
Present from Enemy

Present from Enemy

written by: bluefloral


Elementary - Year 1

Tongue sticking out to the side, seven year old Kibum seriously focused his attention on the sketch pad on his lap, little fingers tightening at the pencil he uses on drawing the figure he was imagining in his head.

They're having their Arts & Crafts Wednesday in their colourful classroom with the theme of Christmas. Isn't that cool?

With his crayon in hand, he started to colour his drawing so it can come to life. The picture was all about him in a giant skating rink together with his future girlfriend and lots and lots of lights since it will be a magical night. He released a happy sigh at the thought.

A psh from behind stopped him from colouring his future and he glared at the boy who did it, feline eyes fixed on a boy with puppy eyes, bow shaped lips pressed in annoyance at this stupid kid.

"Yah! What are you psh-ing for?"

"You're drawing is ugly." The stupid kid plainly said, Kibum releasing an offended gasp, his  chubby cheeks turning to an angry red before his slightly pink lips pressed to a fine line, eye's narrowing. How dare this stupid poopy-head kid insult his masterpiece like that?!

"Yah! Don't call my drawing with a word you use to describe your face!" Kibum said angrily, standing up while planting his hands on his little hips.

"Kibummie~ No shouting. What's going on here?" their teacher, Miss Luna, asked while crouching to the two boys.

Kibum mentally made an evil smile, his Mommy don't call him the next big star for nothing! In the blink of an eye, his lower lips jutted out while fake big tears were slowly rolling on his chubby cheeks, voice stuttering out, "J-Jamong called my drawing ugly!"

"Yah! Don't call me Jamong, you crybaby!"

"Okay, okay. Stop it, you two." Miss Luna sighed while slowly wiping Kibum's tear-streaked face, little bow-shaped lips forming a pout. "Seriously, when will you two be friends? You're always fighting with each other."

"He always start it in the first place!" Kibum shouted again, fingers pointing at Jonghyun accusingly while the one being pointed smiled mischievously, sticking a tongue out at Kibum when Miss Luna was not looking. He doesn't know why but there's just this feeling of wanting to tease this little diva.

Miss Luna sighed quietly while combing Kibum's blond locks, "Kibummie, I'm sure Jonghyun didn't mean to say it. Right, Joghyun?"

The one in question stared with bottomless brown orbs at their teacher before nodding with an innocent look.

"See?" she smiled at Kibum who was looking at the other kid impassively, small pout still evident on his pinkish bow-shaped lips, feline eyes narrowing at puppy ones.

“Now go back to your drawings.” She smiled, tapping Kibum’s little before going to the other children’s needs.

Kibum glared at Jonghyun before shifting closer to another boy named Taemin, wanting to be away as far as possible from that poopy-head kid. He turned his back and continued to draw but something is bothering him again, someone to be exact.

“What?!” He huffed when Jonghyun didn’t stop throwing crumbled papers at Kibum’s back, feline eyes once again narrowed and cheeks turning red from suppressed anger.

The smile Jonghyun sent in his direction was disarming, his chocolate eyes shining brightly that’s why little Kibum once again turned his back, not knowing why his heart becomes stupid for some reason.

 Is this normal? He thought to himself, glad when Miss Luna clapped her hands to get their attention.

“Okay everyone, are you done with your drawings?” She smiled at the children who chorused their answer with a ‘Yes Miss.’

“Now, clean your supplies and we’ll post your drawings on our board before our snack time. Come on...” She signalled for them to pass their drawings, eyes glancing at the back when she saw Jonghyun grabbing the back helm of Kibum’s shirt while the shirt owner completely ignored him. She shook her head with a smile; Jonghyun is just like a puppy who wants some attention sometimes.

Kibum huffed, tugging his shirt out of Jonghyun’s hold when the other tried to tick Kibum again. When Jonghyun didn’t make any efforts to let go of his shirt, he stood up but was held back by the other who wrapped his hands around the blonde’s right wrist.

“Yah! Let go of my hand! I need that hand in life mister! I write with this hand!” Kibum said to the other, purposely tugging his wrist away.

“What do you want as a Christmas present?” Jonghyun asked, snapping Kibum out from his pulling game with the other, his eyes twinkling in interest. He loves presents!

“You mean it? Anything is okay!” He gushed excitedly, letting Jonghyun link their hands together.

“Are you sure anything is okay?” The other raised his brow, mind deviously planning something. He internally smirked at Kibum’s series of nods.

“Okay.” He said, letting go of the other’s hand in favour of letting the blonde pass his drawing to Miss Luna.

The next day came and Kibum felt giddy of receiving another present. He kept on swinging his feet back and forth while waiting for Jonghyun. Their classes just ended and Jonghyun said he would give Kibum’s present after their last subject.

He was waiting at one of the swings, his mother and Jonghyun’s mom talking about something with Miss Luna but he didn’t want to know about what they’re talking about, his more excited to his new present.

 “Here...” Jonghyun said as he smiled mischievously at Kibum, placing a nicely wrapped box on the other’s lap. Kibum didn’t notice Jonghyun’s grin though and just undid the clumsily knotted bow at the top, opening the box’s lid.

“AAAAAHHHH~!!!” Kibum screamed at the top of his lungs as a frog hopped from the box, Jonghyun laughing his off at Kibum’s reaction.

