
The Marriage

Hakyeon had lost his appetite and lay on his bed, life flashing before his eyes. 

High school was definitely the absolute worst. It went by the slowest at the prestigious private school his mother insisted for him to go to. 

It was absolute hell and torture. 

It was filled by over privileged, cruel teens who had no sense of ethics, always searching for someone weaker to prey on and attack. 

Girls remained in their own gossiping groups but the boys were always using poor Hakyeon as a punching bag. He was thin and didn't fight back much, making him an easy target. 

Hakyeon was always afraid to be attacked and that's why he never told anyone. His tears only brought jeers as they thirsted on his pain. 


There were a handful of kids that tolerated him but they were merely aquaintances who felt sorry for him.


Hakyeon shivered as he remembered the cruel beatings he went through. He'd be left after lunch or after school, injured and bruised in some isolated corner of the school, curling in a fetus position, trying to catch his breath. 

Not a single person was there to hear or answer his pleas of help or mercy. And realizing this, Hakyeon saved himself the energy and muted his own pleas and cries for help. 


They never forgot to threaten him, telling him they'd come after him if he told. But who were they kidding? He had nobody to tell. 


His mother never spared him a glance and only his stepfather occasionally asked if he was alright or if anything was wrong. Of course Hakyeon said it was fine but a blind man could tell he was lying. 

But after a year, he ignored Hakyeon as he'd limp up the stairs, sporting bruises and cuts. 


His mother was worse. 

"What kinds of grades are these?! Do you go to school to be a juvenile and mess up all the pairs of uniforms I've bought you?!"


And just like with his bullies, he silently took the hatred and blame. He was extremely happy when he graduated. 



And after Taekwoon's tantrum, he could feel the same situation creep on him. All he could do now was to not push the latter's buttons. Because once abuse started, it didn't end. 

His mother couldn't care less if he was in an abusive relationship as long as everything seemed fine from the outside. 

She didn't care when two boys broke his arm by pushing him on the staircase. 


His step father had been away at a business meeting to a neighbouring city. 

The school immediately called the ambulance and left a message to his mother's cell. 

She never came as Hakyeon spent two nights recovering alone in the hospital staring in jealousy as the  man beside him had his entire family there to see him. 


Tears didn't come that night. It was his fate and nothing could change that. 




Taekwoon was certainly not the violent type and merely meant to shake Hakyeon up a bit so that the marriage wouldn't be in danger. But he couldn't avoid his fiancé forever. The next week, Taekwoon and his family came to visit Hakyeon. Thankfully, Taekwoon's sisters were away at their in-laws'. 

The formal meeting was of similar structure as before and after lunch, Hakyeon's mother told them to go have some time together in Hakyeon's room. 

Hakyeon stiffly nodded and Taekwoon just noticed that his fiancé hadn't made eye contact with him since he arrived.  


"This way", Hakyeon said as he stood and led Taekwoon upstairs. Taekwoon was observant and he noticed how Hakyeon's hand shook as he gripped the banister on his way up but he didn't say anything. 

Hakyeon held the door open for him and left it wide open before also stepping inside. The room was spacious like Taekwoon's and had basic necessities like a bed, shelf, computer, and desk. However, Taekwoon was surprised at how simple the latter's room was. 


"Please sit, Taekwoon sshi", Hakyeon said, walking across from him to grab a chair from where his desk was. But on his way returning, he tripped. Of course with his shaking form and downcast eyes, Taekwoon expected something to happen. 


His quick reflexes helped him grab the chair before Hakyeon fell over. But when his cold fingers skimmed over Hakyeon's, the latter freaked out and stepped back as though he got burnt. 

Taekwoon ignored him and took a seat.

He pointedly looked at Hakyeon with an eyebrow raised, "Aren't you planning on sitting down?" 


Hakyeon jumped ever so slightly, "Y-yes, sorry". 

Hakyeon took a seat on his bed, still looking down, hands on his knees.  


Taekwoon followed his face to see Hakyeon's fingernails pale white from the tight fists he formed, nails digging into his palm. 


"What's wrong with you?" 


Hakyeon looked up momentarily, "Nothing, I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I'm fine".

Taekwoon snorted, "Do you think I'm blind?" 


Hakyeon winced but didn't look up this time and Taekwoon was becoming irritated. It was enough that he was wasting time here and Hakyeon wasn't even being a decent host. 


"Yah! Look at me".


He finally got up from frustration and stepped towards Hakyeon. However, the moment his hand made contact with Hakyeon's shoulder, the boy was panicking. 

Hakyeon released a small Yelp and he finally looked at Taekwoon with terrified eyes as though he was a murderer. 

Then, he shrunk away, curling into the bed in a fetal position, mumbling a cloud of phrases and words. 

Taekwoon was at the least, shocked at the behavior; was Hakyeon mentally ill or something? 


