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GardenFairy Has Logged In

Wonwoo sighed softly. Maths was slowly killing him. He pulled out his arm over the desk and rested his head gently on his bicep. The hot weather didn't help either. All he wanted to do was sleep. 

From across the room, two almond shaped eyes were peeping over at the raven haired boy. Wonwoo looked up slowly only to link his eyes with another. Mingyu stared blankly back at him. The raven-haired male blinked softly before turning his head to face the boringly white wall. Mingyu looked back down at his desk and continued writing. 

Wonwoo squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment. He couldn't stand Mingyu's gaze. It had been seven years since the two became aquatinted. And 4 years since Wonwoo decided he had feelings for the other. It certainly wasn't easy since the two attended an all boys school and if one student was to come out of the closet, surely others would say something of it. 

So Wonwoo stayed silent and only told his non-judgmental best friend, who also happened to be a complete stranger. The two met on the Internet and had never spoken in person. This person was Mr Achoo. It was a ridiculous username really, but apparently he got the name from sneezing too much. Wonwoo shorted it to Mr Choo, because Mr Achoo was ridiculous. Mr Choo was the same age as Wonwoo but he lived in the country side whereas Wonwoo lived closer to the city. 

Wonwoo would often blabber on and on about how nice and charming Mingyu was; he sounded like a twelve year old girl who was flailing over her favourite band. Mr Choo didn't mind though. He was actually entertained. Country life was kind of boring. He only had his beautiful cows to look after. It was nice to talk to Wonwoo after school, everyday. 

"Yah, Jeon Wonwoo. Hey. Busan boy!" Wonwoo jumped as a random person yelled in his ear. Wonwoo hazily looked up to find the class president standing in front of his with his arms crossed over his chest in annoyance. "School's over. Get out." He flipped his silky hair and skipped out of the classroom with his bag hanging over one shoulder. Wonwoo still couldn't understand how Class President Jeonghan was even allowed to have that hairstyle. The silver locks made him look like Lucius Malfoy. 

The raven haired boy stood up and stretched as he yawned. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and waddled lazily out of the room. Wonwoo rotated his jaw like a camel and entered the front courtyard of the school. 

"Jeon!" Wonwoo rolled his eyes and turned slowly to see his friend— more like peer— approach him, waving excitedly. Wonwoo just flopped his hand in the air gracefully and yawned once more. "Wonwoo-yah, we're going to the plaza, wanna' join us?" Without hesitation, Wonwoo shook his head 'no' and spun his heel around slowly. 

"Aw! C'mon!” Wonwoo simply flopped his hand again and began walking off. He could hear another set of footsteps approaching but he couldn't care less about who it was. "Hey, what happened to the others?"

"They all dropped out." A deep voice spoke. Wonwoo froze. No, it couldn't be. 

"Too bad. And Wonwoo won't come with us either. " Wonwoo spun his heel around quickly to see his 'friend' Seungcheol, standing beside the one, the only; Kim Mingyu!

Wonwoo gulped as he stared at the brunet with wide eyes. Mingyu had slightly tanned skin and the cutest pair of canines when he smiled. He was quite tall for his age as well.

"He didn't even say anything, he just shook his head. Rude!" Seungcheol dragged out the 'oo' and pouted in annoyance. Wonwoo opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted.  "Some people have absolutely no manners, hmph!" Seungcheol lifted his nose and walked off quickly before turning around. 

"It looks like it's just the two of us. Let's go, Min-min." 
'Min-min?’ Wonwoo questioned. That dog-faced guy had a nickname for his Mingyu? Oh hell no. Mingyu politely bowed his head to Wonwoo as he left extremely slowly; it was as if he was waiting for something. 

Seungcheol smiled cheerily at Mingyu. "Let's go eat!” He stepped closer to the brunet. 'No.' Wonwoo gritted his teeth. Seungcheol linked his arm around Mingyu's. "No." Wonwoo spoke out loud which, he later found out, was a horrible mistake. Seungcheol turned around quickly and then Mingyu as well. 

"Yes, Mister Sleepy? Are you having second thoughts~?" Seungcheol's voice made Wonwoo want to punch him in the face. He hated how the guy acted. 

