Chapter 1

More Than Friends

You checked your phone one more and sighed deeply but decided to let go of it for now. It wasn’t your fault that she was down and you had been trying to cheer her up for a whole week, but she wouldn’t let you help her. It had been a week since her boyfriend had broken up with her but your best friend was still crying over him. You felt so sorry for her and you hated it to see her so sad. He wasn’t worthy her tears but she wouldn’t listen to you and so she was at home right now while you had decided to go out with some friends and have some fun. For two days you had tried to convince her to come along with you but she always said she wasn’t in the mood and she’d only ruin the party for others. Besides, there was a chance that her ex would be here tonight and she wasn’t ready to face him yet. She had told you to go though instead of staying behind with her at her place, she wanted you to have some fun and said she’d take care of herself for now. 



Actually you were had never planned to give tonights idea’s up and you had always planned to go out, if she had come along with you or not but the fact that she gave you permission made it easier. It had been such a long time ago since you had been able to release the stress you had been dealing with and you just needed this night. You needed to just have fun with your friends and forget about all the things going on around you. Finally you’d just have a laugh with your friends and you’d just have a drink, talk to some boys and dance, what you had missed doing for a long time. You weren’t dating so you didn’t have the boy problem but the stress you were feeling because of your school was also having a big impact on you and tonight you just wanted to let it all go. So for once and for all you put your phone away in your pocket and told yourself that you would forget about your friend for a while. It was her own fault that she was at home by herself, crying over a guy who didn’t deserve her tears. 



For now this was another thing you were going to add to your list of problems which you weren’t going to think of tonight. “How is she?” Jin leaned over to you and yelled into your ear, trying to make his voice sound louder than the music playing in the room, but that was almost impossible. “She says she’s fine but I know better than to believe that.” You said and he nodded, a sad smile covering his face. Everyone of your group cared about Hyuna and everyone wanted the best for her, but it seemed as if tonight no one was in the mood to care. “I’m getting some drinks.” Fei walked passed you and went for the bar, without even asking what the other wanted, she probably wanted to surprise you with whatever she was returning with. While waiting for her the rest of you just talked while making some jokes and dancing a little bit, just goofing around and having a good time. It felt so good to be free again, from all the worries and stuff going on in your life. 



When she got back Fei pushed a cup inside of your hand and you looked down at the red liquid and smelled. Your eyes widened in surprise when you could reek the alcohol coming from it, but then you took a big gulp and felt the drink flowing down your throat. If you’d drink too much of this you surely wouldn’t be able to walk anymore at the end of the evening but that was the least of your concerns right now. You swung your body on the rhythm of the music while around you people were making out, started to get drunk and got themselves into trouble, but they were not your problem. As the night passed you were sitting on the couch, your feet hurting like hell because of your high heels. You had turned off your shoes and some people who passed you by gave you some weird looks but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. J-Hope was sitting beside you while he was talking to a girl he had met just a while ago and it seemed as if you had disappeared for him, as if you no longer existed. 



The alcohol had done it’s magic on you and you were feeling so loose and relaxed, your head was feeling clouded and your cheeks were red. But the most important thing was that you were feeling great, it had been a long time since you had still had this much fun and you were having an amazing night, it could only get better. You were gazing around the room when suddenly someone fell down on the empty spot beside you and made you look up with a surprised look. Taehyung shot you a warm smile and you could see at the way he was sitting there that he was tipsy himself. “Good evening.” He said warmly and you smiled at him and greeted him back before going back to scanning the room. He was the best friend of Jimin, a guy you had met in your gym class. But even though you had been growing closer to him, Taehyung had never really gone along with that. He had always kept his distance from you so you had made up that he didn’t like you and you had told yourself you wouldn’t waste your time with him. He had never been rude to you though, had always been friendly to you if your ways did meet, but you had just never become friends. 



“Is Hyuna not with you? I thought you two were always together?” He suddenly asked and you gave him a look which told him that you couldn’t believe he was talking to you. But he just chuckled and pretended as if nothing was wrong as he waited for his answer. You leaned your head back against the couch and closed you eyes, feeling the music surrounding you. “She’s going through a rough time, she broke up with her boyfriend last week. She stayed home because she didn’t feel like coming and didn’t want to run into him.” You explained and decided that this was enough for him to know, after all her case was none of his business. But the fact that he asked you this seemed he had noticed you enough to know that you and Hyuna were close friends. He hummed as a response and leaned against the back of the couch just like you, making your arms touch each other. As soon as his skin leaned against your it seemed as if electricity was running through you and you could say you were shocked that you were feeling that way. 