"Hey, this isn't funny Hakyeon. You're a grown man, get up", Taekwoon said nervously. 

It became worse when Hakyeon began to whimper and cry, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.  

Something was definitely wrong. 

Taekwoon quickly exited the door when his eyes fell on Mr. Lee, Hakyeon's stepfather who was coming up the stairs, probably to use the washroom. 


Taekwoon hurried to him, "Sir, we need to get Mrs. Lee! Something is wrong with Hakyeon!"


Hakyeon's stepfather seemed a bit frantic, "No, don't get her. What happened?" 


Taekwoon led him to the room where Hakyeon cried on his bed. 

"I'll handle it", Mr. Lee muttered as he shut the bedroom door and locked it. 

Taekwoon stood away, watching in worry. Sure he wasn't fond of Hakyeon, but he didn't enjoy the latter's pain either; he wasn't sadistic. 


Mr. Lee sat on the bed and patted Hakyeon's back soothingly to calm him down. "Shh, it's alright. Calm down Hakyeon. Nobody is going to hurt you". 


Recognizing the familiar touch, Hakyeon seemed to calm down slowly, still shaking. 

Mr. Lee turned to Taekwoon, "Don't worry, it's just hyperventilation from past unfortunate experiences. Something may have triggered it. Hakyeon's is totally mentally healthy". 


Taekwoon frowned; the man seemed to assuring Taekwoon of the marriage deal instead of focusing on his son. 

Taekwoon didn't say anything and Mr. Lee sighed, "Please don't let my wife know that you witnessed this; she'll be absolutely furious." 


"What's wrong with him? He's been shaking", Taekwoon said, ignoring the man. 

"Don't worry, it's temporary. He gets it when dealing with new experiences. He'll get over it", Mr. Lee waved off. 

Taekwoon raised a brow; Mr. Lee must think of him as an absolute fool. 

Nobody gets hyperventilation from such a simple cause. 


"You can go downstairs; everybody is watching a movie in the living room", Mr. Lee said, we'll be right down. 


Taekwoon unlocked the door and walked out the room. Mr. Lee didn't eve wait to shut it again. 


Teakwoon heard voices clearly. 

"Hakyeon, get up!" The middle aged man ordered in a firm voice. 

There was shuffling. 


"You should know better and control yourself around guests; this behaviors is unacceptable! You're lucky I'm not telling your mother about this!" 


"Yes sir, I'm sorry. It was an accident", came the raspy, exhausted voice of Hakyeon. 

Taekwoon's eyebrows narrowed in confusion, "Since when did anyone apologize for having a panic attack at the wrong time?" 


"Wash up and come downstairs. Everyone is watching a movie and I don't want you being a party pooper with such a gloomy expression", Mr. Lee ordered. 


Taekwoon decided he heard enough and went down the stairs, deciding that he didn't like Mr. Lee at all. 

He sat down with his parents and Mrs. Lee. 

"Hakyeon is in the washroom. He'll be coming", Mr. Lee stated as he sat beside his wife. 


Ten minute later, Hakyeon silently came downstairs and the scared look in his eyes returned when he saw that the only spot available was beside Taekwoon. Taekwoon watched from the corner of his eyes as the thin boy opted to sit on the carpet, leaning his head agains the side of the couch. 

Hakyeon watched the movie but his mind was wandering, trying to distract itself from the previous occurrence of events. 


Taekwoon felt he looked very vulnerable like this and even felt pity for the boy. 

Not to mention, he felt like a total for treating Hakyeon the way he did on their first meeting. 

Something really seemed to be bothering his fiancé. 

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leeleeloveskpop #1
Chapter 31: This was really good
Can't wait to read this, I already put a bookmark on the first chapter :D
fk sleep who needs it when u can read an amazing 30 chaptered fanfic lets do this bois
bibibelle #4
Chapter 31: Thats a really beautiful story...
thank you for write and wrapped it nicely, author-nim.. ?
bibibelle #5
Chapter 3: this isn't boring at all...
I just finished the 3rd chapter and more than willing to finished the whole story...
having a big laughter when you potrayed how taekwoon guarding his food... xDxD
Infinite_fan #6
This is good
Chapter 12: Help. How do I stop reading this awesome fic? I need to sleep..
Nuimee #8
Chapter 31: Oww so sweet, I marathoned it just now! Good job for making me cry TT
signorina_klutz #9
Chapter 31: I really like the story line, and how you delivered it, but, I think I think the pace of the story is too fast? Not really the pace, but there were timejumps that made me confused as to what happened, or if I missed something. Like the time that Hongbin took a pictute of Yeonnie asleep, or what happened after Leo kicked Yeonnie out. So I think some of the details in between the story was a little unclear but it is otherwise a really brilliant story. Great job, you made me cry several times. *now go get some tissues*
Chapter 31: Reading again in new year! Can't enough of this sweet fic !!