Wonwoo gritted his teeth again. "Maybe." He muttered under his breath. 

"Great!” Seungcheol smiled happily as he ran to Wonwoo, clutching his arm tightly and pulling him towards Mingyu. Seungcheol stood in the middle and linked his arms around the two taller boys. 

Mingyu smiled softly and Wonwoo rolled his eyes.  



"Ah! I'm so full!” Seungcheol leaned back in his chair with his hand over his stomach, rubbing his warm temple of food. Wonwoo looked out of the window, completely ignoring the idiot which he thought looked similar to a dog. He didn't mean it as an insult though. It was true.  

Mingyu slowly tapped his fingers on the table and [ his ] sipped on his soda. Wonwoo stole a glance at the brunet before staring blankly at the floor. Without even realising it, Mingyu began slurping the remains of his drink. The loud noise it made caused others around him to stare.

"Er Min-min?" Mingyu looked over at Seungcheol with the red straw still attached to his lips. Wonwoo looked over at the duo. "You might wanna stop slurping so loudly." Mingyu looked around him before bowing his head in embarrassment. 

"Oh, sorry." A soft blush from Mingyu's cheeks made a teeny smile curl upon Wonwoo's lips. Seungcheol noticed Wonwoo's cheeky smile and smirked. 

"My boy, Woowoo~ Is that a smile I see?~” Seungcheol made that same annoying tune as he leaned forward. The pretty little smile was wiped cleanly off Wonwoo's lips and was replaced with a frown. Mingyu turned his head to Seungcheol with a confusing expression. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Wonwoo crossed his arms over his chest and his eyes trailed to the window. Mingyu glimpsed at Wonwoo from the corner of his eye, curiosity lingering in his glance.  Seungcheol goofily grinned and slapped Wonwoo's arms. 

"Eh~ Don't lie. I saw you smiling at my little Min-min." Seungcheol smiled happily, gums and all, before an unidentified object was thrown at his face. Seungcheol blinked in surprise as he found Wonwoo's backpack in his lap. The owner was waddling away to where he assumed was the bathroom. 

Seungcheol rubbed his face with a pout glued to his lips. Mingyu stared in the direction Wonwoo left. 

A good ten minutes later, Wonwoo walked out of the bathrooms with his hands stitched into his pockets. Seungcheol and Mingyu were now outside of the store and by the sound of Seungcheol's annoying voice, they were having a conversation about where to go next.

Wonwoo stepped out of the store and leaned over, snatching his backpack from Seungcheol's grasp. The raven haired boy threw it over his shoulder before blowing his fringe out of his eyes. 

Seungcheol looked over at Wonwoo and smiled widely. "Where should we go, Woowoo?" Wonwoo glanced at Mingyu slyly. The brunet was looking at Seungcheol with the same expression as earlier. Wonwoo glanced at the ground before replying. 

"I don't know. Ask Mi--" He couldn't say it. "..him." What? Him? Are you serious? Wonwoo could barely even say Mingyu's name. Well, that shows how much confidence he had. Seungcheol furrowed his brows in an odd matter. 

He looked over at Mingyu then back at Wonwoo then back at Mingyu. "Oh-kay, I'll ask..him. Min-min, where shall we go?" Mingyu tapped his chin innocently, he then pursed his lips in concentration and focused on something in the distance. It was actually quite cute to watch. 

Wonwoo internally screamed from the younger's cuteness. He bit his lip harshly, fighting back a wide smile. But there was really no point, instead he looked down and allowed his smile to grow. 

Just as Mingyu was going to answer, a loud screeching sound yelled from across the street. "Choi Seungcheol!!" The trio snapped their heads around to see who was screaming so awfully loud. Mingyu looked back over to Wonwoo then furrows his brows. "Where did Seungcheol go?"

Wonwoo blinked blankly before he stepped back and also began looking for the elder. The elderly woman who had been screaming Seungcheol's name was now halfway down the street chasing a familiar looking figure. Wonwoo pointed to the figure. "Uh.. Seungcheol?" Mingyu looked in the same direction as Wonwoo before pulling out his phone and reading off the device. 

