Special Requests

AES:thete | Poster & Graphics
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Special Requests are exclusive at AES:thete, where you can request the timeframe you would like your graphics done by. This is can be used if you are entering your story in a contest and need it by the deadline, or any other situations and circumstances. Special Requests WILL cost karma points, but it is not expensive. All costs and timeframes are listed below: 

within 48 HOURS // 5 kp
within 24 HOURS // 10 kp
less than 24 HOURS // 25 kp

To choose a Special Request, please just check the Special Requests section on the request form, and choose which timeframe you would like. If you choose the 'less than 24 HOURS' option, please specify the timeframe you would like. Please do not make the timeframe any less than 12 hours. I have a life outside of AFF as well. 

On the form, please write down the time/date you submitted your form in PST. Please do not lie about the time. The timeframe that you submitted your form shows up, so please be honest. I ask so that it would be easy for me to just glance at the time you wrote, and figure out when I need to finish the request by.

Please pay the karma points right after (or while) you submit the request form. 

If I am not able to finish your graphics in the timeframe you selected for whatever reason, I will definitely return the karma that you paid, and have your poster/background/banner finished as soon as possible.

The password for Special Reques

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I've requested :D
you have pretty artworks
this is interesting!
thank you for advertising, goodluck! Even though I'm not that interested, sorry.
I requested thank you thank you
I requested!! :D
i requested^^
I've requested! Thank you in advance!
Is it okay if our story already has a poster?