
Symptoms of you
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Youngji: "I'm sorry, I don't know what else I can say Kayee I just --"

Automated voice: "Message deleted."

Youngji: "Kayee, I'm not going to stop calling until you speak to me, please, please pick up the --"

Automated voice: "Message deleted."

Youngji: "It's been almost two weeks and... Well... I just wanted you to know that I miss you..."

Automated voice: "Message deleted."

             Sprawled out across his bed, a single arm dangles from off its side, he clutches tightly onto his cellphone which continues to play a bombardment of voicemails left for him by Youngji. As if melting into the surface of the mattress, his back is pinned against it, his puffy eyes holding its placement upon the blank ceiling above. The tip of his right toe grazing the ground, as it swings back and forth lightly from the opposite end of the bed. 
            A soft sigh escapes him. The feel of his warm breath brushing against his parted lips as it exits his body causes him to feel around the dry innards of his mouth, with his tongue. An almost inaudible conversation being had within his mind starts to replay itself, with each passing breath the clarity of both voices becoming clearer and clearer. It's volume increasing, drowning out the sound of Youngji's voice completely. The pace of his heart intensifies, until reaching a point where it begins to cause him a great deal of worry. 
           His head shakes, and his body trembles. His breathing heavier, and heavier, his blood running cold, and uncontrollable shivers consuming him. Unable to bare it any longer, he shuts his eyes, and grits his teeth, clenching them tightly In a failed attempt to gain some sort of control of this sensation of which has taken complete control over his body. 
Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

          His eyes spring open, the sound of Marks voice, clear as day. His hand which hangs from off of the bed, raises gradually. Dragging its way across the mattress and tugging at the fabric of his t-shirt before stopping once palm flat against his chest. His fingers curl, grasping onto himself, as Marks laughter soon fills the room. Violently, he continues to shake his head, until suddenly, he goes completely numb. Nothing can be felt, nothing, can be heard, nothing can be seen.
           His surroundings fade away, and in a pool of black, his widened eyes shifting from left to right. Releasing the hold on his chest, he proceeds to raise his hand, a gleam of a smile exposing itself as he is able to see it. Spreading his fingers apart, he can see only black through them. As his other hand raises, the phone which was once held, is no longer visible, instead, the photo of Mark sleeping is there in its place. 

Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

           The voice echoes amidst the darkness, coming from everywhere, yet nowhere at all. 

Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

           Finally, able to trace its source, he turns his head toward his left. 

Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

          As if right next to him, Marks voice repeats itself. Slowly, Kayee shifts his entire body so that it's laying on its side, and solely facing in one direction. The resonating sound of Marks laughter, putting him at ease, his fully formed smile held in place.

Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

Kayee: "no way -- not possible."

            He says almost silently, before allowing his eyelids to lower gradually.

Mark: "ugh... I really do hate this picture. I look so -- ugly."

            He laughs softly, scrunching his nose as he looks to the photo. 
Yugyeom: "no way -- not possible."

             Mark snatches the photo out of Yugyeoms hand, which causes his eyes to open fully. Finding himself back within the confines of his dorm room, he can only continue to smile whilst looking across at Mark who scoffs as he stares at the picture now in his possession. His bare body squirming about from beneath the thinly blanketed sheath of which is draped over their stripped frames. Laying on their sides, they face one another, a breath of space between the two, their feet layered atop of the other, their legs intertwined. 

Mark: "when did you even take this?"

          Yugyeom reaches over, and grabs the photo from him, his pinched fingers holding it at its edge as he then looks to it. His delicate smile shifting into a soft smirk as he continues to stare at it. 

Yugyeom: "Last night... When you were sleeping."

Mark: "Why?"

Yugyeom: "why? -- I wanted to capture the moment right after we first made love~"

              He practically sings the word "Love" which causes Mark to scoff yet again. His hands then raise upward in order to muffle his laughter from being heard. Cocking a single brow, Yugyeom lowers the photo in order for his eyes to make direct contact with Marks.

Yugyeom: "What's so~ funny?"

Mark: "capture the moment we first made love."

            He mocks him, which prompts Yugyeom to his teeth and turn midway, his back now pressed against the mattress as he turns away from Mark. 

Mark: "I was only kidding -- that's actually very sweet."

Yugyeom: "Whatever..."

           Mark chuckles, at his dismissive response.

Mark: "Im serious -- ugly photo -- but very sweet sentiment."

Yugyeom: "yeah, yeah -- truth is... I was tired of sleeping alone... This way I can always have you here beside me when I do. 

             Mark pouts playfully, his hands lowering as he takes notice of the way Yugyeom stares at the photograph. Reaching out, and snatching it from out of his hands once again, he places it down upon the flat surface of the nightstand at his side before dragging his body across the bed, and raising it so that he lays on top of Yugyeoms. The weight of his body, though frail, causes Yugyeom to exhale deeply. 

Mark: "What? -- am I too heavy?"

Yugyeom: "N-no -- not at all."

