Mr.Yoo 1/2

|Sweet as π|










Jonghyun hated math.  


Algebra, equations, trigonometry... 


Anything that had to do with the subject of death! 


Jonghyun would probably go to the extent to state that he despised the subject with all the bitterness of his heart. He wanted to be a dancer in the future, where would equations fit into that picture? Exactly. Nowhere

If he thought middle school maths was difficult then he knew for sure he was in for a whole lot of headaches once he opened the door to room 202. Lucky him there was an available seat in the back.  He was sure he'd spend most of his time there sleeping or trying not to get the teacher's attention.


His first day, overall, was going pretty well. The only downside of his schedule was the fact that the last class he would be seeing at the end of the day for the rest of his freshman year was mathematics.  


What a wonderful way to end the day, he thought,oh the irony. 


The only thing that reassured Jonghyun the conservation of his sanity was the fact that his friend Jimin was also in basic math. That's why when he saw the male beaming an inch away --the guy knew nothing about personal space-- from him as Jimin took the seat next to him, Jonghyun sighed in relief.  


"Thank god you're here!" 


Jimin threw his head back as he laughed,"I know, I know, you can't live without me,"Jonghyun rolled his eyes at the comment,"who knows if I'll have to hold you back from pulling pranks on the teacher this year too" 


"Mrs.Jung hated my guts, you know that! She deserved everything that came her way!"Jonghyun scoffed as he recalled his middle school math teacher. The old hag was quite the wench always making Jonghyun go out to the board knowingvery wellhe didn't understand a single thing.  


"Well hey, at least she passed you" 


Jonghyun laughed bitterly as he watched the pile of students filling the classroom,"Barely! The only reason she passed me was so she wouldn't have to see me another year, doing us both a favor friggin " the 16 year old muttered. 


"Brighten up man, maybe this teacher won't be half as bad"Jimin said optimistically, he was always the look-at-the-bright side kind of guy which was a trait Jonghyun appreciated, while he nudged his frowning friend.Jonghyun slumped further into his seat with crossed arms with a sigh,"We'll see about that"  


A few seconds later the door shut and a uniformed man came into view, placing his belongings onto the desk gathering everyone's interest, including Jonghyun's as the young boy sat up a bit straighter to get a better look at his enemy. 



He expected his math teacher to be old either bald or with a flock of white hair.  


He expected his math teacher to be adorned with a grim expression, narrowed eyes and cross features.  


He expected the person to head straight to his desk and begin the class without an introduction. 



What Jonghyun didn't expect was his math teacher to stroll into the classroom sending everyone a friendly smile, soon placing his things on his desk and scribbling onto the board something. 



Jonghyun squinted and leaned forward from his desk. 



Mr....W..o...? Or was that a V? 



Jonghyun cursed his poor eyesight in these situations but all the brunette could do was squint more. His concentration interrupted by a cheerful voice,"Good afternoon everyone I will be your math teacher for this year,"the teacher pointed at himself, his smile still lingering on his blemish free face. 


"And as you can see," everyone except for Jonghyun of course which Jimin noticed and snickered at his blind friend. 


"My name is Mr.Yoo" 


Oh, was all Jonghyun could say mentally when he heard the teacher's voice, he didn't have a hoarse and dry voice like an old man. Nor did it sound naggy like his last teacher. Instead it was a tad husky and soft, good on the ears thankfully. 


"Now I know many of you may not be fans of math and all its problems and formulas"a chorus of groans of all the students, including Jonghyun who muttered a 'You bet mister', when the teacher mentioned numbers. 


Mr.Yoo raised his small hands in front of his chest,"But!I want all of you to change that mindset. I don't want you guys to stress yourselves when it comes to my class, I want you guys to have a good time and improve your relationship with math," 


Jonghyun found this teacher too optimistic. Definitely a weirdo. Just who did this guy think he was? There was no way that math was ever going to be fun.  


