, standing up.

"You're welcome Jimin-ssi."

Jimin made his way to the door and got out of the office. He went back to the hallway and found V, waiting for him.

"Where are the others?" Jimin asked.

"They went to see Jungkook in his room. He is in the same room as last time strangely. The 1450."

"Okay, thanks. Tae, I have to go back to the house right now, so you tell the others? I'll explain everything to you later."


Jimin began to run and sprinted straight back to the house. He went to V and J-Hope's room to get Jungkook's diary. When he got it, he quickly went back to the hospital and straight to Jungkook's room. He waited two minutes to steady his breath and entered.

"Oh, hey Jimin." Namjoon said.

"Where were you?" Jin asked.

"At the house. I went to grab this." Jimin replied, showing the diary.

"Why?” Yoongi asked.

"I talked to the doctor and he said that I could talk to Jungkook and that he could hear me. So I came up with an idea. I'd read him some pages of his diary with hope that when he wakes up, he'd remember."

"But... Aren't you afraid of him remembering?” Hoseok asked.

"Well... I think that we mostly had good times and I'm sure that they are stronger than this accident." Jimin calmly said.

"Do you want us to go? So you can have some privacy?" Jin asked, placing his hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"Don't you wanna know what kind of things we lived before even getting together? I won't mind if you stayed, we're a family hyung." Jimin said and Jin hugged him. Everyone sat down, rappers on the couch and the two singers on some chairs that were here. Jimin sat on the same chair as last time, on Jungkook's right. He opened the diary.

"Hi Kookie! It's me, Jimin. I... I'm here with all the members. We hope that you'll wake up quickly."

Jimin looked at the diary and turned the pages until he found what he was searching for.

"I don't know if you remember, but you used to write a diary. I accidentally found it and began to read it every night before going to bed. Like that, I could stop myself from having nightmares about you. About us." Jimin took a deep breath and began to read.

"I can't stop myself from thinking about Jimin hyung. He doesn't help me either. He is all I hate. Overjoyed, noisy, clingy. But I love him. I love the way he is overjoyed, noisy, clingy. I've found a new hobby. Taking photographs. But strangely, after taking one of him, I couldn't stop anymore. He was so cute and always making a funny pose. One time, I took him as he was sleeping. It sounds creepy but I don't care. He was very beautiful. And, more importantly, he seemed at peace, not worrying about nothing and I loved seeing him like this. He was even more perfect."

Jimin suddenly started to cry. He couldn't help himself from sobbing. Yoongi stood up and went to hug Jimin, trying to comfort him.

"I-I can't be-believe it-t... He's just so sweet. He kn-new exactly w-what I was f-feeling before going t-to sleep-p. H-how? I-it's craz-y." Jimin said, hiccupping. V also stood up and went to Jimin's side.

"Jimin-ah. Look at Jungkook." he said.

Jimin looked up and nearly died from shock. Jungkook was crying.

"Oh my gosh... He is crying! He hears me? J-Jungkook-ah! K-Kookie! Do you hear me?" Jimin said, grabbing his hand and kissing it.

All of a sudden, the electrocardiograph began to make a piercing repetitive beep sound and the doctor came in.

"Could you please all go out?" he said and everyone went out.

During the five minutes that the doctor was inside the room with the nurses, Jimin has stopped crying. Then, they came out with a serious face.

"Well... It seems like Jungkook-ssi has fallen into coma. We don't know how and why. Thus, the chances of him waking up are very low right now." The doctor explained.

"Dr Park, something happened but I don't know if it's linked to this. Jimin was reading a part of Jungkook's diary and he stopped because he was crying. Then, we saw that Jungkook was also crying. Can the coma be caused by an emotional shock?" Suga said.

"Um... Yes, it's a high possibility. But what's worrying me now is that we don't know when Jungkook-ssi will wake up if he does. I'm sorry but I must tell you that the situation is serious."

Jimin burst out crying, and fell over. Jin picked him up and made him sit on the chairs that were on the hallway and hugged him. He was crying too, like every member right now. Even Suga and Namjoon were crying, which was very unusual. The doctor slowly left, followed by the nurses.

Jimin was devastated, crying and shouting in sorrow. He felt like his heart was being teared apart, he was suffering so much. He pushed Jin away and began to punch the wall with his fists until his knuckles became bloody. He has gone crazy at the thought of losing the guy he loves and couldn't stop shouting and crying. Yoongi caught him and pinned him to the ground so he would stop hurting himself.


