
You're My 1%

Jin is panting hard. He collected his breath for a while struggling to get oxgyen as much as possible back inside his lungs. He was just practicing their new song that will soon be reveal to the public by the end of this month. He strided across the room to grab his water bottle. Jin knew he was the weakest member when it comes to dancing, thus he always push himself more so that he won't be a burden in their group. He sat down and stared at his own reflection on the mirror. He let his mind wander but he knew his mind will always wander around this one particular guy. 




 Kim Namjoon. His rap-monster-boyfriend. Jin turned his head and see that oh-so-familiar face standing near the door of their dance practice room. 


"Ah, Namjoon-ah, why are you here? I told you I'll be back late, you don't have to come here." Jin replied with his motherly tone. Namjoon enter the room and went to sit beside his Seokjin. "Yeah, but its almost 1am. I'm worried about you, hyung." Jin smiles at the younger's words. "I'm sorry I made you worried. I didn't notice the time." Jin looked at the clock hanging on the wall and indeed he's been there for a straight 5 hours. Wow. "Its okay, hyung. You know I can't sleep without you." Namjoon pouted. Jin chuckles at his cuteness and began to think how did he managed to fall in love with him. Jin's smile suddenly faltered a little as the word 'love' came across his mind. 


'Ah. Why am I thinking about that right now? I shouldn't ruin this good atmosphere now with these thoughts.' Jin closes his eyes and began shaking his head. Even so, he knew sooner or later, he should let his thoughts out. Jin's sigh resonated in the quiet room. Namjoon knew there was something bothering his beloved hyung because its been a few weeks since he acted this way. 


"Hyung, just tell me." Namjoon suddenly breaks the silent moment between them. Jin snapped his head up and look towards Namjoon. "Wha- what are you talking about? I have nothing to tell you. Why? You have something to say to me?" Jin stuttered a bit as he wasn't expecting the younger to suddenly be that straightforward. "I know there's something bothering you lately. You can just tell me, you know?" Jin sighed. Well, it wasn't a big deal anyway but it has been bugging him for weeks. 


He was insecure. Yes. Insecure. What? No, no not about his looks. Hell, he is well-known as the princess in the group, no one can question that. He's actually insecure about Namjoon's feelings towards him. Because.. Okay, this may sound stupid but every time Namjoon told him he loved him. He always said, "Of course I love you, hyung. My love for you completes my life 99%."


99%. Not 100%.


Okay the difference is only 1% but it still bothers him. What if the -1% is because he was still unsure of his feelings for him. But then its been almost 3 years. One question suddenly popped out in his mind and that freaking scares him the most. Its- What if his feelings for Jin now is starting to fade..... Oh man, these thoughts killed him every single time. Though, he always brushed those thoughts off by doing other things to make him forget about it.


"So.. hyung? Will you tell me what is going on inside your mind?"


Namjoon spoke up waking Jin up from his thoughts. Jin turned his head away from Namjoon and look anywhere but him. He decided that he will just ask about it. He prepares his heart for the worst to come.

"Well- okay but no, it wasn't that serious but it- its been bothering me. I don't know hahaha its quite stupid actually. You might actually laugh at it." Jin nervously laugh while fidgeting the hem of his shirt. "Babe, its okay. Just tell me." Jin blushes at the nickname Namjoon gave him. Okay well here goes nothing.


"You know... You always said that you love me but you always mention the percentage. Well why were you even using percentage to assure me that you love me- ugh Namjoon but urm anyway, about the percentage... You always give me a 99%- I mean yeah it is quite high but you know I prefer to hear that you love me and it completes your life 100% well yeah I mean- its okay tho, it doesn't really matter because you LOVE me. But yeah I wonder where is the 1%.." Jin whispered the last sentence while still not making any eye contact with Namjoon. 


There was a silent moment between them until Namjoon broke it. "Kim Seokjin."


Jin kept his head down and didn't bother to look up at the younger. "What? I know its quite stupid right- hahaha I knew it-" Namjoon cut Jin's words.


"It's you." 




"Me? You mean the 1% is me? Am I really worth that little to you. Just a 1%?" Jin whined. 


Namjoon chuckles at his boyfriend's cuteness. Sometimes he wonder who is the older one in their relationship. "No hyung. It's because when I'm with you then my life is complete 100%." 


"Uh.. But why 1%? I mean you could at least give me 50% or a more higher percentage. I want to be worth more in your life, Namjoon-ah." Jin protested cutely like a child asking his mother for more pocket money to buy another ice cream. 


"Well, because you are my 1 and only, hyung." 


