Hello, Husband.

Hi, Boyfriend.
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Jinyoung first met Jaebum when he’s a waiter at a luxurious restaurant that only persons with titles would afford spending their moneys for expensive little meals. The said waiter had unintentionally slipped when he was about to put a glass of red wine on the corporate male’s table which caused him spilling the bloody beverage on Jaebum’s expensive white straight body French cuff dress shirt by Hermes. Jaebum wasn’t a brat, but he had little (yes, little) problem with his temper.

Honestly, Jaebum didn’t have any intention in yelling and making scene in the restaurant. Guilty crept in him as he turned to look at the now-crying-waiter in front of him. His pride is too wonderful to give it up when he realized that he yelled for the restaurant manager and asked him to fire the careless waiter (according to him) even after looking at the guilty Jinyoung.

So, Jinyoung hated Jaebum.






It’s been few days since he walked around looking for advertisement hanging everywhere, seeking any kind of work for a college student able to do. He tried, that’s it but trying always ending up pass or failing in which Jinyoung thought that he failed. Not yet until he stepped on a very nice advertisement paper. He laughed as he read the cute writing on it saying ‘Hi there anyone who read this. You’re so lucky because you read this. Choi Youngjae is looking for a guy to work with him. Call me here xxx-xxx xxxx if you think that you’re cute enough.’

Jinyoung knew that he shouldn’t waste his time and phone’s credits but here he was, standing under a tree waiting for someone he never met. As he called the assumedly Choi Youngjae, the voice from the other line sounds cute, almost like a seven years old kid. He felt nervous out of sudden as he think of it too much. What if it is bait for someone to kidnap him and sells Jinyoung to ion house? Jinyoung thought vanished away as a black shiny car pulled over and seven years old looking kid runs towards him with a smile.

“Park Jinyoung hyung? Hi, I’m Choi Youngjae!” The ball of happiness kid showed his teeth as he smiled towards Jinyoung.

“Hi, cutie pie. Oh my God, you’re lucky because it’s me who called you. What if other bad guy called you and kidnaps you away from the world, hm?” Jinyoung crouched down to the kid’s eye-level and pokes the cute nose. “Don’t play around with advertisement anymore, okay?”

“But, Youngjae really really need someone to work for Youngjae.” The kid pouted making Jinyoung smiles lovingly at him.

“People work to gain something, muffin. Can you even pay them?” Be a lovely kid lover he is, Jinyoung gave the not-so-stranger-anymore kid a peck on the nose. He just can’t resist Youngjae’s cute nose, okay?

The kid think for a while before pulling out his expensive looking wallet from his school uniform pocket and took out everything inside the wallet including a golden and a black unlimited credit cards. “Uhmm, with this?”

“Oh, my God. You shouldn’t show these to others. Keep it, honey.” The college student ushered the little one to keep everything back.

“But, hyung. Youngjae need someone to help work with Youngjae.” The kid’s whines made Jinyoung melted.

“If you need help, then hyung can help you. You don’t have to pay hyung with anything. Just a kiss on the cheek would do.” Jinyoung tapped on his own right’s cheek for the younger to dip his cute (everything about the kid is cute) lips on it.

“Be my hyung’s boyfriend for the family night?” Youngjae said after he’s done kissing Jinyoung.

Honestly, Jinyoung was taken a back at Youngjae’s reply. He’s speechless but he could still utters some words. “When is it?”

Smiling sweetly, the kid replied, “Tonight.”






Jinyoung doesn’t like it to break promises he made, so he ended up in saloon getting ready for the night. He didn’t know if this is the right decision or not. What is it with meeting his supposed boyfriend who he didn’t know how he look like not even his name. He’ll make sure to ask Youngjae about his brother later. As time passed, Jinyoung woke up when someone tapped his shoulder. Ahh, he fell asleep when getting make up on. Why does he need the makeover anyways?