"My purpose as a teacher is to teach you guys, the students, all that I know and hopefully use that knowledge in the future," the short teacher walked between the rows looking at all the students, making gestures as he spoke, "so ask as many times as you want, if you have to eat or chew gum in order to concentrate please do so and if you feel that I'm not doing my job properly don't be afraid to inform me because I will always be open to criticism,"  


Everyone at this point was holding each word that the teacher was saying and wondering just where the hell did this guy come from,"just like how I will ask for your improvement, I also want to be insisted on as well so we can all learn in the process" 


The teacher was in front of his desk once more, now concluding his little speech,"My objective this year is for the classes to be fun and dynamic where you guys can come and enjoy math in a stress free environment" 


Finally the teacher's stern expression was replaced with a smile. 


"So any questions?"Changhyun scanned the room,"Nope? Ok class, please open your textbooks to page 10".... 







"Oh my gosh he's so cute and he looks super young! I'm going to do well so he'll notice me" A few girls were squealing as they left the classroom. 


"Dude this teacher doesn't seem that lame, he seems pretty cool so far" 


"Yeah, my older sister told me about this guy and said he is super chill. Maybe we'll actually learn something" A trio of boys commented as they also began leaving. 


Jonghyun was packing his things as he heard the comments about the new teacher. Young? He didn't know that for sure since the man's features were a blur these past 3 weeks and he didn't get a good look whenever he would walk through his row.  That and because he didn't dare make eye contact with the adult or else Jonghyun would blow his cover and get noticed and then everything wouldn't be dandy and peaceful like everyone was making it,


He felt a heavy weight around his shoulder,"Ugh Jimin get off you troll" 


Said boy ignored his friends complaint,"So what do you think of Mr.Yoo, he doesn't seem to be as bad as Mrs.Jung" 


Jonghyun slung his backpack on one shoulder as he ushered his small friend out the classroom. They were going to try out for the dance team and they needed to get a move on if they wanted to audition. 


"Well he's definitely got all the girls bought with his charms and the other guys seem to believe him with that speech of his from the other day but-"  


"You're understanding the topic we've been seeing though, right?"Jimin egged on,"and he hasn't called on you nor have I seen any sign of bullying" he added teasingly. 


"Yeah but it's too soon to say anything, there is no way a teacher like that exists. His constant good humor and smiling is starting to creep me out" Jonghyun shuddered and kept a straight face as Jimin made funny faces. 


Jonghyun rolled his eyes with a small smile. Why was this idiot his best friend? He could only laugh as the latter began monkeying around him chanting Jonghyun's name in a gruff voice. Talk about random.


The taller of the two shoved the other aside and left him behind in a sprint.  


"Last one to get to the auditorium invites to tteokbokki!"Jonghyun hollered behind his shoulder and caught the sight of Jimin scrambling onto his feet sending him the finger. 


And that's how the best friends would settle who would invite to snacks after dance practice. Both boys got in the same day they auditioned. Though Jonghyun had to take the last bus to go home after practice, it was worth it.  


Jonghyun had the upper hand the first few weeks but lately Jimin was becoming more sly. The other day Jonghyun was running late and had to run like his life depended on it --Hoseok was a good hearted hyung but didn’t tolerate tardiness-- and shouldered someone on the way. He barely snuck unseen into the dance room, luckily the senior had his back towards the door and he made it. 


A few weeks later Jonghyun found himself in the same predicament. Apparently, Jimin got a head start when Jonghyun entered the restroom to change into another set of clothes for dance practice.  The young boy splashed some water on his face. With his bag slung over his shoulder he found the hallway vacant with Jimin nowhere in sight. He immediately groaned once he realized that his friend most probably was at the other half of the school by now. So without further delay he made a dash through the many hallways cursing at whoever designed the school with so many hallways and of course his best friend. 


"Jimin you short piece of-" 


Papers were scattered everywhere and not to mention his bag before Jonghyun could stop himself from blindly running into...he rubbed his shoulder and squinted at the person who was also in the same painful situation. 









Jonghyun just had to run and slam into his math teacher of all people. The freshman stumbled onto his feet and stood his shaken teacher up from the floor. 


"Mr. Yoo I'm so so sorry! I didn't see you there and, and it's all my fault and oh geez your papers,"Jonghyun rambled on nervously as he knelt once more on the floor to pick the sheets of paper up. 


Well Jonghyun tried to pick them up but his hands were trembling too much to do the simple task because all that ran in his mind was the fact that he was so screwed and starting from tomorrow his teacher was going to make his life literal hell and make him wish he was never born.  


