


Taehyung curled up into a ball on the bed. He clutched tightly onto the black and green jumper that once belonged to something extremely special, or someone. His usually calm eyes were now tightly shut. The brunet moved the thick jumper closer to his face before inhaling that sweet aroma he loved so much. Without realising, tears began to flow from Taehyung's eyes. They fell to the soft blankets beneath him. He didn't understand why he was crying or why he felt so much pain. 

He smelt the jumper once more. The soft and sweet scent brought him back to happiness. He saw something. A green field with yellow flowers and a bright blue sky. He then smelt the fresh grass mixed with the earthy dirt of the trees which surrounded the field. He saw himself there, in the field walking around, joyfully. His bare feet could feel the soft grass beneath his him as it crinkled under his every step. Up until now, everything had been silent. A sudden gust of wind brought sound to the field. Birds chirped lively and the trees bristled together. Taehyung felt calm. 

"Taehyung." The brunet's eyes opened wide. He heard a familiar voice. Taehyung spun around looking for the thing that spoke. Behind one the brown trees to his left, Taehyung saw a small figure. The thing popped his head out behind the tree every few seconds, like a child playing hide and seek. Taehyung cautiously walked closer towards the figure. 

He tried to say 'Who are you?' but his words became mute. He tried again even louder this time, but it only hurt his throat. 

It appeared that the shy figure was a boy, no taller than Taehyung himself. When Taehyung attempted to catch another glimpse of the boy, he vanished. Taehyung spun around looking for the boy again. He was now standing approximately two metres from the brunet. Taehyung was able to clearly see the boy's features. The first thing he realised was the boy's bright orange hair. It was a mess, as if he just woken up. The boy was wearing a oversized white-collared shirt and tight black  jeans and a dark blue coat, it was nothing out of the ordinary. Around his collar was a single, thin blue bow. The boy had slim puppy-like eyes and and small pink lips. 

He looked up at Taehyung with innocent eyes. Taehyung looked back at him, confused. He felt like this boy was very close to him, but at the same time, he felt like they were strangers. 

The boy stepped closer to Taehyung until they were less than a foot apart. To Taehyung's surprise, the boy wrapped his arms around the brunet and hugged him tightly. Taehyung instantly did the same. He didn't know why, but it felt like this was normal of the two. The boy pulled back slightly and looked up at Taehyung. A smile grew on the boy's lips which stabbed Taehyung in the chest. The brunet's breath was cut short. The smile, he knew it so well. 

The orange haired boy raised onto his tippy toes and pecked Taehyung on the lips. His breath was restored but his chest still hurt. The boy lowered back down and smiled gently. 

"I've missed you, Taehyung." 

The brunet wanted to ask 'who are you?' again but a strange set of words were released instead.  

"Park Jimin." 

Taehyung woke from his dream with extremely wet eyes and a pain in his chest. He gasped for air and he held the black and green jumper closer to his aching chest. 

Who is or was Park Jimin? 


Taehyung lost Jimin in the accident. He clings to Jimin's belongings but he does not know why. 

Taehyung deliberately asked for his memories to be erased because he couldn't stand the pain of losing Jimin. 

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Chapter 1: This is sooo sad :'(((
dudukuma #2
Chapter 1: Wait, is jimin dead?
This is really sad :(((((((((((((((((( ARGHHHHH VMIN