The guy with white formal clothes that paid for the clothes and make over he got, he assumed that it’s Youngjae’s driver as that guy took them here and there. Also holding on things they shopped and went to counter after the kid handed him the cards. Jinyoung felt nervous as dinner time is getting near and they’re in car, on their way to Youngjae’s house. What had he getting in?

Jinyoung learnt from Youngjae that his brother needed to find a partner as their parents have had enough with him break up with every ladies and guys they introduced to him. They decided to give Youngjae’s brother a chance to find his own partner or they’ll deregister him from the family. Jinyoung felt bad for Youngjae’s brother. He understood the parents that they wanted the brother to have his happiness but this isn’t the right thing.

According to Youngjae again, his brother would only get in a relationship with anyone that Youngjae approved in which Youngjae never disagree with their parents’ choices. The brother always end breaking up with all of them as he said that they’re not understanding enough about his love for his work. Youngjae decided to make the advertisement which is the one Jinyoung read. It is the only one and Jinyoung got lucky.






Youngjae held Jinyoung’s hand and lead him inside the biggest house he ever see. With hesitant steps, he followed the young flesh into the house and right to the dining table where arguments could be heard. The arguments stopped as the family sensed his presence. Jinyoung hope that he’s not in an awkward state. Youngjae bowed to the family and Jinyoung did the same. Youngjae kept his smile still and all of the family automatically smiles. This kid really is a miracle.

“Hello, everyone. Sorry, Youngjae is late.” The kid pouted before continuing his talk. “Youngjae was having fun with Jinyoung hyung and forgot we got family dinner!”

“Youngjae, honey.” A middle aged woman stood up before walking towards Youngjae; trying to pick him up but the kid held Jinyoung’s hand and stick to Jinyoung’s legs. The woman smiles before looking up at Jinyoung. “May I know who’s this young man that made my baby Youngjae doesn’t want to be in my arms?”

“Hello., I’m Park Jinyoung. I’m here to-,” Before he could finish his words, Youngjae interrupted.

“Everyone said that they wanted to meet Jaebum hyung’s boyfriend.” The said brother looked down at his little brother who uttered the words without shaking in tone. “I’m sorry, Jaebum hyung. Youngjae stole Jinyoung hyung juuuuuuust for a while, but we’re late now.”

Knowing what his younger brother got in mind, Jaebum stood up and walked towards them. Not wanting to disappoint his little brother, he held Jinyoung’s hand and their eyes met. Jinyoung is quick to break their eye contact. Silently Jaebum led the pretty male to the table and being a gentleman he is. Youngjae towing them and Jaebum quick to give him a disapproving look.

“Well, young man. Would you like to introduce yourself properly this time?” The elder who’s sitting at the very end of the table said and everyone’s eyes was now on him.

“Hello, my name is Park Jinyoung.” The woman that reached Youngjae sat down next to Youngjae on the table. “I’m here as Jaebum’s boyfriend. It might be shocking news but yeah.”

“What are you doing in living?” One of the family members asked. “Don’t you think that you are too young in looks?” He got slang so Jinyoung guessed he’s a foreigner.

“I’m still studying.” Everyone seemed shocked.

“What did you take in collage?” The woman yet again asked him.

“I’m taking literature.” Jinyoung tried to keep his smile on his face.

“How old are you?”

“I’m 20.”

“Don’t you think that the between the both of you is too big?”

“Mom, let’s not talk about it.” Jaebum, for the first time opened his mouth.

“Jaebum, he’s still too young for you.”

“So what if he’s too young for me? You said that I have to bring someone in my life to cheer me up, stay by my side. You never mention about any s on being too young for me.”

“Hyung…” Youngjae called for him. Jaebum eyes that once full of rage soften as he turned to look at his younger brother that had tears b in his eyes.

Jaebum quickly pick the little boy into his arms and walked away leaving the parents and Jinyoung dumbfounded. The handsome young lad called for Jinyoung to follow him. Being a modest lad, Jinyoung bowed and apologized before following the two brothers.