He felt a warm hand over his hand which stopped his train of negative thoughts. Jonghyun squeezed his eyes shut. 


Maybe he would receive that wrath a little earlier? 


"Jonghyun-sshi are you alright? Here let me help you," Changhyun swiftly picked up the sheets of graded papers while Jonghyun now stood static in his place. 


And bam. 


His math teacher smiled at him. The man was glowing right before his myopic eyes.


Jonghyun wanted to cry like a baby. 


"Don't worry it's not a big deal. I'm completely fine so no need for the long face" however Changhyun wasn't too sure about his student.  The young teacher waved his arms and bent his knees up and down to prove so,"see?" 


And see he did. This was the first time Jonghyun actually saw his teacher, up front and in HD. 


Mr.Yoo was a few centimeters taller than Jonghyun. His uniform was neat and not adorned with tacky accessories like his past teachers who would go overboard with the pens or markers in their shirt pocket or tags. His hair was styled up and to the side and looked so fluffy he wanted to pet it. Jonghyun thought his classmate Sojung was pale until he admired his teacher's pale complexion then focused on his brown orbs that had a childish glint to them until a small pair of lips began moving, articulating something... 


"Choi Jonghyun-sshi!" 


Jonghyun snapped out of his trance emitting a confused 'huh' 


"You know my name?" 


And there it was again, that smile followed with a laugh,"Of course I do! I learn all of my students names, it is a basic requirement" 


Crap, he knew his name so he could definitely write him a detention slip,"Are you,"Jonghyun began hesitantly before squeaking out,"going to give me detention?" 


Jonghyun learned that his teacher laughed a lot. 


"I know I'm a teacher, but that doesn't make me into the grim reaper. Accidents happen and I've been through worse situations with my past teachers and bumping into one twice isn't half as bad" 



Jonghyun sighed in relief... 


"But your lucky you didn't knock down my glasses this time around" 


...only to hunch up again and with his cheeks inflamed. Could it be that the person he bumped into last time was his very own teacher?! 


"I'm just kidding I don't wear glasses but you definitely need a pair and stop running in the halls" 


Mr.Yoo flipped through the pile of papers he had in his arms and revealing a sheet of paper. He was a few feet away yet Jonghyun couldn't see the scribbles on the paper.  


 "Aha! So I am right!"the teacher exclaimed gleefully. 


"About what?"Jonghyun had no idea what the man was referring to. What could the man be right about? That Jonghyun was stupid? That Jonghyun was rude?  


"The fact that you my dear student is blind as bat," 


Ouch, Jonghyun couldn’t see but he could feel, feel his pride faltering. 


"It's no wonder you've done so poorly on the last two quizzes" Jonghyun stared blankly at the red marks all over his quiz. It did not look pretty at all. Nor did his future at the moment.


Scratch that, his pride was plummeting... 


"With all due respect sir but what does my blindness have to do with my incapability on doing well on your quizzes?" and math in general, is what he would've added. 


The math teacher shorted the distance between the two and was now by his students side,"Well you didn't write anything I wrote on the board correctly for one and the fact that you squinted when I showed you the paper from a far...I suggest you take up my offer on buying yourself a pair of glasses" 


Jonghyun whined and let his arms fall to his side, forgetting momentarily he was complaining to an adult,"But they're so lame and uncool!" 


Changhyun found his student amusing, rolling his eyes well knowingly for he too was a freshman once. Not a decade ago, but its been several years. 


"Then starting next week you are sitting up front"  




"No buts, or should I remind you that you’ve made me fall twice?" 


Jonghyun gawked at the fleeting image of his teacher. He just knew not getting glasses was going to come back and bite him in the one day!  






"Jimin you owe me" 


"Its not my fault you slammed our math teacher to the floor"Jimin defended. 


"Fine then please,please if our 6 year friendship means anything to you then sit up front with me please"Jonghyun clasped his hands together and pleaded until Jimin gave in. 


Half way into the class Jimin's sour expression dissipated and the older of the two didn't find sitting up front that bad. Jimin was able to participate more, he was never shy to speak out in these types of occasions, and watching his best friend suffer more than usual was quite the sight. 


