; introduction ;

; lemonade mouth ;


poets, geniuses, revolutionaries. but the real story, the story of how our band came to be... is a mystery to them all. i wonder if they'd believe it. if i told them it all started... 

"ooh, yeah... mm, breakthrough"

...right here.


"the rules in here are simple." ms. jung had said. "no eating, no drinking, no sleeping, no talking, no tapping, no texting." she went on down the list. "you break a rule, i add another day of detention. are we clear? great." 

lee jihoon, lead guitar. lee seokmin, keyboard. joshua hong, bass guitar. yoon jeonghan, drum god. and me, boo seungkwan, future frontman for lemonade mouth.

ms. jung had counted us and started looking for something. we all had started looking at each other. evaluating our suroundings...
it was this ragtag group of five that started it all. "all right... i have decided, rather than let you twiddle your little thumbs for the next hour..." she started off. "we are going to put those thumbs use." she finished... or, at least i thought. "we're gonna clean up around here. we're gonna unpack, and we're gonna turn this storage room into a music room." on going with her rant, we all sat silently. the only movement coming from us was the boy with the long hair spinning his drum stick over and over.
ms. jung continued her rant. "i mean, we might as well make the best of it, right? we've been banished to the basement." as she took the guitar out of the case and strumed it and sighed. there was a noise coming from above. the gym was being redone, since the principle only cared about the atheletes.
"did you hear that? ooh... you know what? if they spent a fraction of what that new gymnasium cost to keep this music program alive, i-" she was cut off by the continuous noise from upstairs. "that is it. that is it."
but if im gonna tell you this story right, i need to go back to the beginning. the morning it all began...
; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ;
im home sick today, so why not start a fanfic im excited! :) please comment and subscribe! (it makes me all happy)
and......... enjoy ^^
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