True friends

Stuck With You

It was their 2nd year of highschool, a lot had change since their first meeting. They hung out with different people but that didn't stop them from being close. Yuri watched from the other side of the field as Sooyoung laughed with her group of friends, she would join them but honestly the people that Sooyoung now hung out with were completely a bunch of es. Yuri didn't want to change herself to fit right in. Their group was a mess, one day they'll all be friends and the next, one the girls gets into a fight with the other. Complete mess. Your typical dramatic bunch of teenagers. Yuri always had that judgement of Sooyoungs friends but she would never tell Sooyoung, well not all of it, she would still leave hints here and there, Yuri can admit herself that she too can be y at times. 

Yuri had here own group of friends but she rarely hung out with them, ever since her last escapade her parents signed her up for every single curriculum activity from piano lessons to textiles, her parents said it was a way for her to keep herself busy. She dropped most of the activity and kept with her piano lessons and swimming club, the only two which she enjoyed. 

That was one of the reasons why Sooyoung's friends didn't want Yuri to join their group. Classed as little miss perfect, the girls  would be too embarrassed to admit that they were jealous. Sooyoung never let their words get to her. She knew the person that Kwon Yuri was. Her admiration had never changed since their first meeting. 

"Hara was at it again, Hayoung was so mad" Sooyoungs head tilted up as she laughed hard, "she almost cried." Sooyoung wiped the pretend tears away. As much as Yuri liked how Sooyoung would tell her about her day, her opinions of Sooyoungs friends grew more sour everyday. 

"Don't you think thats a bit too much?" Unamused Yuri said. Sooyoung stopped, understanding the mood. It was weird, Sooyoung knew what her friends were doing were wrong, but it was all for fun, surely that made a difference. 

"Oh lighten up Yul, she doesn't take it to heart." Yuri was about to open but held her peace, there was no use in arguing about Sooyoungs newfound friends for the 100th time. 

"Your group sure is special, you guys have a weird way in entertaining yourself." Yuri said careful not to say it in a mocking way. 

"I get it Yul. You don't like them. But i do." Sooyoung stood up from the wall, it was just the two of them and the breeze was coming in strong. 

Sighing Yuri knew what was coming. Sooyoung seemed a bit more sensitive nowadays, talking to her was like disarming a bomb, any wrong move then, boom. 

Yuri didn't feel like backing down today. "They're horrible people Sooyoung, what's a girl like you doing hanging out with them."  Using her arms Yuri too stood up from the wall. 

"They're my friends Yuri. Don't call them that." Sooyoungs said sharply.

Yuri didn't back down. "Well i'm your friend too." 

"You're not any special compared to them. You don't have the right to choose who my friends are. Just because you don't have any doesn't mean you should make me detach from mine." It hurt hearing those words, Sooyoung and her had been hanging out less nowadays. Yuri didn't want to admit that it hurt everytime Sooyoung said she had plans with her other friends. 

"You don't fit in with them Sooyoung! you stick out like a sore thumb. You're meant to be just like me." Yuri tried hard not to let her voice crack. "Or i thought you were." She said under her breath. 

"A true friend would support me no matter what." Sooyoung stood her ground "Maybe you're not so much of a true friend." Sooyoungs fist balled. She turned away before letting her anger consuming her, "Goodbye Yuri." 

All Yuri could do was watch Sooyoung walk down the beaten path.


In the second to last classroom in the corridor a group of boys skipped gym class to play a game of cards. Cigerette smoke filled the air which mixed with the stench of the boys hair gel. 

One of them whistled as they watched the girls who were stretching on the yard. 

"Man they all bloomed this season." one said, eyes focused on the girl's behind. They watched like animals watching their prey. 

"Kwon Yuri's wins." The boys nodded in sync. "Shame she's a little bit weird." Again they nodded. 

The p.e teacher blew the whistle and Sooyoung came in front leading the group to stretch.

"Is it possible that Choi Sooyoungs deflated even more?" They laughed. 

"Someone missed out on the blooming season." They laughed harder. "Don't you think she's being too cocky nowadays? Just because she's going around with Hara and her group." 

"Definitely, she needs a reality check, no ones interested in an ironing board." 

Yuri took a break from stretching she looked up into the sky wiping away the sweat which had accumulated on her forehead. Gulping her saliva, Yuri decided to grab a drink from indoors. 

As she walked down the hall she could hear laughter getting stronger and stronger, cautiously she hid behind the wall and listened in, interested in what the boys were talking about. 

"Lets make a bet, 10,000 won, i can get Choi Sooyoung to believe that im inlove with her." One of the guys Which Yuri never found interested in finding out his name, Kwon something, stood up on top of one the desks. Her fist balled instantly balled and she left. 

Rushing down back to the yard Yuri's eyes scanned for Sooyoung, as usual she was with her group of friends. Yuri had to find the courage to walk up to them. "Sooyoung can i talk to you?" The girls conversation came to a stop and all eyes were on Yuri. 

Embarrassed Sooyoung didn't reply. "Sooyoung it's urgent. Please." Yuri pleaded.

"Whatever you have to say, you can say infront of my friends too." Sooyoung said. 

