Chapter 2


"dongsaeng!!...what happened?!" my bro came inside



"Oppa!!!!" I screamed

"Where the is my chicken?!"....*What if he ate all by himself?*

"Sorry...I had to pay the taxi driver...but.."


"I just...."

"Jinyoung...I'm dying..." my mum croaked

*So she's still alive...*


lalala i'm really lazy I know xDD

whatever i'm going shopping ;)

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jongkeylover4ever #1
Thank you! Your the best author! Thanks for the friend add!!
PHeeSoo #2
Hahaha<br />
you are the best<3
jongkeylover4ever #3
i meant to say "no its not boring" I forgot a word O______o
jongkeylover4ever #4
no its boring!! Dx dont say that! HEADPHONES LOL<br />
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I'm the only one commenting so I feel like a spammer.....THIS IS A GOOD KIND OF SPAM THOUGH!
jongkeylover4ever #5
XD I had to pay the taxi driver XD I loved that part! AUTHOR DAEBAK!
jongkeylover4ever #6
I will comment every one of your updates! :) See you on the next update!
PHeeSoo #7
Haha<3<br />
jongkeylover4ever #8
One time I crashed into a poll while biking XD People started looking at me so I said "Hello Mr.Pole" Then this little kid started laughing at me XD
PHeeSoo #9
Seems so xD<br />
i often walk against doors xD<br />
jongkeylover4ever #10
XD Trip over air. I do that often.<br />
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Does that mean I have the Onew Sangtae? XD