"HE WON'T EVER WAKE UP SO WHERE'S THE POINT? HE WON'T SEE ME LIKE THIS! I SHOULD JUST DIE, SO THAT I WON'T SUFFER ANYMORE!" Jimin retorted and pain was obvious in his voice. He stood up, looked around him. Everyone was crying. Namjoon was holding Jin and Hoseok was hugging Taehyung. Jimin looked at Yoongi and went to hug him. They stayed like that for about thirty seconds when Jimin broke his embrace. He went in the room, alone, and stood beside Jungkook. He took his hand, sat down and fell asleep.

Three weeks later

Jimin POV

Jungkook still hasn't woken up. I've been through depression since the doctor told us that he was in a coma and that he could never wake up. When I happen to fall asleep, I have nightmares. So I wake up and because I'm afraid of having the same nightmare, I don't go back to sleep. I'm very tired and I don't talk to anyone. Even the members. I talk to Jungkook when the members aren't here, I repeat over and over how much I love him, that I hope he would wake up soon, that I miss him. I'm almost always crying. I don't read the diary anymore because I'm afraid that if I read it, I'll begin to live in the memories and that Jungkook would really not wake up. By the way, a few days ago, I heard the doctor ask Namjoon hyung if we would like them to try waking Jungkook up, even if it's risky. Fortunately, he refused. But the point is that it's been third weeks and I'm still sitting on this chair, barely sleeping and eating.

What's keeping me alive is my heart beating, my breath and my love for Jungkook. And hope. This hope that I'm chasing because I believe that Kookie will wake up. I'm sure of it.

"Jimin-ah? How are you?" It was Jin hyung. He approached me and sat at my right.

"I don't know. I don't feel anything but pain and sadness hyung. I feel like dying." I answered.

Jin hugged me and my hair.

"Our Jiminie is strong, right? Don't give up. Trust Jungkook. He'll wake up because he loves you. He will, Jimin." he said and went out of the room. Ten seconds after, everyone entered and came to my side. I stood up and leaned over Jungkook to kiss him on the lips. I kissed him for five seconds and as I turned around, I felt a grip at my hand.


Author's Note :

Chapter 18, done !

So, I decided to update this chapter because :

- tomorrow I go back to college and I didn't xant t omake you wait too much.


It was painful to write this chapter, I hoped you enjoyed it^^

As, you can see, this chapter doesn't have a title. SInce I already used 'Waking Up', I don't want to use once more. Thus, I want you, my lovely readers that I love so much, to decide a title for me ! Please ?

I hope you'll bear with me until the end which I don't know where it is.

Oh, and here, it's been about 2 months since Jungkook's accident if you want to count the months left before their comenback ;-)

As always, comment, subscribe and upvote please !^^


<3 Love BTS <3

P.S : I don't know if you noticed it, but I changed my username from jujustine92 to 19ARMY923457. I wanted it to be more meaningful I can say^^

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cutepinkbutterfly201 #1
Chapter 33: Loved the story you are amazing. I hope to see another one of you stories
eunhaekyuminshipper #2
Chapter 33: Great epilogue, i am going to reread this now xD
cutepinkbutterfly201 #3
Chapter 31: Fighting #jikook4ever
VkookMMM #4
Chapter 30: oh my lord I'm literally crying so much right now.... all of your long and hard work has REALLY paid off and to be able to read ever single word of this entire story gives me hope and happiness... thank you so much..
Chapter 29: Awww this is soo cuteeeee >.< im so glad Bang PD-nim let them have their relationship but i rlly hope their parents are ok with the two's relationship and hopefully nothing will go bad.. and even if it does, i hope jikook, namjin, vhope, yura and suga are able to maintain their relationships through the strongness of their group ^^
Its rlly good so far author nim, FIGHTING FOR MORE CHAPTERS!!! :D ♡♡♡♡
Oo~ Can't wait to read this, it seems interesting :D
VkookMMM #7
Chapter 29: Oh my god this was worth the wait! Once again I congratulate you for this chapter and hope that the next will be as amazing! They always are..
cutepinkbutterfly201 #8
Chapter 29: That was so adorable
Chapter 28: My dearest as you know I usually can't comment until the end of a story but this has given me goosebumps heartache and sometimes made me teary-eyed and all in a good way. You have already put in so much hard work with your hand still not 100 % and your school responsibilities. Wishing you much sucess but please if possible make it happy at the end I really need that. My past week has been really crappy and your story has lifted my spirits. Take care of yourself and as always I'm here for you if you need anything. Ciao Bella.
VkookMMM #10
Chapter 28: please continue this story with a comforting ending because I have literally been crying for the past almost week reading this, of sadness and joy, and I would die if it ended bad.. that is all I ask.. I love your work btw