“‘Sorry guys. Something came up. Have fun without me, Seungcheol.’”

"Do you think that woman was his--" 

"Yep." Nothing else needed to be said. Everyone in school knew that the admirable senior Choi Seungchoel had a crazy grandmother who grew mushrooms in closets. Whether this rumour was real or not,  no one knew for sure. That is until today. 

"So.. What should we do?" 

After standing there for over ten minutes the duo agreed to go home. One reason being that Seungcheol was the one who paid for everything and they had no money. The other reason being Wonwoo couldn't stand being with Mingyu, all alone, together. But only Wonwoo knew that reason. 



-gardenfairy has logged in-

gardenfairy: CHOO! 

mr_achoo: whhhhaaattt???? 


mr_achoo: You're actually a 45 year old man who has seven children and two wives and sells pineapples for a living?

gardenfairy: what? no.

mr_achoo: just checkin
    ok spill

gardenfairy: I WENT OUT WITH HIM! 

mr_achoo: wait, like a date?

gardenfairy: not really but it was close enough ;;

mr_achoo: typical. 

After several hours of typing away and procrastinating, Achoo finally told Wonwoo to log off and sleep. Teens need their sleep if they were going to survive six hours of hell the next day. 



Black little scribbles was all that Wonwoo was focusing on. Another day of hot weather and another boring class, history. Although learning about the Second World War was interesting, there were times where he just wanted to fall asleep. Back to Wonwoo's scribbling; there was now five smiles and exactly two and a half stars. Make that three. 

Ding! Ding!

The bell for lunch rang and Wonwoo lazily stretched his arms out. Before he was able to escape the stuffy room, his name was called out. "Jeon Wonwoo, could I see you for a second?” Rather than sounding like a question, Wonwoo's teacher's voice commanded him to stay. 

The raven haired boy waddled over to the teachers desk and casually sat on the front desk of the class. "You called, Mr. Hong?" Hong Jisoo was his name. A guy with average height and damn good looks, well at least Wonwoo  thought so. All the female students from the near all-girls school squealed uncontrollably whenever they saw Mr. Hong's angelic face. 

"It's about your recent test scores. Wonwoo-yah, you're at the bottom of the class. And your scores are only decreasing." Wonwoo couldn't care less about a subject he didn't care for. Now that he thought about it, he didn't care for any of his subjects. 

"That's why I have made the decision of tutoring you." Wonderful, just what he needed. More classes to fall asleep in. "However, I will not be the one who will be tutoring you." Wait. So instead of this guy, Wonwoo would get another horrible guy. Great. 

"I have chosen a student with excelling results to become your tutor and he has agreed." What, a student?

"Your tutor is Mingyu." 




Wonwoo strutted across the school yard with his hands shoved in his pockets. He thought back to the conversation he had earlier on. 

"It's only one session to help you catch up. And if you need any more time, I'm sure Mingyu wouldn't mind."

Of all the thirty kids in the class, why Mingyu? Wonwoo sighed as he slumped down onto the concrete stairs which were laid before the basketball courts. He leaned forward and propped his elbow onto his knee with his chin resting on his open palm. The raven-haired boy skimmed over the basketball court, watching each player as the threw the ball around. 

Without realising it, his eyes became stuck to one player. This certain player moved swiftly and bounced the ball effortlessly. He made basketball look incredibly easy. With more focus, Wonwoo clearly focused on the teen. 

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo's eyes widened. He didn't know that the younger could play basketball. Without making it look too obvious, Wonwoo continued to watch over the game, mainly focusing on Mingyu of course. 

The brunet boy ran quickly and smiled as his team scored a point. A sweet smile crawled onto Wonwoo's lips. Maybe it was because he didn't know or maybe it was because he didn't care, but Wonwoo continued looking over the game. He showed his pearly whites when Mingyu scored and he smiled again when Mingyu smiled. 

There was this strong feeling Wonwoo felt when he saw Mingyu smile. That innocent little grin was just so contagious. 

Maybe being tutored by Mingyu wouldn't be so bad. 



Nope, it was horrible. Mr. Hong had set up the session at Mingyu's house and although the teacher was meant to be present to make sure the boys stayed on track, he pulled out last minute. The reason, who knows? But right now, Wonwoo was standing awkwardly outside of Mingyu's home. His knees buckled and his hands grasped tightly onto his backpack straps. 

