Someone New

It Happened

I can’t fight the laugh as I listen to the outrageous story Jackson is telling us about while he and the guys had been on tour in Japan. A ridiculous story about Jackson and Mark getting Jaebum to do this ridiculous dance on the streets for these grandmothers who have absolutely no idea who they are.

It’s been four months since Ilhoon and I broke up. I smile and laugh every day, I don’t get upset when I see Ilhoon by chance at Cube or when we do variety shows together (though this is rare). I miss him still, but it doesn’t hurt anymore, not like before. Not everything reminds me of him, and I’ve been able to focus on me.

After the lunch with the guys Melody, Julia, Cheonmi, and I are heading back to Cube when Melody rather coyly smiles at me. “So I was wondering, how would you feel about dating again?” She asks me curiously.

I shake my head. “Sooyoung already has this blind date for me set up.” I tell my friends while looking out the window. “This is like the fourth date she’s set up for me to go on.” I say while shaking my head.

“Damnit, you should have told us!” Melody says excitably. “I’d be cheering you on or helping Sooyoung find good guys for you to go on dates with. Listen to you if the dates turned out to be busts or gush with you if they happen not to be duds.”

“I don’t know, I’m not really sure I even want to go on another date.” I say while shrugging my shoulders. “Even if it’s kinda fun, they aren’t really with guys that I’d ordinarily be interested in.”

Cheonmi chuckles, I glance at her and let out a sigh. “I think you’re doing okay without dating. You’ve found a new you since you and Ilhoon broke up.” She says objectively.

I smile at my friend feeling a lot better with these words. “I feel like I’ve learned a lot about me since.” I say smiling as I glance back to Melody who is begging me with her eyes. “You can pick my clothes out.”

“Oh thank you,” Melody says in an extremely joyous tone. “Jules we get to give Dayoungie a makeover.” She says turning to our friend.

“That’s not what I said.” I say flatly. “I said you could pink my clothes.”

Julia smirks at Melody and back at me as she parks the car. “Yeah, but what you’re agreeing to is a makeover. It’ll be fun. We’ll talk to Sooyoung to see what kind of guy this is and we’ll just do your hair, makeup, and clothes. It’ll be fun.”

Cheonmi chuckles. “It’ll be nice to give you a new look.” I glance to her wide eyed that she’s going along with this too. “Dayoungie, it is fun to try new things out.”

I shake my head at my friends as we all get out of the car. “You guys are honestly expecting more out of this date than I am.”

“Well, someone needs to be optimistic.” Julia says while slinging her arm around my shoulder. “So who has she set you up with so far?”

“Actors she’s done dramas with.” I answer discreetly as we enter the lobby and take the stairs up to the second floor, I dodge questions about the dates as I wave to them as I excuse myself to go meet Junhyung so I can do my part of Hyuna’s new album.

As I enter the recording room Hyuna beams at me. “There’s my favorite angel.” She giggles while throwing her arms around me. “You’re looking so much happier lately.”

“I feel a lot better.” I say hugging Hyuna just as tightly. “Thank you for helping me out.” I whisper thanking her for all the support she’s been giving me since news traveled around that Ilhoon and I broke up.

“Anything for you.” She coos as she releases me, but only too my hair affectionately. “Just tell me if you need anything.” She says winking. “If you want to go out clubbing, want me to set you up on dates…”

Hyuna doesn’t get to finish this sentence as Junhyung coughs rather loudly. “Let’s get started.”

We both shake our heads at my brother as I get in the booth. I take a deep breath as I look at the lyrics I’ve written for this song.

It takes me a few tries, but I eventually get it just how Junhyung and Hyuna want it. Stepping out I hug both before making my way to Prodigy’s room, which is buzzing with excitement.

“You didn’t tell me the date is tonight!” Melody says excitedly as soon as I enter.

I simply look over at Sooyoung. “It’s tonight?” I ask frowning. I can feel all the girls b with excitement. Obviously they all were told who I’m supposed to be going on this date with. “I don’t get a hint?”

I’m met by a chorus of, “Absolutely not.” I’m rather surprised since even Cheonmi is excited. The girls are all b with anticipation. It’s a bit unsettling if I’m being honest, though it does pique my interest.

I let out a sigh as I nod my head. “Well then, while you all are obviously going to discuss what I’m going to be wearing and all, I’m going to go find something else to do.” I say while shaking my head at them.

As I leave I can hear them all still giggling and talking enthusiastically about tonight. I head towards a break room, once in one I pick up a pad of paper and pen.

