Honey Bronze & Ivory Cream..

Baking Extravaganza..

There was something completely irresistible about watching Kyungsoo bake. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it was there.

And boy, did it drive him batty!

Was it the way he moved? So sure and confident, so assured in this exclusive skill as he lacked others. Or was it the way he squinted when he peered at the recipe, trying to decipher the words properly. Perhaps it was the way he scrunched his nose (Gods, it was so Soo-ishly adorable!) in utter concentration when something seemed off?

He didn’t know what it was, but he knew he was glad for it, he was glad for any reasons to ogle for as long as he could at Kyungsoo. Desperados do anything, right?

 He returned to shaping the fine strands of his eyebrow, taking extra care not to smudge the charcoal as he blurred the sharp lines of his . He moved in tandem with Kyungsoo, flicking his wrist in abandon as he started on the red-haired boy’s down-like curls.

Soft and lush and thick, Kyungsoo’s hair shone with an ethereal quality, he tried his best to capture that gleam into his drawing, chuckling silently at his notion; he wanted to capture every inch of Kyungsoo, embed him into his very soul. Creepy, yes, but who cares?

He loved this man..


Kyungsoo was aware that he was being observed in the most basic sense of the word.

 He could literally feel the burn of those dark brown orbs on the back of his skull as he tried not to char the chocolate that was currently simmering in one of his countless pots on the stove. It was distracting, extremely so, but he couldn’t get the words out to stop him.

Jongin never listens to him, and he almost always gets his way around Kyungsoo. Kid’s got him wrapped all the way around his tanned little pinky finger, the red-head thought with a bittersweet smile. He whisked his batter, the melted chocolate mixture reminding him very much of his company.

He was making éclairs today, in two basic flavours, vanilla & choc.

Him and Jongin. Honey bronze and alabaster white. He shook his head and he sifted the flour, ridding himself of those fluffy ideas. Jongin must be rubbing off onto him. He and his cotton-candy sweet tendencies are going to be the death of him! Kyungsoo leant on the stove, watching as the chocolate simmered down into a smooth mixture, glossy and shimmery, ignoring the stare that was burning at the back of his skull.


‘That’s it!’ Jongin thought, as Kyungsoo a stray rivulet of chocolate along his arm, his pink tongue sweeping across both his upper and lower lip and a suggestive ‘hmm’ resounded richly from his throat. He threw his sketch pad aside and stalked towards the shorter man, who was blissfully unaware of his predicament.

Kyungsoo gasped when he twined his arms along his waist, his lined neatly against the pants-wrapped back his lover. Feeling wicked, he his hip forward slowly, delighting in the wracked shudder Kyungsoo gave back to him. He slipped one hand underneath the baggy sweater of the other, testing the waters; you could never be sure with Kyungsoo. One moment he might be fine and dandy, and the other he might be screeching your head off.

Soo..” Jongin kissed the back of the redhead’s neck, inhaled a deep breath, chuckled lowly when Kyungsoo pulled his stomach in, shying away from his touch.

“Jongin,” he hissed, but the breathy tenor of his voice convinced the taller boy of something else. “But I love your stomach,’ he coaxed, changing his direction to south, trailing deeper and deeper into the forbidden territories of Do Kyungsoo.

..” the older boy breathed, eyes shut close in pleasure as Jongin’s warm, warm palm caressed his cold . He felt weird, cold on the front, hot and cozy at the back where Jongin was wrapped around him like a muffler. ‘And dizzy with sinful pleasure,’ he thought as the younger boy enveloped him in a fist and him with slow, gratifying measure. As though he was a sensitive batter that utmost care has to be exercised on.

Faster,” he urged, hands anchored tight onto the taller boy’s, hips ing brazenly, batter and decorum strewn away by Jongin’s dextrous hands. Jongin laughter rumbled in his person, and he shuddered when the black-haired boy bit his ear gently, whispering, “Patience, Soo..”

Divesting him off his loose sweater, Jongin turned Kyungsoo to him, lips meeting each other tenderly as he unhooked the skin-tight trousers and slipped it down his lover’s luscious legs. Running his hands along the lines of his fair-skinned lover’s body, Jongin trekked slow, burning kissed down from the hollow of his throat to his rounded tummy. Insecure, Kyungsoo pulled his stomach, unwilling to let Jongin witness his unnatural fleshiness. “Soo, stop it,” the black-haired boy chided gently, eyes smiling deviously at him as his tongue dipped into the crease between his thigh and his hip, “you’re beautiful..”

Heaving in a heavy breath, Kyungsoo shook his head vehemently, “You are.”

Instantly Jongin stopped whatever magic he was weaving before, “Oh?” He rose up fluidly, as though his dancing wasn’t just a hobby, but a part of him, incorporated into his very genes. Narrowing his near black eyes at him, he leant closer, his taut stomach meeting Kyungsoo’s own thickset ones, “Shall I prove just how stunning you are?”

The elder man held his breath, afraid. This only served to make Jongin madder, “Come.” He held his hand out, Kyungsoo hesitated. Jongin merely huffed and with not a soupcon of warning, lunged towards the shorter man, hoisting him up his shoulder.

“Wha- Jongin!!!”

Said man simply laughed loudly, “Love yourself more, Soo, cause’ I certainly do,” he drawled, pecking the hot skin on the side of his hip. “Shut up and put me down! Ya! Kim Jongin!”

Hell no.”

Kyungsoo was set down gently on something soft; his hand grabbed the silky texture, his duvet. They were in his bedroom. He directed his glare at Jongin, fully intended for the boy to realise his ire. But then Jongin’s chocolaty brown gaze looked down at his own dull brown ones with such intensity that he thought he might just diffuse into sub-atomic particles. He pulled on the duvet, trying to cover himself before he burst into flames.


“Don’t.” Jongin’s voice pleaded, all gentle persuasion and wicked temptation. Kyungsoo felt his cheeks flaming up, moments away from explosion. His hand tightened it’s grip on the thick comforter, then loosened, and then finally fell away to his lap. He sensed Jongin’s movement before he felt it, the slow, coaxing touches on his heated skin, the scorching kisses he was subjected to. It was impossible to resist this man any longer, he thought, eyes fluttering close as the taller boy reached up to press a hot, tender kiss to his temple.

I love you, Soo..”

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12889394 #1
Chapter 1: Oww... he loves his soo.. :)
Chapter 1: holy moly, this was really good! soo-quishy and mixed with hotness, perfect story of Kaisoo
nui_be #3
Chapter 1: It hasn't finished yet, right author -nim?