
Knitted Scarf

It all started with a sneeze as they were on their way to the recording studio.

Everyone turned around to look at Joy, who was holding her hands in front of her nose.

"Bless you" Wendy said in her perfect, usual English. Joy muttered a 'thank you' and rubbed her nose with the back of her hand.

Then a second sneeze came, followed right behind a third. 

"Bless you, bless you" Wendy repeated with a much more worried tone. She searched for some kleenex inside her bag and handed the blackhaired girl a tissue. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I may have caught something" She answered as she blew her nose soundly with the tissue Wendy had given her. Just when she was done, the fourth sneeze came. 

Irene looked at her member with her brows furrowed with worry and she said, clearly and loudly enough for her to listen, "You should wear a scarf."

Joy gazed back at the leader and a smirk appeared on her face. "I didn't bring one. Who is gonna knit it? You?"

Wendy was going to say that it was a little bit rude to talk in that way, but just as an instant karma, Joy sneezed again. However, Irene was not unpleased with what Joy had said.

She could knit her a scarf.

It started with a little stop with Wendy by the wool store as they were in charge of buying dinner, two days later after the first time Joy sneezed.

Wendy had explained her that kniting had become a new tendency between young people. Irene had thought that it was something old people would do, but she then found it endearing. 

Wendy knew how to knit - she had learned back in Canada. The winter was so cold that it was a nice hobby to have - you had to find new ways to enjoy your time indoors.

The girl in the store was really polite, though she recognized them from a fashion magazine. She still acted like they were mere girls on their twenties, ready to get a new hobby. 

She explained her what needle she could use and she even showed her how to do it. 

Wendy was also helpful as she gave her advice on how to hold it.

Irene couldn't help but smile as she knitted for the first time.

They left the store with a bag filled with the knitting needles and a ball of red wool.

It started with a statement.

"So Wendy unnie was not lying. You are really knitting a scarf for Joy" Yeri pointed out, an eyebrow raised at how unprofesionaly Irene knitted the red scard.

Irene simply nodded her head in answer, not wanting to get distracted from her work as she was sitting on her bed, her back leaning against the headboard.

"She doesn't deserve it, you know? She is a pain in the " Yeri groaned as she threw her tired body to her bed next to her unnie's. "She's always teasing me or hitting me."

Irene tilted her head to the side but didn't reply, concentrated as she was on the work her hands were doing.

"Are you sure you don't want to spend your precious time in anything else?" Yeri asked, moving her arms with slight outrage.

Irene nodded her head again, just before letting her tongue poke out as she finished a line and went to the other one.

Yeri sighed and took a look at the scarf the leader was knitting.

"I must admit that the colour suits her."

Irene smiled as she looked at the short piecce she had already created with her own hands.

"Yeah, it will look good on her."

It started with a slip of tongue when Wendy told Seulgi that Irene was knitting a scarf for Joy.

Joy managed to catch her name in the conversation they were having and raised her eyebrows, clearly questioning them.

"What about me?"

Seulgi stopped Wendy from talking, knowing that she was the most terrible liar in the whole world. Seulgi wasn't really better, but she was still more belieaveable than someone who would make a lot of hands gestures and talk fast.

"Just commenting that you and Irene are the ones who get more along with Yerim" Seulgi said, mostly looking believeable though her hands were trembling inside the pockets of her hoodie.

"Oh" Joy chose to believe them and smirked at them. "Jealous much?"

"Sure!" Wendy adapted to the change of topic and made it really natural, talking about how nice Yeri is and how she wished to spend more time with her.

Irene's plan of knitting a scarf for Joy was still a secret for the later.

It started to get really awkward because Joy knew that there was something weird going on with Irene.

She locked herself up in the shared bedroom earlier than anyone after barely having dinner.

She seemed to be talking to Wendy about something she stopped talking about as soon as Joy got nearer.

She avoided Joy's gaze most of the time.

And Joy didn't know why she was so pissed about it.

But it was kind of starting to affect her.

It started to get better after Wendy alerted Irene about Joy's change of mood.

"She thinks I'm ignoring her?" Irene repeated what Wendy had just said, her eyes widened and hanging open. 

"Yes, she does. She's getting really frustrated. You should act like you usually do" Wt endy suggested. Irene felt loved with the motherly side the blonde showed whenever they talked and she found herself nodding.

"I'm almost done with the scarf though" She smiled with pride as she motioned Wendy to follow her into the room. She opened the box she had hidden under her bed to show her a scarf that was almost finished.

"Wow, it's really good to be your first one" Wendy honestly praised her, touching the material. "I think she will love it."

Irene doubted for a couple of seconds. "Do you think so?"

