It's My Day

Wedding Jitters



“You look absolutely beautiful!”


“Very pretty,” a sweet little girl in the cutest cream white dress with dark red ribbons tied around her little waist. She extends her arm out as she hands me a little blue flower from her basket.

Smiling, I grab the simplest token and kissed her gently on the cheek, “Thank you, precious.”

Looking towards the mirror that held my reflection, it feels as if I am a whole new person. I cannot even recognize the woman who is staring straight at me with the same face and dress. The woman in the mirror looks beautiful, more than I can ever be in my entire life. She had the simplest makeup on with a hint of very light blue shadowing around her eyes, natural rosy pink cheeks that was gently applied with blush to emphasize its structure, and lips red like fruit punch. Her long ironed on curls rest gently over her shoulders as the top of her head was crowned with the same little blue flowers the little girl had given her; yet, a small strand of hair escaped its placement. It made her face look slimmer. All in all, she looks like a princess.

“In just the next minute, you will be Mr. and Mrs.-“a knock on the door was made before the statement could be finished. All eyes were on the door when a head popped out from the side.

“Five minutes, ma’am, before the union,” the figure spoke.

Realizing how short the time was left, everyone began getting things ready, positioning themselves before the big walk. Everyone, that is, except me.

All I can do is stare at my reflection, mesmerized by how beautiful the woman is. With a soft smile, the woman in the mirror nods and stands up, my body rising to its feet. Taking a deep breath, I count to ten slowly in my head as everyone began to disappear from the room.

I slowly walk towards the full size mirror that was left in the room. I stare at the dress and make out its beautiful craftsmanship. From afar, it looks like an ordinary wedding dress with a heart shape neck line and is long enough to cover my toes even with heels on. However, if looked closely, anyone can see the little patterns of waves and flowers along the hem of the dress and the lace above the neckline. Under the sun, it would make any bride look like she is glowing down the aisle as she makes her way to her future husband.

“Today is your day,” the woman in the mirror spoke. “You have been dreaming of this day since you were a little girl. Now it’s come true.”

I nod in response. I fix my dress in the area where it wrinkled when I sat down. I take another deep breath, this time longer than earlier and let it out slowly. I bite my lip as I finally feel the adrenaline rush through my veins.

I’m getting married!

With that amazing thought in my mind, I smile widely, grabbing my bouquet of flowers and headed out the door. That woman is right. It is my day, I thought happily. I am finally getting married.

And to the man of your dreams, no doubt! The voice chimed in.

“And it’s going to be absolutely perfect,” I assure myself.

I stop my tracks as I reach the top of the stairs. Everyone is waiting downstairs for me. All eyes will be on me as I make my grand entrance. Downstairs, I can hear the music playing for my cue to begin walking. Mother didn’t want to walk me down the aisle so I decided to walk myself, almost like in the movies. Slowly but surely, I begin to walk down the steps, making my way to the grand hall of the house.

The farther down I went, the louder the music began to play. The floor is covered with blue and red petals that lead my way to my betrothed. My heart began to skip beats as I reach the large double doors which held everyone in. The air has a reddish tint to it which reminded me of Valentine’s Day, the day my love proposed.

I cannot remember the rest of the months after that. It just felt so much like a dream. It felt so unreal. There were so much that happened a while back. It was to the point where we tested each other on how much we truly loved one another. I even thought he was seeing another girl…

Hey! Cut it out. That’s done. Remember, it’s your day.

“Right,” I nod to myself, brushing the old memory away. He’s with me now.

The large doors open and a large perfume of flowers filled the air. I clench my bouquet tightly as I begin to walk down the aisle of union. My eyes glances around the room filled with our closest friends and family. I’m so happy that they were able to come down for this special occasion.

It wasn’t always easy trying to see them eye to eye. They never really liked me, saying that I was never good enough for their son. They’ve done everything they could to test our love but we still lasted. I thank them for the test. It was tough but not so difficult to keep us apart.

At least now they can’t say anything anymore, the voice laughs. I let out a small giggle since she was right. They left us alone and finally accepted us together.

Suddenly, I become fixated as I see the one who I accepted to be with for the rest of my life.

He stands so tall with his hands behind his back. His face, wet from the sweat of nervousness, is still perfect. He waits patiently as I make my way.  Everyone watches in silence as I walk towards him. The ceremony was short since that was what we requested for. When the officiator announces the very famous line, “You May Kiss the Bride”, he couldn’t help but fall into my arms. Literally! His legs gave out since he slipped off of his stand.

I laugh as I kiss his bloody red lips and wipe his sweat off his cold forehead.

“We’re finally married,” I say softly into his ear before closing his eyes.

And he’s gone. His blood began seeping through his tux and onto my dress as he lays in my arms.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I hear the records beginning to skip. Sighing, I push his body off of me and turn the player off.

Moment’s gone.

“Gosh damn this stupid player,” I kick it frantically.

Piece of ! The woman agreed.

“Guess the wedding’s done. Now for cake.” I say after wiping my hands, staining the once beautiful dress with blood.

The air began to smell like rotting corpse as the air freshener was starting to lose its scent. Never thought his whole family would stink! Shrugging my shoulders, I brush off the remark. I mean, what can one expect, they’ve been dead for about a week now.

Not wanting to deal with it, I head to the kitchen to finish off the union with a piece of red velvet cake. I know it was his favorite. He’s always had it for his birthdays when we were young.

The blood from the knife makes the cake piece a bit soggy but it’ll do. I take my little plate and head towards the living room and turn on the television.

“Massive kill streak in just one night! She is called the KILLER BRIDE…” the reporter announces out loud.

Oh how original!

“I know….they couldn’t come up with some better .”

Smirking before taking a bite of the cake, I look to my couch companion next to me. She was stiff, just lying there not wanting to move. Her face was beautiful, but with an ugly heart. Sad to say she was one of my good friends. She and I were very close until she began to cross my path a few months back.

She had it coming.

“Want some?” I ask.

With no answer, I take another bite. “Thanks for the dress, by the way. Fits perfectly.” I laugh at her pale yet bloody face.

“Stupid backstabbing .” I scoff.


The End.

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Chapter 1: YES THE BEST TURN OF EVENTS I'VE EVER READ!!!! I was not, I repeat NOT, expecting that at all!! But it was perfect omg my brain is still trying to catch up to speed like wait...wait whaaa. And I was sitting here bored outta my mind but then I saw this in my feed. Ahhh thank you!!!!!