Jin blushed profusely as he heard Namjoon's words. 'He woo-ed me every single time with his dimples and smile and just everything. Now, he's playing the cheesy pick-up line card.' 


"Oh my god. Namjoon- you did not just- oh my god- go away." The colour pink tinted Jin's cheeks. Namjoon laughs.


"I love you too, hyung." 


Jin chuckles. He then raised his head up to look at Namjoon's face. "I love you more Namjoon-ah and thank you." Jin smiled sweetly at him. Namjoon's heart swells at the sight and smiled too showing his infamous dimples. 


"You're my 1% in my incomplete 99% life." 


And then, Namjoon closed the distance between them and let their lips moved, as a contented smile painted both of their faces. 












Jimin squeals at the sight. He had been there the whole time watching the sweet scene unfold between the both of his hyungs. He slowly closed the door and began to head to the studio room where a certain grumpy-but-sweet guy is working for their upcoming album that will be reveal to the public soon. (TMBMIL PT.2 WHO'S EXCITED? BECAUSE I AM.) 


"Yoongi hyung~" Jimin called his hyung cheerfully as he went inside the studio room. Yoongi smiled as he heard the too-familiar voice of a cute-but-at-the-same-time-hot boy that he hadn't see the whole day. "Jiminie, what are you doing here, baby?" Jimin grinned as he heard the nickname from Yoongi. "I miss you hyung. I haven't see you for the past- oh my god- almost 24 hours- and yeah I miss you." Jimin pouted sadly. Yoongi gave his Jimin his signature gummy smile. "I miss you too, baby. I'm so sorry but hey I'm going to finish soon so do you mind to wait a while? Then, we could head back home and cuddle." Jimin beamed at that and nodded his head while squealing an 'Okay hyung!' 


Yoongi is now holding Jimin's hand while walking side by side heading back to their dorm. Yoongi was silently thinking back at the story Jimin told him back at the studio room about the romantic scene he saw between the Namjin couple. Yoongi chuckled at that, 'how cheesy'. Yoongi then turned to his right staring at Jimin's jawline as his cute boyfriend is now counting the stars he claimed to see up on the sky. "Jimin-ah." Yoongi called Jimin. Jimin quickly averted his eyes towards Yoongi. "Yes, hyung? Why-" Yoongi stopped his tracks and hold Jimin's face bringing  him closer towards him letting their lips meet. After a sweet liplocking, Yoongi whispered at Jimin's ears, "I love you 101%." Jimin blushed at that and then smiled. "I love you too hyung. But why 101%?" Yoongi his chin for a while as if thinking of what to reply until- "Because when you sum up those numbers together, it will equals to 2. And that defines the both of us together-- in love." Yoongi smiled sheepishly. Jimin blushed again but this time he can't hold it in. "OH MY GOD HYUNG DID YOU JUST-" Yoongi managed to silent Jimin with another kiss on the lips. 


"I didn't know you could be that cheesy too hyung." 


"Well, Namjoon taught me well." 


Then, they proceeded their journey back to the dorm together- this time Yoongi helps Jimin to count the stars on the sky when Jimin argue, "Hyung! Why are you counting me too!" 


"Because you're the star in my life, Jiminie"  


"Oh my god- hyung stop~~" 


 We all know Jimin doesn't want him to stop actually, right?



The end.





Did you curled your fingers? Or perhaps this isn't cheesy enough for you? ;)

Anyway, can you guys guess what's my favourite subject in school?




Its Maths! xD


Love you all <3



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Chapter 1: okay, ive been stressed out lately with all the works needed to be done and when I stumbled upon your story, needless to say, you make my day brighter!!!
Chapter 1: cheesyyyyyyy okay...i'm fine with namjoon being cheesy but Yoongi? Omaiii...
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: My heart! OMG :D I love this. I'm a hardcore YoonMin and NamJin trash. Thank you so much for this <3
Blue82 #4
Chapter 1: Oh MY god! Yoongi you sly cheesy devil! This was too cute I'm fangirling.
Chapter 1: Oh God~ I can't stop smiling from this. Such a perfect fic to start a day ~ good morning and thank youuuuu for writing this :3
Chapter 1: Yes I did. It's too cheesy that I can't stop smiling while reading this and yes i can guess your favourite subject because of those percentage. xD anyway this is a good one shot! Hwaiting for the next one! ^^
Chapter 1: "Because you're the star on my life" *flips tables* *flips the whole house around* cheesy Yoongi is cheesy :))
eightaenine #9
Chapter 1: LOL I cringe. But still cute!! Rapmon maknae ka? Sya tia tau pun hahahaha knapa pro sudah bi ko ni? I like it, om. Write more ok :3