
Why Did I Fall In Love With You?



Min Ji let out a gasp of panic as she ran down the hallway in the big college building. *Where is my class located?* She turned a corner and bumped into a group of girls, she looked up at the crowed of squealing girls and gave a confused look. “What’s going on? Is there a celebrity that goes to this school?”

“There waiting for the JJang4 to come.” She looked up to her left at a girl with short brown hair with black roots. The girl extended her hand for her and she gladly took it standing up.

“There goes that name again. So then I’m guessing JJang4 isn’t a candy bar like I thought.”

“Candy bar?” The girl laughed as she shook her head. “It’s a group that consists of the most popular guys in this place. The leader Lee Minho, he’s the scary one. Then there is Kim Bum a huge plaer, Kim Joon the biggest player of the group and last would be Kim Hyun Joong the nicest one of the group.”

“The guys who I stopped from picking on that kid earlier.”

“Whoa there! Watch what you do, get on one of their bad side and not only do you have to deal with them but also their many lines of fans. I’m Kim So Eun by the way.”

Min Ji nodded as she gave her a small handshake. “Park Min Ji.”

“Well Min Ji seeing as you have to be new let me leave you with this. Don’t talk to anyone from the JJang4 and you should be fine.”

“Like I would…the one likes to bully people while the others watch. There not my type of crowd. I should really head off to class, hope to see you around So Eun!” She said as she started pushing through the crowed. “Let me pass through please.”

“There here!”

“Look at Kim Bum oppa!”

“Minho oppa is so cool today!”

“There all so handsome.”

“I said let me pass please!” Min Ji shouted, she was shoved to the front where she bumped into someone accidently stepping on their shoes and dropping her schedule which slid away. “Oof.” She slowly looked up to meet eyes with the guy from before.

“You again…you must really be trying to get on my bad side huh girl?”

She stepped back and dusted herself off. “I didn’t bump into you on purpose. I was going to say sorry but since your being such a jerk I think I’ll pass.” She turned to go but Minho blocked her.

“Look what you did to my brand new shoes.”

She looked down at the mark her sneaker left on his shoe. “Would you look at that. I’m sure a good polish should fix it right up.”

He gave her a “are you serious?” look as she looked around him. The crowed went quite as they watched the scene unfold. “Are you not afraid of me?”

“Why should I be?” She asked as she looked back at his friends. “Is this guy always so annoying?”

Joon laughed earning him a glare from Minho. “What?” He asked as he looked away. “This girl is funny.”

“What are you new?”

“Actually yes I am…and I would like to not be late on my first day thank you.”

Minho’s eye began to twitch. He found her attitude towards him very annoying. She wasn’t fawning over him like all the other girls and she wasn’t afraid to talk back to him like the others. “Please forgive my friend.” So Eun shouted as she ran by Min Ji’s side. “She’s new and doesn’t know how things work.”

He looked down at So Eun. “You better inform her then.” Minho then focused his gave on Min Ji. “As for you…this isn’t over between me and you.” He turned away and left, each step he took showed his anger.

Joon walked over to her with his hands in his pocket and grinned. “You’re the first to talk to him like that in a long time, it was very fun to watch. Try and watch your back around here, wouldn’t want you changing school because you got scared…you might prove to be fun.” He gave her a wink before walking in the direction of his friend.

“Excuse me.” Kim Bum said as he looked at the two girls. “You dropped this.” He handed her the schedule and then pointed to the opposite hall. “Just so you know your class room is in the opposite direction.”

Min Ji looked at the paper and then the hall he pointed to. “Oh…I was holding it upside down.”

“Your also standing in the way.”

So Eun looked at him before they both stepped to the side for him. He left without another word, Hyun Joong following behind. “So much for not talking to them. Minho sunbae sure did look mad back there. Hope he doesn’t do anything mean to you.”

“No worries, I’ll be fine. I’m going now!” She waved before she ran off.

“To your left Min Ji not your right!” So Eun shouted to her.

“Oh…right, thanks!”

Minho sat down in his seat as the final bell rung. He starred at the wall clearly pissed. “Who does she think she is talking to me like that? Not to mention she ruined the shoes I just finished buying!”

Joon chuckled as he sat down. “Just buy a new pair, it wasn’t really her fault. Your just mad because she had the guts to stand up to you.”

He rolled his eyes. “This isn’t over, not even close.”

“Just leave it alone.” Hyun Joong said with a sigh. “If it makes you feel any better I’ll buy you a new pair of shoes.”

He gave his friend a look as he raised his eyebrow. “Feel better? If anyone should buy me new shoes it should be that kid!”

Joon leaned over to Kim Bum and grinned. “I knew this girl would make things interesting. Maybe I should ask her out.”

“She seems like nothing but a goody two shoes.”

He laughed as the teacher came in and he sat up straight. “That means the more fun I can have with her. The less experience the better.”

Kim Bum turned away. *Figures that would excite him.* He cracked a small smile. *Something is strange about that girl though. Wonder what Minho has in mind, he doesn’t bully girls so what else can her do?* 

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sweetsforkpop #1
This was actually the first fanfic i have read before i created a AFF account.
One of my favs.
RainaTB #2
Lol, thank you for taking your time out to read. Hope you like them all the way through! :)
Hey I'm starting to read your story... I like the characters soooo far...
RainaTB #4
lol Thank you for reading!
miyi_strawberry #5
Aaaawww its over already???? I seriously thought she was gonna marry doojoon.<br />
Love this story~
RainaTB #6
Thank you both for commenting and reading!!! :)
Iheartlife #7
nice story :D
welcome, I had to comment for such a great fic! you should make a sequel~
RainaTB #9
Thank you for reading and commenting Riine-Pryde!
CanNOT wait for the update. Change kimbum, change for the better!