Jonghyun began, ironically being the one of the idea, regretting his decision terribly of sitting up front. Sure he could see a lot better now but the whole row of girls wouldn't let him concentrate with their non-stop gossip. Not to mention the sound of the clock ticking adding to his numerous list of distractions. Jonghyun's gaze faltered at the board, looking out the window a moment and when he looked back it was filled with another batch of equations. 


What happened to finding x? Why were they resolving the variable z now? How come everything that would come out of Mr.Yoo's mouth sound foreign and like plain gibberish?  


He peeked to see if Jimin was falling behind as well but found his best friend very concentrated.Was Jonghyun the only one having a hard time?  






Jonghyun was relieved when the school bell finally rang so he could relieve the pounding in his head at dance practice and just get the hell out of room 202. 


Jimin offered they do their homework together at his house later and try to explain what Jonghyun didn't understand --which was everything-- from math. Despite his efforts, Jimin's explanation didn't get through to Jonghyun. The brunette would get the steps in the solution mixed up and both boys ended up playing video games until 6 o clock came around and Jonghyun had to get the bus home. 


The next day in class wasn't any better, and the day after that wasn't either. Friday finally came around and so did the pop quizzes. Jonghyun knew he aced the geography and english exams but math wasn't going to be a piece of cake. He was already sweating nervously and had only written his name. Jonghyun didn't dare take his eyes off his paper and try to cheat. He didn't want to rub off on his teacher any worse. So he ended up going through each exercise meticulously, scribbling operations hoping that by filling even the margins Mr.Yoo would have mercy on him.  Apparently the whole class had finished. Jonghyun could only oblige and turn in his quiz as well in defeat. The teacher seeing that his students finished earlier than expected announced that he'd grade them immediately so they wouldn't have to wait until Monday. 


When the bell finally rang Jonghyun wanted to get out of the suffocating room as soon as possible but an arm shot out, not allowing him to flee. 


"Not so fast Jonghyun-sshi..." 


Said student hunched his shoulders and peeked through one eye,"Yes Mr.Yoo?" 


Jonghyun saw Jimin sending him a thumbs up wishing him good luck.Luck is what he'd need if wanted to pass math.  


But Jonghyun was an unlucky person. 


"Have you considered joining a study group for math?" 


Oh dear. Just how was he going to tell his teacher that study groups wouldn't work or how he was, Jimin had stated jokingly but Jonghyun considered it true,stupid?Maybe even retarded? Because he still didn't understand eighth grade algebra. Jimin was right, it was a miracle he made it out of middle school. 


Jonghyun rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably, eyes flickering nervously,"Um...I don't, I-I-I don't think that's a good idea because..." 


Mr.Yoo listened patiently, an eyebrow arched to urge him on. 


"b-because I have dance practice practically the whole week after school, so...,"the student fibbed and continued ignoring his teacher's persistent gaze,"yeah no can do Mr.Yoo" 


The older male tsked disappointedly, but snapped his fingers right after,"If your schedule is a problem then how about I tutor you when we're both free or a day after class when you don't have practice?" 


Jonghyun wanted to decline, thank his teacher and get the hell out of there and mope awhile for being a failure at numbers and make another one of his game plans for getting through the school year with at least a C in math. 


But Jonghyun didn't know anything about his teacher and his personal traits. The freshman didn't know how persistent and patient Mr.Yoo was when it came to his students learning process. Mr.Yoo was never one to throw in the towel on someone and especially not his student and definitely not now after so many years of teaching.  


Changhyun never had a teacher who would lend a hand or motivate him in his school year's. That's why he decided to major in math once he graduated from high school. His mindset being,wanting to make a difference and lessen the reputation for math being one of the most detested subjects throughout a student's life. Quite the inspiration.


"I clearly see you don't enjoy math especially or maybe even my classes, but I'd be happy to tutor you with no commitment" 


Jonghyun had to give it to the elder, he was persuasive with his welcoming smile from cheekbone to cheekbone and warm eyes and was he pouting?


Who would say no to this man?  


"So it's settled, I'll see you at lunch Jonghyun-shi" they both sealed the deal with a firm handshake. 