They had their stop at McDonalds as they heard Youngjae’s stomach grumbling. Jaebum had been driving them towards god knows where. Jinyoung’s next to him with Youngjae on his lap, burying his tiny face on Jinyoung’s chest. Jaebum would sometimes glance at the two and a smile crept on his face. That’s until when he heard the grumbling stomach that made him laughed out loud and park the car in front of the fast food franchise.

“When did you meet Youngjae?” Jaebum asked Jinyoung after making sure that his little brother wiped the sauce on the corner of his lips

“Just now. I know that this sounds weird or stupid but I called him for a childish advertisement.” Hearing Jaebum chuckled softly, Jinyoung pouted.

“Why are you looking for advertisement?”

“I don’t know if you get your memory loss or you are stupid or it’s just I’m not a very important subject for you, but I got fired nearly two weeks ago because someone yelled at me for spilling wine on his Hermes white shirt.” Jaebum seemed to keep chuckling like he knew that from the first second.

“I remember you. I seriously want to apologize to you.”

“Apologize? With laughing at me when I talk about your brother’s advertisement?”

“I’m sorry, okay? You guys are so cute that I can’t help but adore the cuteness.” Jinyoung’s blood rushed to his face and he blamed Jaebum for it.

“Hyung, did you know Jinyoung hyung?” The forgotten kid suddenly speaks.

“Yes, I knew him. Hyung was very sorry at him for having him lost his job.” Jaebum removed the bang off Youngjae’s forehead as it covered the cutie’s eyes.

“Oh, really? Then hyung should give him job!”

“Then, what would that job be?”

“Hyung’s boyfriend!” Youngjae clapped his tiny hands excitedly with smiling lips and eyes.

Jaebum turned to look at Jinyoung. “Would you?”

“How much would you pay me? In all honesty, I only would do this just for the night, for Youngjae but now it includes you. I don’t want to sound materialistic but I need a job that would make me gain something as I am not study for free.”

“I will pay all of your need and you would get a weekly allowance from me.”

“Why does it sound like I’m a mistress now?”

“Not a mistress, just a boyfriend.” Jinyoung nearly melt as Jaebum smiles. Nearly.

“It’s an okay for me then.”

“Then, would you like to be my boyfriend?”

“I already am in front of your parents.”

“Then, hi, boyfriend.”






A week after the declaration on being Jaebum’s ‘boyfriend’, Jinyoung kept on getting sweet messages from Youngjae. Not that he hate it. That bubble gum said that he’s happy and their parents seemed to accept the fact that Jinyoung is Jaebum’s partner. They kept on asking Jaebum on when he’s going to bring Jinyoung again to the house and get to know Jinyoung properly. The elder kept on giving them excuse

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KTsuki-chan #1
Chapter 1: Aww that was cute really :) I never thought Youngjae was going to be their adoptive son though... I wonder how Jaebum wanted to adopt if he was so busy with work... Daddy love at first sight?? X)
(And yeah it's me again XD)
Chapter 1: I reallyy love ittt :) ^^
HunieMineNahLuluis #3
Chapter 1: Hahh am definetly live this story,i wanna it littel bid lobger but at same time it just perfect but i still wanna read more (sorry i thing something wrong happen with ma brain)
Chapter 1: This is so cute!!! Oh my gawd!! Daebak!!
Chapter 1: Aaaaahhhh it's sooo cuuuteeeeee!!! Please continue, I'd love to know what happened to them x''3
Thankyou for the great story~
aag1418 #6
Chapter 1: well well well its full of cutness annnnnnd i would like to know what happent after that like how their days become like
Chapter 1: woah i just found this aaaaand this is so damn adorable! ><
jinyoung's dad is funny tho! and idky but i really love jjp ficts with youngjae as their adorable and cute and fluffy ball son ugh i can't help it
btw i love your jjp ficts, pls write more <3
HunieMineNahLuluis #8
Chapter 1: Am loving it
Am loving your writed style
And the most importan am love Bnior too much and baby Youngjae too!!!!!
Can ama have another story?
Chapter 1: Can i expect more JJP fic from you??? pleaseeee~~
This is good & i want more