
Badump Badump


It was a rainy Friday night on a quiet neighbourhood in Seoul. Two girls chatted as they continued to walk under the same umbrella.
"Thank you so much for the umbrella, Seungwan-ah! I would've walked home soaking wet if I didn't come across you at the bus stop." The older brunette said as she organized the books she was carrying. 
"I know right? What a coincidence." The younger blonde commented as gripped on the brunette's bag that she offered to carry. The bag was heavy, but she kept shut.
"It's amazing how we managed to get home completely dry." The brunette said in a clear amused tone as she took a look at her best friend who seemed to be in the same situation as her.
Wendy did nothing but grin, nodding her head in agreement. 
"Oh Wendy ah!" A certain voice startled the two as a tall girl in a yellow parka made her way to Wendy and Irene. 
"Seulgi.. What are you doing here?" The girl asked in a baffled tone.
"I'm on my way home from the supermarket. Did the person you were waiting for, come?" The bear looking girl, slightly tilted her head in curiosity as she swung her grocery bag, back and forth lightly. 
Wendy's eyes grew the size of plates as the desire to hit her friend had never been so strong. She mentally cursed Seulgi for being clueless and spilling the beans. She was so gonna get it on Monday.
"Uhh.." Wendy could see a sly smirk making its way on Joohyun's inviting lips as the girl wondered out loud.  
"Oh really? Who were you waiting for, Wendy?" Knowing that Wendy's workplace was nowhere near Irene's, the girl could not think of any other reason why her little blonde friend was waiting in the bus stop in front of Irene's office.
"I was waiting for.." Wendy fumbled on the hem of her sweater as she blurted ".. The rain! I was waiting for the rain to stop. Why? You thought I was waiting for you? You wish!" The girl played innocent as she clicked her tongue, denying the fact with all her might. 
"Aish. Whatever. But really thank you for the helping me out." Irene flashed another smile that seemed to trigger Wendy's cheeks to burn.
Seulgi moved closer to Wendy's side, her lips inching closer to the blonde's left ear as she whispered, "Are you sure? We talked earlier and you said you were waiting for your girl--" 
The taller one the two wasn't able to finish her sentence as she felt a sharp elbow slam itself against her rib, causing her to cough violently.
"Go.." Wendy mumbled back, but with an angry yet embarrassed tone.
"What?" Seulgi asked, as she tried to even out her breaths, clutching the part of her rib that was just elbowed.
"I said go.." Wendy repeated.
"Huh?" Seulgi's brain was too slow to understand what Wendy was trying to say.
"Leave, Seulgi.. We'll talk later." Wendy mentally groaned at the forever clueless, Seulgi. She almost pushed her friend away for being dumb but she couldn't risk looking bad in front of a certain Bae Joohyun.
"Ahh~ alright! I'll be going now then. See you!" Seulgi waved enthusiastically as she skipped away, oblivious of the death glare Wendy was darting on her back.
"I'm so glad that my coat stayed dry! I just bought this yesterday." The blonde twisted her head to the right, giving her attention to the older. 
"Yeah, me too. Your coat is too pretty to get wet.." Wendy whispered to herself as she stared at the damp concrete, listening to the light sound of raindrops on the silent street.
"Pass me my bag, Seungwan." Following Irene's order, Wendy moved her shoulder, wanting to pass off the bag.
"Wait.." Irene grabbed Wendy's left shoulder, twisting the girl around exposing the the blonde's soaking wet, left sleeve. 
Wendy could feel her ears get hotter as she tried to ignore Irene's fixed stare on her. 
"You could have moved the umbrella on your side, you know.. Then you would not have gotten wet.." Irene gripped on Wendy's wet sweater, guilt eating her up. How could she not notice? 
"Then you would have gotten wet.. No way." Wendy answered, loud enough for the both of them to hear.
It was Irene's turn to be flustered as she turned away from Seungwan, attempting to hide her crimson cheeks. Guilt turning into shyness. 
Wanting to return her cold demeanour, Wendy pointed at Irene's bag that was currently on her shoulder and complained. "Yah. Forget getting wet, this is my problem. It's so heavy! No one needs that much things in their bags you know! You bring too many useless things." Wendy lectured. 
She wasn't lying. Having known Irene elementary, she knows the girl too damn well. She could even say she knows Irene better than the girl knows herself.
"Yah. What are you saying? I need to bring my laptop home for reports then I have to bring home some files as well and the book I'm reading." Irene explained, sulkily. 
"Tch. A book? Reading doesn't suit you." Wendy mocked as she stuck her tongue out, childishly. 
"What? I read, for your information!" Irene defended. "This one is really good." 
"Really now? What is it about?" Wendy laughed, challenging the girl's knowledge about the book. 
