
They were never meant to be
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They were from different worlds. Two puzzle pieces from different boxes. No matter how much he tries, the pieces can never fit together. Their lives were too different. Too distant from each other.

While he had blood on his face, he had make-up on his. While he had a gun in his grip, he had a microphone in his. While he had cops chasing after him, he had fans after him.

They should never have met. Their paths should never have crossed. And he knew since the beginning.

They met under the most clichéd circumstance. The nerd and the jock. One would expect the most disgustingly cheesy story coming out from that meeting and to be honest, it was a better story than the angst-filled drama they were in. But, they were nowhere near that kind of happily ever after. There never will be one for this Im Jaebum and this Choi Youngjae. Maybe somewhere in another universe, a Choi Youngjae can actually be together with an Im Jaebum, laugh together, sing together. See each other's smile at every wake and before every sleep. The thought made him smile. It was silly. Something beyond his grasp but it gave him the relief his aching heart needed. Even if they were just dreams.

"Boss, your flight awaits." the voice of one of his men disrupted his daydream and in a blink of an eye, he was back to being his usual nonchalant self, his eyes glaring and his lips pulled back to a thin line on his young face. Being the head of a mafia at such a young age was not common but it's what he is. He had been trained since youth, recruited into the familia before he entered high school, made his first kill before he had his first kiss and now here he was, filling in his father's shoes at the age of 25. It was only right for him to be groomed to be the next successor, as the 'only' son of his father.

With a deep voice signifying authority, he sent the man out, turning his back to the door. He stood up from the comfort of the mahogany chair that once belonged to his father. He never had the heart to throw it out. "Are you ready, boss?" a more familiar voice came without much of a knock and all he could manage was a chuckle. "You know we're the only ones here, Jackson. My name would suffice," he said, picking up his phone and his notebook. "Nah, I like calling my nerdy best friend 'Boss'. It's to make sure I don't forget you have rule over me," Jackson chuckled. "Shut up, Jackson," he was tempted to throw something at the Hong Kong native but refrained himself. They were already late. He glanced at his watch before he made his way out, Jackson locking his office for him.

"How long has it been since I've been in Seoul?"


"Breathe, Jaebum. Breathe. You're going to be great. As always," Jaebum remembered every word. It had been seven years since and the memory was fading. He wasn't sure what Youngjae sound like anymore. But every now and then, he'd pull out that old picture which ironically Youngjae insisted to take. Nerdy adorable Youngjae. The love of his life.

"I'm sorry but we can't be together. Not in this life."

Youngjae sighed, staring at that photo he so badly wanted to take at that photo booth. It was stupid but he was a sap for romantic and cheesy stuff. He chuckled as he stared at his nerdy 18 year old self in those thick round framed glasses he used to hate. On the contrary, Jaebum loved them, quoting 'beautiful eyes should

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fg #1
Chapter 1: They were never meant to be. Waaah. Your story breaks my heart. It's kinda sad because they are in different world, they cannot end up with each other. Nice story author-nim
chillaxdiva #2
Chapter 1: so i read this again~ and it still breaks my heart! T^T it's really beautiful and the plot is very well done <3
"they were never meant to be.." hurts as much this bittersweet feeling

it'll be wonderful if by chance they cross paths again and get past those words...

like perhaps youngjae has this new dealing and jaebum got involved somehow. then mark and jackson got over protective of their boss and jaebum wanted to be a part of youngjae's life again despite of their current situation. it'll be nice to see more of youngjae being the mafia boss and just thought that maybe they are really meant to be... T_T

what do you think?
Chapter 1: At first I assumed that Jaebum was the mafia guy and Youngjae was the singer until I got about half way through. Then I had to re-read the first half to understand everything. Despite my small confusion, I actually really like the fact that you switched the stereotypical roles
letwindgo #4
Chapter 1: Dear author-nim
I'm Vietnamese Ahgase, I 'm in love w/ ur writing n wanna share this to Ahgase in Vietnam.May I have ur permission to transalate this fic to Vietnamese ? I will try keep 80% the content of this fic coz I need to change some words to Vietnamese which cant explain the meaning as English does. Here is my page I'm working 4 : [] You can check it to make sure that I do it 4 non-profit. Thanks 4 reading n looking forward ur reply.
ilsandgg #5
Chapter 1: This was great!! It made me feel this weird kind of nostalgia.
Good job ^-^
Chapter 1: OH MY GOD!!! This plot is EPIC!!!! #standingapplause..
I have to read 2 times for understand the whole story!!! Oh my god!!!
This is a great one shoot!! The angst ending is... WOW!!!
Chapter 1: Omg is this you nami?
Chapter 1: Well, it was a bit confusing but I'm guessing you wrote from different timelines, where the boys switched each other's places. And it was really sad to see they could never be together, as one of them had a really dangerous occupation. It breaks my heart to see they long for each other, knowing they could never have each other
oh-jaebum #9
Chapter 1: omg nami.... the plot line is so original and i kept waiting for a happy ending even though i knew it wouldn't happen... it's so good i love it so much. action, and romance. :") the only thing i got a little confused about was i thought the /he/ at the start was jaebum, and i didn't know which side the other characters were from, until the very end. but i love this so much omg!!!!