On his way home on the bus Jonghyun couldn't help but feel anxious about tomorrow since his teacher will realize what a lost cause he is. And on the other hand a bit relieved because deep down he wanted to believe that Mr.Yoo would give him the help he needed.  


Or else Jonghyun would face the consequences. 


His parents were always reluctant about his wish to be a dancer. If what happened last year, summer school that is, were to happen again then he'd have to rock,drop,top and pop his dream bye-bye. 








"Where are you going? Aren't you going to eat lunch?"Jonghyun searched for the things he needed in his locker with haste as Jimin watched him curiously. 


"Can't -- have -- to study. Library" Jonghyun muttered. The brunette wasn't lying per say, he was going to study. He knew he owed his best friend an explanation but he'd give it to him later. 


Jonghyun tried to regulate his breathing. He felt so nervous and he had no idea why. It was simple really. Knock on the door, get in, hope that the hour with Mr.Yoo wouldn't feel like an eternity and that's it. 


He knocked once and cautiously opened the door. 


"Jonghyun! Glad you could make it, have a seat" the teacher set aside his paperwork so they could get to work. 


Several minutes later into the tutoring Jonghyun couldn't take it anymore after Mr.Yoo's fifth explanation,"I don't understand!"the student tugged at his hair in frustration, eyes watering, he felt pathetic,"maybe I am retarded. I'm sorry Mr.Yoo I'm just wasting your time"Jonghyun let his head fall dejectedly. 


"Jonghyun, hey look at me,"the student obeyed, looking at the teacher under his bangs, "you are a bright boy. We all have things we're good at. And the things we're not good at, we have to practice again and again until we get it right, lunch is almost over so how about we pick this up after school?" 



A few hours later Jonghyun found himself sitting next to his teacher. Mr.Yoo decided they review some topics that Jonghyun wasn't very confident in and see how it went from there. Jonghyun was a lot calmer now and recalling his outburst from earlier made him feel extremely embarrassed, his face went red at the thought of it. 


"Jonghyun-shi are you alright? We can end here for today-" 


"NO! I mean, I mean I'm fine thank you seonsangnim, I'm just," Jonghyun's stomach said the rest. Changhyun stared wide eyed at his student while Jonghyun clutched at the reason of his embarrassment. 


The teacher laughed at the other's adorable reaction and pat his shoulder in a comforting manner before getting up and searching in the cabinets"You poor thing! You must be starving,"Jonghyun could only stare as he saw his teacher rummaged through his things, eyebrows furrowed and tongue peeking out slightly until his features brightened up. Jonghyun found the whole scene amusing and very...childlike? 


"Found it! Here," the student received the snacks carefully, watching how his teacher got a juice box and chips for himself "you can't be studying on an empty stomach! Sorry for the unattentiveness" Changhyun apologized sheepishly. Jonghyun smiled,"It's fine really, thank you very much Mr.Yoo". Both males ate quietly, well except for Mr.Yoo, who drank his juice box in a very peculiar way. Eyes crossed, focused on the straw and using both hands to hold it. 


"Seonsangnim, if you don't mind me asking, shouldn't you be drinking coffee like- 


-an adult?" Changhyun finished for him with a cheeky smile. He didn't find the question offensive at all. Actually surprising since most people didn't even consider him an adult. 


The student nodded,"Well, yeah, I've only seen teachers drink coffee and donuts" 


"I love donuts and sweets," Changhyunsaid very seriously",but coffee is just plain nasty" the teacher scrunched up his face distastedly, tongue sticking out momentarily for emphasis,"plus I'm not that old like the teacher's here, but don't tell Mr.Lee that," Mr.Yoo winked, "knowing Chanhee he'd throw a hissy fit".Jonghyun stared at his teacher for the umpteenth time that day. He was weird, not completely serious with a stick up his or anything. The small man before him was his Math teacher, he smiled way too much for his own good, the guy looked like he genuinely likes his job and students. And to top it off he was actually really... 



Nice? Cool? Funny? 


"Seonsangnim, are you an alien?"




Throughout the weeks, Jonghyun would look forward to the study sessions. They were pleasant and never in his life would he have thought this, but never has he ever enjoyed someone's company as much as his teacher's. He wouldn't reveal this to anyone, well because one; that'd make him a teacher's pet and two; that's just plain weird.