"It's about two friends who love each other but are too coward to admit it." Irene explained as she stared at the book, as if trying to recall every word of every chapter she has read so far. 
"Wow. That sounds pretty good!" Wendy admitted. Maybe she can burrow it after Irene is done with it. 
"I know right? I can totally relate to it!"
"Me too!" Wendy agreed. 
Their eyes met, and like the cliché book that Irene was reading, both of their bodies froze as their gaze connected. Feeling the tension, the two looked away with flushed faces and hearts that are beating erratically. 
Due to her shaking hands Irene dropped the book on the floor and as a reflex, Wendy squatted down, picking it up and dusting off the cover. 
Wendy busied herself with the book, skimming through random pages until she came across the bookmarked page. Seeing a familiar shape, Wendy couldn't help but pull out the girl's clover bookmark.
"A clover, really? What a dork. How precious is this clover for you to even laminate it?" Wendy laughed as she continued to tease the older. "It's even dated! 2000."
Irene was about to protest by grabbing the four leafed plant but of course, Wendy was stubborn enough to give it back.
"Wait, in 2000, we were in junior high. Do you remember that time I gave you a clover becau--" Wendy stopped mid-sentence as she immediately looked at Irene, then back to the clover for a few moments, before returning her attention to the girl, once again. 
Seeing the brunette's flustered face, Wendy couldn't help but grin, her face almost splitting in half. The latter almost squealed at the sight of an embarrassed Joohyun, standing right before her. 
Irene was just too adorable for her own good. 
Embarrassed, Joohyun quickly grabbed the bookmark from Wendy's hold as she her sight dropped to her shoes. 
"It was a popular thing back then.. All the girls laminated every pretty thing they could laminate.." She explained but the grin on Seungwan's face never faltered. "Tch. Give me that." Irene grabbed the book as she faked annoyance. 
Out of the blue, a nasally voice could be heard drawing closer to where Irene and Wendy were standing. 
A voice that Irene knew all too well.
"The words Just a friend, these days, I hate hearing them~" Irene continued to listen, her left eye twitching in annoyance. She already knew who it was. The nasally voice, all too familiar to be ignored. 
Out of the songs in the world. Irene gritted her teeth, waiting for the owner of the voice to appear. 
And there she was.
A short girl in pigtails turned around the corner as she continued to skip on the puddles, joyfully singing to Soyou and Junggigo's song. 
The squirtle resembling girl was about to open the gate when she met the eyes of her older sister.
"Unnie! Do you know what time it is? What are you doing out, this late at night?" The young girl lectured. 
"You're lecturing me? Last time I checked, you're in need of money." Irene scoffed at her sister. 
Hearing the last word of her older sister's sentence, Yeri straightened her back as she placed her hands on top of her stomach, bowing politely.
"What I meant was, welcome home my dear, loved sister. You seem to be looking extra gorgeous today~ " Yeri grinned a little too widely, slightly scaring Irene.
"What the hell are you doing outside? In your.. Pyjamas?" Irene looked at her sister, weirdly. She can never get used to her sister's madness. She always wondered if they really were related.
"I had to run some errands. But hey, at least I'm wearing rain boots." Yeri proudly pointed at her pink hello kitty rain boots, flashing her infamous grin. 
"Yerim-ah~" Wendy called happily, being close with the girl.
Little Yerim's expression lit up as she  recognized the girl standing behind her sister. 
"Seungwan unnie~" Yeri ran to Wendy's side, giving the girl a tight hug. 
"How've you been, kiddo? You've grown." Wendy ruffled Yeri's hair and much like her older sister, Yeri couldn't help but look down, cheeks slowly getting warm from the older's affectionate touch. 
Maybe the sisters aren't as different as one would think. They both seem to be affected of Wendy's touches. The Bae sisters both having a crush on a certain Son Seungwan. 
"I've been learning piano, unnie! I play like really well. Like a.. Like a.." Yeri stopped as she thought of a word to describe her skills.
"Like a madwoman.." Irene continued instead.
Yeri turned to her sister, throwing a fiery glare while raising her left hand, ready to smack her older sister. 
However, Yeri felt a gentle hand wrap itself around her wrist, preventing her from doing so. 
"Yerim-ah, let it go." Wendy said softly, not wanting Irene hurt.
Yeri couldn't help but flash a gentle smile towards Wendy. 
"Ow! What the hell!" Irene yelped as she rubbed the part that was hit by Yeri's fist. 
Of course Yeri wouldn't just let it go, she never does.
"Unnie. You always talk bad about me whenever Seungwan unnie is around." The youngest, pouted.
"Me? When did I ever?" Irene played innocent as she gasped dramatically, causing the shortest to roll her eyes.
"Whatever. Wait a second, Seungwan unnie, did you pick up my sister from work?" Yeri eyed the two suspiciously as she glanced at the umbrella that wasn't her sister's. 
