Do we have a deal?

Bye, bye ordinary life

The second Myungsoo opened his eyes he screamed.

Right in front of him stood the demon who had saved him the day before but still was creepy as with his inhumanly huge grin.

Instead of flinching Sungyeol laughed.

Myungsoo clenched his hand in his shirt, right over his heart, in a poor attempt to calm his rapid heartbeat.

"At least you didn't pass out again." Sungyeol snickered as he straightened his back.

Even with Sungyeol not towering over him Myungsoo felt small.

The demon chuckled.

"Ah, I'm flattered you're that scared of me, kid. But seriously I won't harm you..." He grinned.

"If you behave well." He then added and broke into an other laughing fit as he watched Myungsoo's horrified expression.

"I-I'm not even scared of you!"

"Ah, you're too cute."

Myungsoo grimaced.

"I mean it! You're not that scary a-and I've faced worse!"

Sungyeol's laughter died down and he sighed.

"You've faced worse, you say?"

His eyes flashed red as a low chuckle left his lips.

"Oh no, kid, you haven't..."

Myungsoo jumped off the bed.

"Stop calling me kid!  I bet you're not even much older than I am."

Sungyeol grinned again.

"You think?" He asked, spinning around once.

"Hm, I did great work with this vessel then... But, kid, let me tell you I'm much older than you. I am older than time itself."

Myungsoo frowned.

'Older than time itself? How is that even possible?' He thought.

"And I thought you were smart... Maybe I picked the wrong person after all..."  Sungyeol mumbled rather to himself than to Myungsoo

but the latter still caught it.

"I am pretty smart, just for your information!"

Rolling his eyes the demon leaned closer.

"I know that."

Fighting the blush that wanted to creep upon his face due to the closeness of the other Myungsoo backed away,

almost falling back onto the bed if not for Sungyeol's arm that pulled him up again.

This time he couldn't prevent his cheeks from flaming red.

Embarrassed he pushed the demon away from him.

"Not even a thanks? What a rude kid yo--"

Sungyeol stopped mid-sentence, squinting his eyes while staring at Myungsoo's face.

"W-What?" Myungsoo stuttered, shifting uncomfortably under the intense gaze.

"Why... is your face all red?"

Sungyeol reached out but before he could touch Myungsoo's face the latter slapped his hand away.

"I thought you were all-knowing." He deadpanned.

"Well, obviously I do. Just not about humans and their weird bodies and traditions and whatnot." Sungyeol huffed.

"That's the reason I came here for after all. So tell me why."

"I'll be blowed if I'll do it! Why do you think I'd just accept all of this and be your puppet?"

For a split second Sungyeol looked shocked.

"Nice one, kid!" He said laughing.

"Wha- I'm not kidding!"

Sungyeol pretended to wipe his tears, then grinned.

"You don't have much of a choice here, kid. Though you should feel honored I've chosen you."

Myungsoo scoffed and rushed past the demon, out of the room.

With a sigh and a snap of his fingers Sungyeol engulfed Myungsoo in a blue flame.

Myungsoo squealed.

The fire didn't hurt or burn him

It wasn't even hot.

But he was shocked as it lifted him up and he floated back into the room, stilling only in front of Sungyeol.

"Put me down." He growled.

"Tz, tz, tz... You should know better than to anger a demon... You don't want to know what I am like when I'm mad."

A shiver went down Myungsoo's spine and he begged the demon didn't notice how intimidating he had been.

Of course he did.

"Finally believe I'm not only handsome but mighty as well?" He chirped and Myungsoo wanted nothing rather than to punch him

and run off again.

But with the blue flame still capturing him within itself and his inner voice telling him that that wouldn't be smart he didn't.

"You know what?" Sungyeol said, letting Myungsoo drop to the ground.

"Let's make a deal, kid. You help me figure this body out and... the other part's your pick."

Myungsoo grumbled as he stood up and looked at the demon warily.

"You don't trust me?" Sungyeol pouted.

"Well, I knew you were smart but come on! It's for my own benefit after all and besides I make deals as part of my duty as demon!"

As Myungsoo still didn't say anything Sungyeol decided to perk his interest in the deal a little.

"If you'd let me suggest something... How about I give you all the information you want? The solution to every riddle, every mystery

all the knowledge of the universe and all you have to do is shake my hand and make me familiar with the human-species..."

He could see the consideration flash through Myungsoo's eyes.

The temptation of the offer was huge.

With a grin Sungyeol stretched out his hand.

"Do we have a deal?"

Myungsoo's mind screamed at him to not believe in the demon's words.

Screamed at him to reject the deal and not fall for his lies.

"Why are you trying to resist me so badly? You can trust me, kid..." Sungyeol whispered.

'Trust no one.' It shoot through Myungsoo's head.

A rule he'd set after his first encounter with a demon in town.

He'd been fooled easily that time.

Falling for her charms and believing her every word.

When he finally realized she was a demon he told himself to never be that stupid again.

She was pretty weak to his luck and he could exorcise her.

But this was different.

He knew it was a demon.

But he also knew the demon didn't mean to harm him, at least he'd said so.

And all the knowledge of the universe...

It was so tempting...

"Just shake my hand and it will be yours..." Sungyeol repeated quietly.

Hesitating he took Sungyeol's hand in his own.

"Deal." He whispered.

Sungyeol's grin stretched across his face in that inhuman way again as they shook hands and the blue flames wrapped

around their hand-shake to seal the deal.

"Deal." The demon repeated with a firm voice.


A/N: Sorry that it took so long! >.<

I wrote a lot of exams and due to that had no time but for now it's over so the next update will come a little faster ^-^

Oh, and I mentioned in the describtion that this was somewhat Gravity Falls inspired.

The chapter image is out of that serie.

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devi38 #1
Chapter 3: Update this please T_T
Chapter 3: its a good story you should update it
zurikayo #3
Chapter 3: Great chapter!sungyeol is like a kid poor myung have to teach him everything lol
soo_aegi #4
Chapter 1: This seems interesting..tho I'm a bit confuse~