Wonwoo sighed. Maybe failing school wasn't so bad. Wonwoo turned his heel and stepped forward before a soft chirp caught his attention. 

"Are you Wonwoo?" The raven-haired boy blinked in surprise. He turned around to where the little voice came from to find a young child. The kid couldn't be any older than eight and he was wearing a white and red ironed uniform. His soft brown hair bounced around in all different directions and the child had a stern face. 

Wonwoo pointed to himself and raised his eye brows. The kid nodded in reply. In a much slower pace the child repeated. "Are. You. Won. Woo?" To be very honest, Wonwoo felt insulted. The tiny child acted superior. The brunet boy gave up and yelled towards the direction of Mingyu's house. 

"Hyung! You better come out here! This hobo doesn't know who he is!” Wonwoo furrowed his brows and stepped alarming closer to the child. Before Wonwoo could punch the kid for calling him a homeless person, another voice caught him off guard. 

"What's going on, Seungkwan?" A curious Mingyu popped his head out of the front door to find Wonwoo clutching Seungkwan's collar. Wonwoo looked up, surprised, before quickly releasing the young child. 

"Hyung," Seungkwan ran to Mingyu and wrapped his arms around Mingyu's lower waist. "Did you see that! He was going to punch me!” Wonwoo's eyes widened. 

"I wasn--” 

"Seungkwan-ah," Mingyu looked down at his brother. "You can't say that. Wonwoo hyung here is our guest, okay?" 

Wonwoo's heart skipped. Hyung? No one had ever called him that. A warm fuzzy feeling grew in Wonwoo's chest. His stomach sunk back as a clumsy smile grew on his lips. 

While Wonwoo stood there looking like an idiot, Seungkwan ran back into the house and 
Mingyu stared awkwardly at Wonwoo. 

"So.. do you want to come inside?" 



There was a dark cloud hovering above Wonwoo. He was left in a fancy room which he assumed was the dining room. The paint on the walls were a gentle cream colour and the ceiling was incredibly high. The furniture looked new yet had an antique vibe. However, the first thing Wonwoo noticed was the scent of Mingyu's home. 

Casually, as you enter another person's home, you can smell a certain aroma in the air. However, you can never smell the one in your own home. 

Mingyu's house smelled fresh and sweet, sort of like vanilla. 

"Did I leave you for too long?" Wonwoo jumped at the sudden deep voice. He looked up at Mingyu who was carrying a tray of fruit, two glass cups and a full bottle of what Wonwoo assumed to be orange juice.

Wonwoo shook his head gently and glanced at Mingyu with a blank face. The brunet smiled gently before staring at the ground. "Sorry about Seungkwan. He can be a trouble maker at times. But he means well." Mingyu raised his head on the last sentence and saw something he didn't see everyday. 

Wonwoo was smiling brightly. 



It had been two months since their first study meeting. Wonwoo's scores had increased. To his surprise, Wonwoo was actually a really smart kid and Mingyu nearly slapped him out of joy for beating his own score on a test. Mingyu also opened up more and the best part about it was, the two became closer. Mingyu would always invite Wonwoo to his basket ball games and Wonwoo would often go, if he was feeling up to it. 

They would spend their lunches together with either Mingyu or Wonwoo's friends. Wonwoo really enjoyed their time together, but not as much as Mingyu did. 

After a long day at school, the bell finally rang and the students swarmed out of the classrooms. It was a Friday which meant that is was a study day for Mingyu and Wonwoo, but Mingyu had to cancel because he had to watch over his brother whilst his parents were out of town. After a long period of time, Wonwoo had grew fond of Mingyu's younger brother and of how he spoke about his adventures with his friend, Hansol. 

Wonwoo arrived at home tired, however the first thing he did was turn on his laptop and log in. Mr Choo was already online and waiting for him. 

mr_achoo: hey mr garden fairy. 

gardenfairy: yeah?

mr_achoo: you know that guy i've been talking to you about

gardenfairy: yeah. the one that looks like a sloth. 

mr_achoo: yeah well.. i'm going to confess. 