Wendy nodded. "Absolutely!"

Irene gazed at the red material and smiled to herself, proud of what she had done and what she had almost finished.

It started with a question in the middle of the night, the night before Irene would hand Joy the scarf she had knitted.

She switched the lights on, waking Yeri up in the same instant she did.

"Is red the right colour for Joy?" She asked with such a hurry that just waken up Yeri didn't catch a thing.

"What?" Yeri asked, her voice thick and throaty.

"Cause mayby I should have knitted it with a green yarn, because it's her colour in the group, but I think red suits her more. But maybe she does like green. I don't know, I never really asked her. Maybe it's just the colour she was told to wear."

"Irene unnie, I didn't catch anything you said. Go back to sleep. Joy will like the scarf" Yeri reassured her before she turned the lights off again. "And if she doesn't, don't mind her. She's an anyway."

She stared at the silhouette of Yeri's back with the light that entered from the window, thinking about what Yeri had said.

What if Joy laughed at her?

She started to feel nervous.

It started with some clumpsy words when Irene managed to pull Joy apart from the others so they could talk. But it seemed that Joy herself had a lot of things to say.

"Why have you been ignoring me this week?" Joy asked withouth any preamble. She plainly said what she had had in mind for the last few days. "You have been acting weird with me and only me. If there's something I said that disturbed you just tell me, unnie. I'm your member, you are supposed to be my leader. Show some courage."

Irene was taken back by Joy's words, her hands gripping on the paper bag on her hands. She shook her head from side to side.

"No, no. I'm not ignoring you. Sorry for making it seem like that" She felt her words getting rushed. But Joy managed to understand as she nodded to her words. 

"But if it's not that, what is it?"

"I-I, um." Irene started, gripping harder on the paper bag. She reached out to give the bag to her and Joy raised both her eyebrows with surprise, which made it harder for Irene to say what she had mentally planned to say.

"This is for you." 

Joy grabbed what Irene was offering her and raised a curious eyebrow as she began to open the paper bag. Irene stood there uncomfortably as Joy silently opened the bag and pulled the scarf out of the bag with a expresionless face. Irene felt even more nervous, feeling that she had just done something absolutely unnecessary. So she started to try to explain why she had done it.

"So, um... Yeah, I made this for you b-because, um, it's cold. Your neck can get cold. You, cold. Yeah."

Irene must had been really nervous to be stuttering in front of someone.

But what she saw next made her stomach feel uneasiy pleased.

When Joy rubbed the red material against her cheek and smiled lovingly at Irene.

"Why did you worry so much? It wasn't necessary."

Irene opened to answer but she found no words at how cute and genuinely happy Joy looked.

Like all the walls Joy had around her had been broken down.

"Y-you caught a cold because you didn't have a scarf so I thought that-"

"Oh my, is this why? It was my fault, unnie. I should have brought one. I had a few of them back home" She touched the girl's forearm as she said that, her brows furrowing with slight worry, but she still seemed touched by what Irene had done. She gazed at the scarf, smiling as she looked at each of the details.

"It's the first one I have ever knitted" Irene confesed, both proud and also embarrassed, afraid that it wouldn't be enough for Joy.

"It's beautiful."

Joy's grip on Irene's forearm tightened a little, giving her a gentle squeeze. Irene shivered a little, emotioned by how Joy had reacted, so happy to know to that she had liked it.

Joy grinned and giggled. "Are you cold, unnie?"

Irene tried to shake her head 'no', but in no time, Joy had wrapped the scarf around her own neck and placed the remaining around Irene's neck. "Let me keep you warm" She whispered before leaning in and pressing her lips against Irene's.

And Irene smiled against her lips as she kissed her back.

It started with a sneeze.

It ended with a kiss.

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cupcaketree123 #1
Chapter 1: Aww a bumbling nervous mess she is. How adorable
soshivelvetM #2
Chapter 1: Soooo cute 💗💚
Chapter 1: Aww This is so cute..♡
rantiini #4
Chapter 1: This was absolutely sweet and lovely.
dkdldb #5
Chapter 1: Omg i love this
Chapter 1: Thank you, this was too cute
Chapter 1: IM dying this is so cuuuuuuuuuute!!!! I totally loved this. Joyrene rise!!!
Chapter 1: Omg I’m dying from cuteness. I could see Irene knitting her a scarf irl since it just seems to fit her personality
Tagonumeric #9
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww! This is adorable, I can honestly picture little Ahjumma Irene knitting Joy a scarf while Yeri shades Joy in jealousy. I wouldn’t be surprised if this ever did happen, maybe not the kiss part, but Irene doing something super extra and caring and Joy just... melting.