I start writing down lines, trying to write a song. I’ve been having an easier time writing now that I’ve gotten some distance from before. For a while everything was difficult, but now it’s sort of like I’ve found a new focus. And I like it. I like this me again. I feel like I’ve finally become accustomed to who I am again. After all the changes and getting through all the hard bits, I feel more and more like myself again.

“Oh, hey Dayoungie.” Peniel says sounding rather surprised, looking up from the page, I smile at my friend. “Writing in here?” While I feel a tinge of anxiety, I’m happy to talk to Peniel. I don’t really see the guys too much anymore.

“The girls are a bit too loud in the practice room.” I say simply. “They’re all getting worked up and planning.” I say as I set my pad of paper down. “What brings you here?” I ask curiously.

“A break from the guys, Sungjae is complaining about Minhyuk and Eunkwang picking on him. And then they’re complaining when Sungjae lashes back out.” Peniel explains while rolling his eyes jokingly. “What are the girls planning?”

I quickly realize I might not want to share this. “I told Melody that she could pick my outfit tonight, which translated to her giving me a makeover along with the rest of the girls helping out.” I say feeling exhausted just by thinking about it. “I’m not really sure what I agreed to.” I say jokingly.

“Special plans tonight?” Peniel asks curiously. I glance away as I bite my lip. When I look back Peniel is nodding his head. “Going on a date?” He guess.

“Sooyoung has been setting me up on these blind dates.” I admit quietly.

I feel relieved when Peniel smiles at me. “That’s good, I’m glad you’re getting back out there.” He chuckles when I shake my head. “Well, I mean so long as you want to.”

“I do at least part of me does. I think it’s good for me, even if I’m just looking to meet new people.” I say as Peniel tugs me into his arms. “They aren’t a big deal.” I say, though I’m not sure if I’m trying to convince myself or my friend.

“I think they’re a big deal, it’s a good sign. You’re doing a lot better.” Peniel says happily. “We’ve been worried about you. I’m glad that you’re smiling more.”

I decide not to read into the ‘we’ that had been said and simply hug Peniel. “Well it was bound to happen. I have to bounce back eventually.” I say jokingly. “I can’t stay hung up over Ilhoon.” I say bravely.

“You shouldn’t.” Peniel says encouragingly. “It’ll be good for you to meet other guys.”

I smile at Peniel feeling a new sense of love for him. “How about you, how’s the dating life going?” I ask curiously. Peniel blushes as he looks away from me, I train my eyes on him and grin rather happily at him. “Is there a girl you like or perhaps haven’t told me about?” I question intrigued by the thought. “You never tell me about these things.”

Peniel eventually looks back at me. “I met a girl a couple weeks ago, we’re getting coffee later.” He says rather happily. “I haven’t really told anyone.”

“I hope it works out.” I say happily. “Though now that I know, you have to let me know how things go with her.” I say excitedly.

Before long Melody and Jinri enter the room, both of them giving off semi-protective vibes when they see Peniel. “We got to get you ready so you aren’t late.” Melody says carefully.

Peniel smiles at them and then at me. “For what it’s worth, I hope that this date goes well. Let me know how it turns out.” He says getting up with me. Giving me a tight hug. “Dayoungie, we should hang out again.”

“I agree.” I whisper feeling relieved to know I still have him as a friend. “Let me know how later goes.” I say discreetly as I leave with them.

“How was Peniel?” Jinri asks casually as we walk towards the stairs.

I smile as I glance back to see him heading off, looking around. “Good, he’s been good.” I answer as I turn to see Melody giving me this expectant look. “I don’t have to avoid them. I was friends with them before.”

“You really are moving on.” She says excitedly as her cautious look drops. “I can’t wait for tonight!”

I nod my head, while they’re all hyped up, and I’m admittedly curious and even looking forward to this date, I’m also a little unsure.




I glance over my menu to the man sitting across from me, calmly looking over his menu. “Sooyoung told me you were kinda shy, but not that you were this shy. We’ve been looking at our menus for about fifteen minutes now.” He says peeking at me, a slight smirk on his face. “You haven’t said a word.” I blink still stunned that I’m on this date. “Dayoung-sshi, can you not find something you like or would you perhaps like to eat somewhere else?” Jongsuk teases me slightly. I was aware of Sooyoung and Yoora both doing a couple of projects with him and Woobin, but to think that I’m here now is a bit hard to grasp to say the least.

“Sorry, I guess I haven’t really even looked at the menu.” I admit as I finally put my menu down, my date mimics me. “I’m still kind of shocked. Sooyoung never told me who I’d be meeting here tonight.” I confess. “Though I guess you know, that’s the point of a blind date.”

“Well I hope I don’t disappoint.” He says playfully.