Wonwoo froze. He knew that Mr Choo was fond of this guy but he didn't know how deep his feelings were. He hesitated before typing.

gardenfairy: wow. good for you. 

mr_achoo: yeah. i need your help. 
    what flowers should i give him?
    i know he likes carnations but what colour? 

gardenfairy: lilac.

Wonwoo replied with no hesitation this time. Although later he felt a bit selfish with his choice. He had always dreamt of giving his lover lilac carnations. They were such a pretty flower and looked so delicate. They were his favourite. 

mr_achoo: so like a purple colour?

gardenfairy: yeah.. it means first love. so yeah. 

Wonwoo had always felt that he was able to speak freely with Mr Choo, but for some reason, he was hesitant with his words today. 

mr_achoo: ah i see. 
    hey wait isn't today a study day? why are you online? 

gardenfairy: he cancelled. he has to take care of seungkwan. 

mr_achoo: oh. 

gardenfairy: yeah. but it's cool
    i understand 

mr_achoo: but still. he shouldn't have cancelled so suddenly. 

gardenfairy: it's alright. he was really apologetic. 
    he seemed really upset too. 
    he's cute when he pouts. 

A smile grew on Wonwoo's lips as he remembered Mingyu's upset face. He really could be so cute.  Mr Choo didn't reply for a while and Wonwoo scoffed. 

gardenfairy: too cheesy? cringy? lol 

Wonwoo expected Mr Choo to send an emoji or a meme but instead, Wonwoo was surprised with his reply. 

mr_achoo: you two are gonna be cute together

Wonwoo couldn't help but smile. His heart fluttered and butterflies went crazy in his stomach. 

There was a small ping sound and Wonwoo checked his phone. He nearly screamed when he saw the message. 

gardenfairy: HEY

mr_achoo: chill. you'll look good in anything. 

gardenfairy: I CSNT CHIKL

Wonwoo closed his laptop before seeing the message that Mr Choo sent him. 

mr_achoo: see you there. 

Wonwoo ran to his wardrobe and took approximately twenty minutes to choose an outfit. He ran out of the house barely putting on his bomber jacket. By the time he arrived at the library his hair was a mess and he was panting as if he had just run a marathon. He stopped in front of the library doors and straightened his jacket before attempting to pat his hair down. 

The raven haired boy calmly walked into the library and nonchalantly rushed to the usual study spot. Mingyu was no where to be seen so Wonwoo pulled out his phone. 

To: Mingyu
Hey. I'm here. Where are you?

It had been several minutes but Mingyu hadn't replied. Wonwoo decided to roam the aisles and find a good book to read in the mean while. He soon was lost in the aisles trying to find one particular book.

"Green..Green..John Green..." Wonwoo mumbled as he searched for a book Mr Choo had recommended. "Ah. Will Grayson, Will Grayson." As Wonwoo reached for the novel another hand bumped into his. Before he could turn and apologise, the man next to him spoke. 

"Garden Fairy." A gentle voice spoke beside Wonwoo. The raven haired boy's eyes widened as he recognised the voice. Wonwoo turned to face a taller boy. 


The brunet boy smiled before handing Wonwoo a bouquet of purple flowers. 

"These are for my Garden Fairy.. you didn't happen to see him, did you?" Mingyu chuckled gently as he glanced at Wonwoo. 

"I'm.. I'm your Garden Fairy." Wonwoo shyly wrapped his hands around the bouquet and smiled as he looked at the pretty colour. 

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Garden Fairy, I'm Mr Achoo."

Wonwoo and Mingyu laughed together before Mingyu finally spoke up again. "Too cheesy? Cringy?"

Wonwoo looked up at the taller boy and smiled. "No, I actually think we'd be cute together." The pair laughed again before embracing for the first time. 

"Wait. You think I look like a sloth!?"

"A cute sloth." 

Inspired by Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green 

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 1: i knew it! lol. but awwwwwww~ and i quote "cheesy? cringy?"" well yes but img this satisfies whe whole i needed meanie fluff feels! lol. i love you authornim!
Chapter 1: Awwwwww
so cuteeeee
n I love that book too ;)