"Yeah say it to us too." One of them spoke up.

"I don't think you'd want that, Sooyoung i promise it'll only take a minute." Yuri insisted.

Sooyoung looked for approval from her friends. They stared at her shaking their heads. 

"Sorry Yuri. You're kind of disturbing us." Sooyoung turned her away.

Seeing that it didn't look like Yuri was going to get Sooyoung all by herself, Yuri gave up. "Fine." 


It was the best day of Sooyoungs life, Kwon Min Woo grabbed her to one side and had confessed to her, something which Sooyoung had been dreaming of ever since they had been placed in the same class. This would've never had happened if she only stayed close friends with Yuri. 

"So tonight? infront of the bridge, it's a date." He smiled that smile which caused Sooyoung to melt.

She bit her lip as she thought about him. 

"I can't believe you have a date with Kwon. Min. Woo." her friend exaggerated as if Sooyoung had just won the lottery. 

"Hes totally into you girl!" her friend patted her on the back. Sooyoung couldn't hold back her grin, her dream of becoming the popular girl in school was coming true. 

"Yuri?" The teacher called out which got Sooyoungs attention. "Kwon Yuri?" the students looked around. It was weird for Yuri to be not in class. Sooyoung brushed it off, probably another piano lesson. 

She waited there, it had been 20 minutes since the time her and Min Woo decided to meet up. It was getting darker, chilly too, the quite revealing dress which Min Woo suggested for her to wear did a poor job in keeping her warm. She thought he probably was just running later than he intended. 

It suddenly got dark and all Sooyoung could hear were the cars. From a far a group of people on bicycles came her way, she noticed that they were all wearing masks. Sooyoung gulped. 

"I can't believe she came!" They circled her. 

"she actually fell for it." Sooyoungs then realised. Min Woo wasn't interested in her at all.

An egg crash landed into Sooyoungs head, the yolk slid down her hair. More eggs came after the first one was thrown. 

All Sooyoung could do was cry. Embarrassed and angry came after shock, Sooyoung didn't know what to do. Just like the egg shells, her heart was broke too. After they left Sooyoung deflated into a ball, crying and weeping. 

The next day arrive and Sooyoung felt like death. There was no way she was coming into school, but she didn't have a say in whether she should go to school or not. Oblivious what happened to her daughter last night Mrs Choi threatened her daughter to go to school. 

Laughter came as soon as Sooyoung stepped into the classroom, one of her friends gazed up towards her and hid her face as she laughed. Sooyoung walked to her desk lifelessly, waiting for the laughter to stop. 


After seeing the photo of Sooyoung covered in eggs, Yuri made a hitlist. There was no way she would forgive those bastards. No way in hell. Not even a threat of suspension could stop her from hunting those s down. 

As soon as she saw Kwon Min Woo she threw a punch which sent him flying and landing onto the floor. Teachers quickly rushed and Yuri was sent to the principles office, along with Min Woo. 

A suspension wasn't going to stop Yuri from getting revenge. After school she waited for more of them, following them and mindlessly beating up whilst making sure not to blow her cover. 

She scared the boys enough for them to not tell any adults. The next day in school all of Min Woo's friends had bruises pn their faces and no one dared to question them. 

She finished her revenge by giving Min Woo's parents a little visit, being known as the towns miss little perfect, Yuri knew she wouldn't have a problem with getting his parents on her side. 

"He also would slap other girls asses as they walked past." She fake sobbed a little, a little white lie. It didn't make a difference, he'd still be branded as the towns ert after this, Yuri would make sure. 

After hearing about what her son had been doing Mrs Kwon stood up from the table and rushed to the school. With Yuri skipping behind Mrs Kwon grabbed her son by the ear and kept him like that as they walked to the principles office. 

The next day, Yuri was allowed back into school the only thought on her mind was finding Sooyoung as quickly as possible. Failing to find her at school the whole day made Yuri even more worried. Yuri wasn't sure if Sooyoung would be where they used to hang out, on the wall where they first became friends, it was worth a try to see if she was. 

Just like her guts said Sooyoung was there. Yuri sat down next to her. 

"You were right." Sooyoung bitterly laughed. "What friends." 

Yuri didn't reply. 

"Aren't you happy? You were right all along." Tears began to pool in Sooyoungs eyes. "And where were you? No one had seen you in days, you claimed to be my best friend." She hiccuped, "Yet you weren't there. It was painful Yuri." She hung her head low, "I needed you." She whispered. 

there was a long silence and Yuri could no longer take it. "I was suspended." Sooyoungs head quickly turned to her. 

"I was suspended for hitting Min Woo." Sooyoungs mouth opened slightly. "I knew about it Soo, their plan. But you wouldn't listen." 

"Im so sorry." Sooyoung no longer held her cries, she bawled her eyes just like she used to when the boys used to constantly make fun of her legs and Sooyoung would run to Yuri crying. 

"No, i'm sorry. I couldn't stop them before..." Sooyoung launched herself onto Yuri, placing her head on one of Yuri's shoulder. 

"You'll always be my precious friend. Even in the next life." 












*Another chapter as requested, sorry it took long.


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Chapter 1: please update soon