The two of you stayed silent for a bit and you weren’t really planning to say anything against him, but suddenly he started laughing. As you cracked one eye open and looked at him you saw he was staring down on your feet and rolled your eyes at him. “What?” You asked and he looked back at you, the smile he was sending you was bright enough to light up the whole town and it made your heart skip a beat without you knowing it. “Are you seriously not wearing any shoes?” He asked as if that surprised him, well clearly he hadn’t seen a lot of drunk people in his life yet since he had no idea what they were capable of. “My feet hurt from my heels, have some more respect for a girl please, you have no idea what it is like to run around on these things all night.” You stated and he nodded, his smile never fading for even one second. Somewhere you had found the energy to sit back up on the couch and to pulled your legs on the couch with you, pressing your knees against your chest. It was weird to sit this close to Taehyung but you surely didn’t dislike it. 



He was looking so hot tonight though he was dressed in such a simple way. But Teahyung had always been known for being a very handsome guy and you had never been able to deny that. You shrieked when he grabbed one of your feet and put it on top op his lap, his fingers starting to the skin of your sore body part. “I don’t understand why you girls even wear those things…” He muttered and seemed happy with your reaction when you gazed at him while he massaged your foot as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You were at a part and this guy was caressing your foot, there was nothing normal about that. “What the hell are you doing?” You asked but couldn’t help but giggle at the action as you watched him carefully. “What? You said your feet hurt, I’m only helping you out.” For a few seconds you stared at him in awe but then rolled your eyes and decided to let him be. You were trying to make this less awkward by taking another sip from your drink but suddenly he pressed a sensitive spot on your footpad, making you close your eyes and moan softly. 



For a moment you were embarrassed about the sound you had just made shamelessly in public but then you figured that the music had probably covered you up and you opened your eyes to look at Taehyung. He was looking back at you and by the look on his face you could see that he had clearly heard the sound coming from your lips and you could also see that it had turned him on. A shiver ran down your spine when you felt his eyes scanning you completely and you could feel you cheeks turning even more red. “Thank for the massage but I think I’ll be fine now.” You said as you pulled back your foot and put it back next to your other one and then placed them back on the floor. You hoped he would just let this slide but your heart was beating quickly inside of your chest, telling you that he wouldn’t. He had never tried to make any contact with you before so why was he being like this right now? Suddenly you realized that you didn’t care, you were here to have fun tonight and if Taehyung wanted that as well then so be it. When he leaned closer to you and pressed his lips against your ear you stiffened, but not a single second you thought about moving away from him. 



“Has anyone already told you that you’re looking insanely good tonight? It should be illegal to get out while being dressed like this.” Taehyung whispered against your skin, his hot breath hitting against the side of your face which made your breath get stuck in your throat. A small gasp escaped your lips as you felt on of his hands traveling up your bare leg before stopping at your thigh and pressing his fingertip against your now burning skin. It was clear that he was flirting with you and if a guy like him wanted you then who were you to say no to him? You and Taehyung had never been close before but why couldn’t you start today? You turned your head to face him and bit your lower lip in a seductive way while staring at him, seeing how his eyes darkened while gazing back at you. He was even more handsome when he looked as if he wanted you and that turned you on and made your insides warm up. He had never shown interest in you before so it was weird to be like this with him all of a sudden but you didn’t dislike it. 



Though you had told yourself in the beginning of the night that you’d go back to your friends as soon as your feet felt less sore, you had never gone along with that promise anymore. The rest of the night you had spend in Taehyung’s company and he had spend his in yours. He had his arm wrapped around your shoulders loosely while the fingers of his free hand traced patterns on your arm. The two of you talked about silly little things and all of a sudden it seemed as if you had been friends with him your whole life, as if things had always been like this between the two of you and you knew everything about him. You noticed how comfortable you felt while being around him and that surprised you since you had only met him an hour ago. He didn’t seem like he was still going to leave your side tonight and you didn’t want him to, you were feeling good here inside of his hold. But when the moment came that you had to leave he begged for your phone number and of course you gave it to him, wanting to hear something from him soon. He pressed a peck against your cheek before watching you heading out with your friends and he smiled idiotically.

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Yuosux #1
Please continue this story
kittentaetae #2
Chapter 1: i hope you continue this story, it seems really good so far
snsdsmtown #3
Chapter 1: Aww.. Sweet.. Anticipating the next chapter!!^^
Chapter 1: Awww! I can't wait to see what happens next! :D
Chapter 1: Awww so sweeet.
Is she and baekhyun in relationship??? So she can let her friend with taehyung??