A world apart

Under The Rug

As the lights dim down, the crowd lightens up, a sea of hot pink surges across the stadium, all in admiration of 2NE1. A section of tables situated in front of the stage seats the various idol groups ranging from Super Junior to B2ST to Miss A, also along these tables sat an anxious Park Chanyeol as EXO was also attending this award ceremony but they weren't performing. He felt the shivers running up and down his spine as he begins to remember what Dara is like; the sweet: innocent cherry blossom of his dreams. He blushes and continues to impatiently wait for the music to boom from the 24 inch bass boosters placed on either side of the stage.

He sat across from Sehun who was anticipating a great reaction to the performance by Chanyeol

"Hyung~" he called........ no response, he must've been in a spiral, thinking about what the performance might look like, what it would feel like to watch his imaginary Noona to perform in front of him, nerve racking, yet exciting.

"Hyung!" Sehun raised his voice, tapping Chanyeol on the shoulder. He finally turned and paid attention,

"What?!" the tone in his voice demanded an answer,

"I just wanted to know if you wanted anything from the van, Suho hyung is asking everyone," his voice began to soften as he saw the seriousness in Chanyeol's eyes,

"No, I don't want anything, I'm just going to watch this alright?" as serious as ever, his voice calmed down as well

Sehun turned the other way and told Suho the news and whipped back to catch the performance,

The screens that were blocking the view of backstage began to light up, the crowd roared over the blaring sounds omitting from the speakers, as the 


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