“Ew, ew, ew~!”Kibum chanted like a mantra as he tried to rub off the part where the frog landed on his lap, glaring at the laughing kid at the front. He bit his lip, annoyed, and walked up to Jonghyun, hitting him at the back repeatedly.

Jonghyun bit his lip to keep himself from laughing again while catching hold of Kibum’s wrist who kept on hitting him.

“I hate you!” Kibum exclaimed, glaring at Jonghyun whose face got red from laughing too much. He pulled his hand away and walked out, leaving Jonghyun on the swings while the latter called his name

“Kibum~!” Jonghyun shouted after the little blonde, grabbing his wrist again to face him. His heart slightly gave a painful beat when he saw the other’s teary face, bow-shaped lips quivering.

“I’m sorry Kibummie!” He apologized, slightly scared because Kibum is going to hate him now! He can’t let that happen!

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He repeated every word, hugging the other boy close to him because his heart can’t take the way those feline eyes become dangerously glassy.

“I-I  d-don’t want a f-frog at Christmas!” The blonde boy hiccupped, hands at Jonghyun’s shirt.

The other bit his bottom lip and nodded against the other boy’s hair, “I’m sorry. I promise I’ll give you another gift soon.” He promised to the other, because he don’t want Kibum to cry again.



The next day, Kibum found a fluffy teddy bear in his desk and he didn’t need to know who sent it, the smile Jonghyun sent in his direction was already enough.

“Did you like it?” Jonghyun asked once they were having their snack/play time.

Kibum pouted for a moment before nodding, “I still hate you though.” He glared at Jonghyun who shook his head in response, “I’ll give you a present after ten years.” Jonghyun grinned at Kibum.

“Really? But that’s too long!” Kibum huffed his cheeks, fingers playing with the fluffy bear since he can’t leave it at their room. What if someone stole it, right?

“Then you have to wait for it.” Jonghyun said in a singsong voice before running off. “I want something in return though,” he shouted to the blond feline who was securing the bear on his chest, tilting his head to the side to encourage the other to continue.

“I want a kiss.” Jonghyun winked while the other’s eyes widened, don’t know why his heart seems to skip a beat.

“In your dreams, ert!”

High School Year 3

Seventeen year old Kibum arrived at their room with his bag slung over on one shoulder, brow knitting in confusion when his seat was crowded by his classmates.

“Awwe, it’s so cute” and “I wonder who send that” was heard from the commotion before Kium walked up to them to know what it was.

“Excuse me,” he squeezed his way to his seat and his mouth fell open, feline eyes staring at the two cute puppies inside a pink basket, the basket being tied by three floating pink balloons.

“Kibum, you’re so lucky! I wish my boyfriend is like that.” His best friend and classmate, Jung Nicole, pouted as she took a peek to the cute little fluffs of fur, the brown-furred pup her palms when she kneeled at their height.

“There’s a letter Bum,” she said and handed a card to Kibum who was still gaping at what he received early on the morning. Who would...?

As I much as I want to personally give it to you, my image as the football captain would be put to shame when our schoolmates would see me carrying a pink basket, don’t you think? ;) I hope you like them ^^ I kept my promise :P

Jamong :D

PS. I'm still waiting for that kiss though :(

Of course it was Jonghyun. Kibum bit his bottom lip to stop the burgeoning smile on his face, cheeks getting red for some reason.

He thought the other forgot about their silly fight when they were still kids. Jonghyun has been distant when they entered Middle School and until this year. The other now being the captain of Football team while Kibum became the typical resident diva in their school, his thought were put to stop when the said captain entered the room together with the other players, face emotionless as usual.

Kibum mentally rolled his eyes to this. He was used to Jonghyun's monotonous face everyday. He sometimes even wonder how that stupid poopy-head kid (as he use to call him before) were the same with this emotionless person.

Some of the players checked the said commotion, glancing between Kibum and puppies with a knowing smirk, Kibum rolling his eyes at them.

He darted a glance at the said captain and saw Jonghyun looking at him with a smirk, chin planted on his palm.

Giving both puppies some good rubbing on their little heads and a kiss, Kibum walked up to Jonghyun, leaving the puppies to the gushing Nicole.

"Hi." Kibum smiled, leaning to the other while their classmates twitter among themselves.

"That gift has a price you know." Jonghyun smirked, Kibum rolling his eyes.

"Fine." The diva muttered before crashing his lips against Jonghyun's, the latter smiling all the time.





Well that was crappy XD okay, bye.

xoxo babes~ love yah!


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21Ame-chan #1
Chapter 1: Oooooooo I loved this!!!! ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️
Chapter 1: Your fics make me feel lonely
Chapter 1: i feel like crying ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ this was way too cute omg why are you always making your jongkey fics this amazingly adorable? hope you never loosing idea so you can write jongkey more. fighting!! ㅎㅅㅎ❤'ㅂ'*
allesistgutallesgut #4
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD! it's so adorable and cute as hell! ^^
blingkey247 #5
Chapter 1: This is adorable! I love your stories!
Chapter 1: Aww, it was soo ing cute, I love it// ♥
5Strangers5Friends #7
Jongkeyra #8
Chapter 1: Aww it's cute uwu pls write moree~