I laugh, finally feeling a bit more relaxed about this whole concept of dating. “I hardly think you could Jongsuk-sshi.” I say warming up to the man across from me.

“I’ve been looking forward to this since Sooyoung asked if I’d be interested.” Jongsuk-sshi says rather happily. I blush and let out an embarrassed chuckle. “Don’t tell me, we’re going back to silence.” He teases me.

Building up my courage I look up at him nervously still. “No, I think we’ve covered the whole ice breaker part of the dinner.” I say back slightly flirtatiously, much like Jongsuk is being.

I end up half flirting and half joking with Jongsuk, who orders for us since he’s the only one who looked at the menu. As we finish our food I lean back in my chair slightly and find Jongsuk smiling at me. “I was worried for those first fifteen minutes, I thought you were trying to plot your escape.” He says gently.

“I was trying to figure out what I could even say. You’re a bit intimidating.” I confess candidly. Jongsuk looks a bit stunned by my words. “Sorry.” I say realizing I’ve spoken without really thinking.

“No, need, Sooyoung told me a lot about you actually. I like your honesty.” He says taking the check and paying for it before I can protest. He ignores my objections about paying for the entirety of the bill and as he offers to drive me home. “Like that to get you to talk I needed to tell you a little joke or something.” Jongsuk says continuing our conversation from dinner. He grins at me rather candidly. “I’m glad I took the advice. You’re a lot of fun.”

I blush as I look down at my lap. “Well I think we both can agree that was some solid advice.” I say as I peek up to Jongsuk giving me a pleased smile still. “And you’re really fun too.” I say as I shake slightly. I’m getting nervous again.

In the car Jongsuk chuckles slightly. “You’re pouting.” I glance at him and I find that this had been fun, much more than I’d been expecting. “Dayoung-sshi, Sooyoung told me that you’ve just started dating again. I hope we can do this again, if you’re up for it.”

“As long as you stop calling me Dayoung-sshi, everyone calls me Dayoungie.” I say simply as I feel more like myself. Much more than I have in a while.

“Then I think we can be a bit more casual.” Jongsuk says rather pleased. “Sooyoung gave me one last bit of advice,” He says. “For dessert, ice cream.”

“Ice cream is good for your soul.” I say all too happy with this advice. “You came well informed, Jongsuk.” I say as I look over at him.

“I wanted tonight to go well.” He says simply. “Sooyoung and Yoora may have over heard me talking to Woobin about you.” He says shyly.

I look at him curiously. “What were you saying?”

Jongsuk laughs as he parks. “You suddenly have a slightly dangerous air to you.” He says while looking over at me. “I have distinct feeling you’re a lot more than you appear.”

“Most people are.” I say smiling rather devilishly, at least that’s what people say my smile looks like when I tend to tease others.

Jongsuk looks down at his lap before looking at me. “I was telling him that I thought you were really funny, clever, and really strong. I like that you don’t seem to be two different people when you’re on or off camera.” He pauses blushing as he looks ahead. “This is a bit forward, but I do like you.” He says looking back over at me.

I flush red as I nod my head. “Come on,” I say unbuckling myself. As I get out of the car I wait for Jongsuk to walk over to me, he’s a bit awkward probably since I didn’t reply to his confession. I take his hand and smile up at him. “I like you too.” I say feeling butterflies bubble up, the excited feeling spreading through me.

Jongsuk holds my hand and lets out a relieved sigh. “You’re really nerve wrecking.” He says leading us forward.

I grin rather happy with this comment. “It’s something that’s been mentioned to me once or twice before.”

Jongsuk looks down at me and smiles. “I’ll definitely need to get used to it.” He answers rather confidently. “After all I’d like to have more than just the one date.”

“Oh me too.” I say smiling as I squeeze his hand. 

I thought introducing a new person entirely would be a better route
to go, but my ducks we're a far way from the ending. (:
I promise there will be more Ilhoon here soon.
Till next time my ducks!

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xRawrRiot #1
Chapter 11: yeeeessssss It was amazing!
and all the thoughts for the future o hohohohooo~
Chapter 9: oh my god that was so unexpected im burning down
Chapter 8: huhuhuhuuhuh that was so heartbreaking, their talk
pjhpuerto #4
Chapter 4: happy birthday!i loved seeing this from ilhoon's point of view. thank you haha
Chapter 3: aweee meeting ilhoon. that was so heartbreaking for me tbh. not sure if im as over ilhoon as dayoung is :"(
Chapter 2: ohhhh this is getting so interesting. i cant wait for the next chapter ; u ;
pinkypn #10
Chapter 1: I wouldnt mind if she moved on and ended up with yoseop. If I remember correctly he had a crush on her