Jonghyun was going completely nuts. He was sure if he confessed this to his best friend he'd agree. He had told Jimin a long time ago about the fact he was getting tutored by their teacher, but that’s it. Jonghyun never really went into detail. 


It seemed that going practically every day to room 202 after dance practice or when there wasn't any dance practice, was paying off. Jonghyun was actually understanding -he even felt his brain working! Jonghyun wasn't getting an A+ on each exam or activity but his grades were pretty decent thanks to his teacher and his patience and encouragements. But he knew with a little more time he'd be getting straight A's.


You'd think that having to see his math teacher everyday would make Jonghyun sick to his stomach. Well he did feel things in his stomach, butterflies or whatever. It could be due to saving up his lunch money for the bus fare. He wasn't eating much at school. only when his teacher offered him some after the study session, since he now had to get two buses thanks to his parents deciding to move 4 hours away from the school. Jonghyun was used to 2 hours, but 4?! 


But it's worth it. 


Despite being sleep deprived, exhausted and hungry most of the time. Jonghyun was happy. He was doing very well at dance practice, even getting acknowledged by his peers, which really boosts his self-esteem. He's made more friends and of course Jimin being his loyal little friend --Jimin kept complaining at Jonghyun's never ending growth spurts-- stuck by his side since they're both best friends forever, as the other quoted. His parents were off his back, but on the other hand they were bugging him about switching to a school nearer home. His parents weren't helping him at all with allowance, they figured their son would give up eventually, but Jonghyun wasn't going to. 


No way 


How could he? Being the stubborn 16 year old he is Jonghyun would continue waking up early in the morning and packing his own lunch. How could Jonghyun pick up and leave and start over right when he felt like he was "fitting in" being his first year. High school wasn't rainbows and cotton candy most of the time, but it was definitely a lot better than middle school. He liked his friends, his classmates, he liked everything, especially... 


It was crazy, but maybe it was because of his math teacher. Jonghyun didn't know why but he couldn't bare the thought of not seeing Mr.Yoo. He knew for sure he wouldn't meet another teache --person like him. He never feally considered teachers as people really until now.


Mr.Yoo didn't treat Jonghyun like a kid, they had interesting conversations that Jonghyun wouldn't be able to have with anyone his age. Jonghyun really liked learning new things about his teacher, the other side that no one saw except Jonghyun. Before he knew it, Jonghyun found himself cherishing the moments he'd see the older male put his guard down. Like when he'd be so happy when Jonghyun understood a topic right off the bat, ruffling his hair saying how well Jonghyun is doing and how he was proud of him.  


Jonghyun didn't know then why he was persistent in staying, but he would realize later on.





a/n: me at the moment @-@ 

edited :D if there's any mistakes just tell me and I am open to criticism as well. I sort of winged this tbh xD so if some of the info is wrong sorry >.<

I know it's hard to imagine Ricky as a teacher and being the older figure here since Changjo looks like he' s 30 sometimes but we all know he acts the oppostie that derpball lol but guys! Use your imagination :3 here Changjo is how he looked pre-debut and Ricky is how he looks currently

Plus Ricky just fits the description as a teacher, I can totally imagine him all dressed up and his hair all styled and stuff....or maybe I'm just delusional and not wanting to see Ricky only as a cute minion but as a man :D




     Like would you look at that O.O


























.....yeah I'm not convinced either lol


|Sara| ♥

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Chapter 2: Hahahaha the epic "how's the weather today?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Omg i love this story ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Omoooooo love it!!!! I am a changrick's trash too ~~~
maknae_changhyunnie #3
Chapter 2: I loved this! The story was so cute and it wasn't rushed at all. I loved how you described the characters feeling.
Can't wait for the next chapters! ^^ Please update soon!
Ayabells #4
Chapter 2: Yey! Its done. That was really really cute author-nim. Its a great and well written story. Thank you so muchhhhh♡♥♡♥♡♥♥ and teen top comeback!!!!!!!! So excited
Chapter 1: Update pls!!!
Ayabells #6
Chapter 1: Waaaaa~~ this is sooo cute. Waiting for your next update authornim♡♥♡♥