"No!" The two denied in unison as their eyes met once again, before looking away instantly. 
"What happened was.." Wendy was about to explain but Yeri payed her no attention. 
"Seungwan unnie, you are always with Joohyun unnie, shielding her from the rain, hanging out with her after work or on her day offs. Are you two..?" 
Irene and Wendy's hearts began thumping rapidly once again, both blushing madly. 
"What are you talking about?" Irene muttered, secretly liking her sister's prying.
"That's not it.." Wendy shyly murmured, lightly hitting Yeri from embarrassment. 
"You two must not have a lot of work to do, right? I'm totally right! In this country, it's either you're too busy to be with your friends or you're not busy at all and is totally free to hang out with your pals everyday! Like you two!" Yeri proudly explained, like it was the smartest thing she has ever said. 
"Anyway, I'm out. Go inside now, as well, unnie. It's getting late." Yeri said as she finally left, making her way inside the house. 
"That kid, seriously.." Irene shook her head at her sister's actions. 
"Well, she wasn't wrong, if you think about it. I'm only really busy if my clients are being demanding and that's a rarity." Wendy continued to stare at the gate as if the girl earlier was still there. 
Both of their attentions were stolen as the rain started pouring once again, even harder than before. The sound grew louder, frightening Irene more and more as seconds pass by. 
"I better go! The rain is getting harder. You better go home now, Seungwan-ah! Thank you for everything. I'll see you tomorrow!" Irene did not wait for Wendy's response as she rushed inside. 
"Wait! Take my umbrella! Bae Joohyun!" Wendy shouted but Irene was long gone. "Aish, that girl seriously.." 
Wendy glanced at her shoulder surprised to see Irene's bag still with her. The girl forgot to take it with her. 
"She's so forgetful.. Aigoo. This is exactly why I have to take care of her." Wendy mumbled, as she looked tried to look at what was inside Irene's bag.
"What is th--" Wendy grabbed a certain item, pulling it out of Irene's purple bag. 
It was an umbrella.
A smile grew on Wendy's lips, slowly turning into an adorable grin, her eyes following suit as it turned into small crescents.
She had it with her the whole time
The thought of Irene wanting to be under the same umbrella, warmed Wendy's soft heart. She couldn't help but fist bump the air, energy suddenly boosted. 
Seungwan fished out her phone, the lockscreen picture of her and Irene smiling widely as they cutely posed for the camera, showing off the fake rings on their fingers; flashed as she turned it on. Wendy couldn't help but sigh contentedly, remembering that certain day. 
She swiped her finger across the screen, clicking her inbox and on to Irene's name. She quickly typed a message.
To: <3 
Hey, you. I have your bag. You forgot to take it. I'll give it back tomorrow when I pick you up for work. Idiot.
Sent. 23:47
Wendy turned off her phone, only to turn it back once more. She stared at her screen picture once again before putting it back on her pocket. 
One day, she'll be able to confess and finally be Irene's lover. And some time soon, possibly even turn those fake rings into real ones. 
Wendy looked up at the sky, her face catching droplets of the rain. 
"It's been a great night. I hope it rains again tomorrow~" Wendy squealed as she skipped happily, completely ignoring the stares she was receiving. 
Wendy knew she will sweetly dream of Joohyun tonight. One of these days, her pillow will be replaced by Irene's arms. One of these days, she will be able to finally kiss Joohyun, goodnight. 
Wendy will gladly wait for that day. 
Irene is hers.
She is Irene's. 
They're each other's.
And one day, it will be,
"Every morning, I want to open my eyes to your text.
At the end of the day, I want to fall asleep to your voice.
And on weekends, when there are a lot of people, I want to hug you as if I'm showing off.
My Wenrene feels. >< I've been writing so many Wenrene shots. Hehe^^;
Inspired by 'Some' Wenrene FMV by pinkvelvettrash. Go watch it! It's too adorable~
I hope you all like it! <3 let us all be Wenrene Trash! 
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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: Awwww I love it! 💝💙
Lialac_ #2
Chapter 1: just found this story after saw a drawing about it on twt. that’s cute hahahah Joohyun is goin to be so embarrassed
Chapter 1: Awww I loved it UwU
mklarisse_ #4
Chapter 1: So beautiful :””(
misguidedangel1989 #5
Chapter 1: Just discover it today and gosh this is so cute and so sweet...
smarty0821 #6
just read this today and gosh it’s so sweet! After what wendy said on yst, any wenrene fic related to rain or umbrella really makes me soft uwu thank you for writing this author-nim
Chapter 1: ahh so cuteee
Favebolous 11 streak #8
Chapter 1: I'm re reading your wenrene one shots.. I'm sorry hahaha I just miss them so much T___T