How You Meet

BigBang Boyfriend Scenarios


Here you are dancing at the park..You were dancing to the song called 'Bang Bang Bang' by BigBang..You liked dancing but you're shy to show it...But that doesnt mean you're a're the opposite!!You're actually really sassy..It was 10:00p.m. it was peaceful so its easy to focus on dancing and no one will be watching...or so you thought...Just when you were finished dancing someone clapped their hand and made you jump..'How Long Have You've Been There?'you asked looking at the ground 'Long enough to know you're a great dancer..'He said smirking 'I'm Jiyong,Kwon Jiyong'He continued Giving u his hand to shake..You shake it and said 'I'm (y/n)' 'Nice to meet you (y/n)said Jiyong and you just nod your head..After a few minute you look up and said'I bette-G-Dragon?!'Your eyes widen as you see THE G-Dragon standing in front of you arms crossed while smirking'Took you long enough'He said'Im ur biggest fan!!P-please sign this!You whispered-yelled While handing him One Bigbang's poster you just order..After he sign it you bowed and said thank you..When you were at your apartment You immediately pulled out the poster you were smiling like a mad woman when you saw what G-D wrote..It said 'Keep Being Gorgeous'with a winky face..That not just it there was also a....Phone number below it?!OMG this is the best day of your life!!

(Iknow it's long v.v)


You were at Bigbang's Fan Meeting with your fren Lee Sun Hwa(You can change da name)..You were really excited..While ur fren just stood there with a poker face..why?lets just say she's not a kpop fan she is an Otaku..When It was your turn You tried not to fangirl..First is was Jiyong Oppa..He Sign at your Bigbang poster and also write 'Thank you' after that was TOP you saw him staring at you and your started to blush at this point Your heard Top chuckle then he sign on your poster saw him writing something but you cant see it coz he was covering it after that you thnked him and went to the other member..That's when u realizes TOp wrote his No. phone for ya!!You told Sun Hwa about it but apparently she doesnt really care.


 You were finally here!!Where?Korea of course..You've always wanted to live in Korea!!And now your dream has come true...Unfortunately,You're lost..You can't seem to find your apartment...You keep going round and round the same place for half a day..And now it's 11:00p.m. and you're opposite the YG building..You wanted to ask for direction but because you are a shy girl You just can't seem to do it..After a few minutes,You saw someone walking out of the building..'I'm going to ask him!It's now or never!'you thought..Then You Walked slowly to the person.."Ex-excuse me.."You stuttered..By the sound of your voice the person stiffen..(You Are not a kpop fan so u dont know it's Taeyang..)The person slowly turns around and said "Hello there..Is there a problem?"You blushed when you saw his face..'HE'S SO FREAKING CUTE AND HANDSOME' you thought 'Wait no..he might have a girlfriend'then you shaked your head while your hands were holding your head...then suddenly you heard a chuckle and the same voice saying " Miss,Are you alright?""Oh..U-Uhm..I'm kinda l-lost..Do You K-know where (Apartment's name) is?"You reply while looking at the ground..You looked up and saw He was smiling at you and said "It's my apartment as well..Let's go there together"You shyly smile and nod..

~Time Skips To You guys arriving infront of your door cuz I dun wanna write about the awkwardness in the car~

"Thank you so much..."You said not knowing his name "Dong Youngbae"he said while giving me his hand to shake,you smile and shake his hand while saying"(y/n).."then when you were just about to close you door He said "Can you lend me your phone?"You hesitate at first but then gave him your phone..after he was finish he gave you back your phone and said "Goodnight"You checked your phone and realizes it was his phone number...

(I'm sorry It's SO long😭)


You were in the mall..It is currently having a sell cute dolls..Such as Totoro,Pokemon,Doraemon etc. But you were in a costume..You were replacing your fren sjnce she's sick..You were there for a lon

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SeoyeonKwon #1
Chapter 1: Can u update more??? It's good!!