pt. 3 (1/2)

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As much as Jimin is clingy to Yoongi, what you wouldn't figure is that the hybrid was quite the jealous type. You know how felines are, they're territorial. What's theirs is theirs. What's his is well, his. The feline will do whatever he can to show off what is his.

Today was one of those days that was going to get under Yoongi's skin and he just sensed it from the beginning. Ever since Jimin had mentioned about meeting another hybrid, his assertiveness grew. 'No wonder there was a different smell on him'. On the other hand, the younger male had thought nothing of it. He made a new friend and that's what matters right? Making friends and making new memories.

Jimin’s been been going to this cafe to study lately. Classes from university started to roll in and he became busy and addicted to coffee. He basically became a regular at the cafe he went to. Becoming a regular wasn’t the only thing he had done. The male also made a new friend, Hoseok. Hoseok was one of the workers down at the cafe and would just treat Jimin to something whenever he came to visit. To study wasn’t really an option though. Instead, he would just be talking story with his new friend.

Hoseok was also someone older than him but just by a year and turns out was a hybrid as well. The cafe that Jimin went to was a place where everyone dressed up as some sort of animal. In the older male's case, a wolf. "You're so fluffy!" Was what he had said after being able to touch the other's ears.

The way that Hoseok would smile was like a sunshine, literally. It was so bright that it kinda, actually, sorta made Jimin himself a bit warmer on the inside. By the time he would come home from the cafe it would be evening time already and that's 'Yoongi and Jimin time' or so what the two of them would call it. Usually they would just have dinner to eat and nuzzle up to each other on the couch, watching a movie.

One night though, Yoongi had it. That stupid odor that was on the younger male had gotten the best of him. And so, he decided to flat out say it. "What's that sme

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Ice_Snow #1
Chapter 3: You're not going to update? ; - ;
This story is so good and cute tho
JiminYouGotNoJamz #2
Chapter 3: OMG don't tell me my bias is going to be third wheel
Chapter 3: Wow! I love yoongi's territorial sense jajaja poor jiminnie, although he kinda enjoyed it.. I would like to see a more manly jimin jejeje too much?
Can't wait for the next update ^^
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 3: hoseok's gonna be third person?? ahaha well this is gonna be interesting and funny XD
illyasah #5
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Ooooooo messing with Yoongi is the wrong way to go Hoseok! OMG this is gonna be good! FIGHTING!
Jiminssi-Tae #6
bithrey #7
This is so cuuuuute!
Chapter 2: Sooo cute
illyasah #9
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: This is my first Hybrid story and I must say "Awwwwww its so cute and fluffly!" FIGHTING!
icanthinkofanything #10
Chapter 2: So cute T^T