             Marks hands clasp together, and his chin is propped up against them as they are placed atop Yugyeoms bare chest. Their eyes remain locked, as he reaches up, and brushes the hair away from Marks eyes, soft smiles exchanged between the two.

Mark: "Well, if that's the real reason, then fine, just don't hang this one up on your wall, keep it to yourself. I still think it's an ugly picture."

           Yugyeom, chuckles to himself.

Yugyeom: "Fine... I'll put it away somewhere safe, and only take it out when I go to sleep."

            Raising upward slightly, Mark stretches forward, gently placing his full lips against Yugyeoms before returning to his previous position. His hands peel from their placement, gliding across Yugyeoms chest, his head turning, so that his ear is pressed against heart. He stares forth, toward the opened window, his face pressed against his warm skin.
           From beneath their thin sheeted covering, Yugyeoms arms raise, and his hands caress Marks back, his fingers gently massaging its lower portion. His beating heart, putting Mark at ease as he listens to it closely from where he is laying, his fingernails digging kindly into Yugyeoms sides. His touch, allows for his eyes to gradually lower, as he continues to cradle Marks body. 

Mark: "All of my life... I've felt as if there was something wrong with me... Almost like... I was broken. Nobody has ever just gotten me, you know?"

             His continuous scratching at Yugyeoms side put him at ease. 

Yugyeom: "Yeah, I know exactly how you feel."

Mark: "But I knew you got me from the first time I met you... You just... You never made me feel like I didn't deserve this... this Love, heh. I love you Jackson."

         His eyes spring open, and they shakily stare forth at the ceiling above. Choosing to remain silent, shallow breaths loudly make their escape from his now flared nostrils as he tries to comprehend why Mark just called out another mans name. A large gulp of saliva is swallowed, and goosebumps soon decorate his bare frame as he suddenly runs cold. 

Mark: "Ah~ You got so cold all of a sudden Jackson."

           The name, the foreign name prompts him to become quite uneasy, his heart rate picking up
Speed, as it speedily crashes against his chest. 
Mark: "Oh my god, your heart --"

           He raises his head, and quickly allows his palm to rest flat against it. His upper lip raises, and his teeth fully expose themselves, as his eyes too then widen in amazement.

Mark: "Jackson -- w-why is your heart beating so fast?!"

            Yugyeom winces, a shiver running throughout the entirety of his body. 

Yugyeom: "I-I- I think you should get off me."

              He stammers, as the breaths expelled by him become heavier and heavier. Finally drawing the full attention of Mark. 

Mark: "Am I too heavy or -- "

Yugyeom: "Just -- j-just get off me!"

           He yells frantically. Obliging, Mark slithers off of him, sitting upright, while atop his kneecaps which dig into the beds surface. YugYeom raises sharply, placing himself in a seated position, while pressing his back against the cold surface of wall near the head of his bed. The blanket of which is stretched across both of their lower halves, Is clutched tightly by Mark. His fingers curling around its thin fabric, as he silently stares across at the heavily panting Yugyeom who has refrained from making any eye contact with him. 

Mark: "D-do you need some water? -- or maybe I should open the window even more -- "

          He questions softly, before turning away in order to leave the bed. Yugyeom reaches out, and grabs a hold of his wrist, which prompts him to remain still in his place, while the two exchange looks of uncertainty.

Mark: "Maybe I should just leave."

Yugyeom: "N-No -- No... -- Don't leave... I'm sorry~"

            They remain quiet  but for only a brief moment.

Mark: "What's -- "

Yugyeom: "Say it again."

             He cuts him off, his hold on him remaining intact, tightening slightly. 

Mark: "wh-what?"

Yugyeom: "Tell me that you love -- me."

Mark: "I'm sorry, I didn't need to hear you say it back -- I just wanted to tell you how I felt."

Yugyeom: "Just -- say it again... Please..."

           Spurts of saliva flee from between his clenched teeth, as his hold on Marks wrist continues to tighten.

Mark: "Tch!"

           His eyes lower, as he winces almost under his breath while looking to Yugyeoms hand of which is latched onto him quite tightly. Taking notice, it is then released, revealing a slight red bruising which wraps around his pale skin. 

Yugyeom: "I -- I -- I'm sorry."

        Their eyes raise in unison, and they remain held in place. Yugyeom watches as Mark lowers himself to a completely seated position, as he tugs against the sheet, dragging it so that it completely covers the lower portion of his exposed body. 

Yugyeom: "Ple -- "

Mark: "I love you..."

            The words fall from out of his mouth almost as easily as he breaths. 

Yugyeom: "Me?"

            His voice quivers in anticipation. 

Mark: "Yes silly, I love you~ Jackson~"

           A film of tears begins to develop behind his widened eyes, as he forces a smile to expose itself to Mark who reciprocates shyly.

Mark: "You don't have to say it back, I've heard it from you plenty of times to know that you do, heh."

              He watches Mark edge himself closer to him, his gentle laughter engulfing his very being. His mouth opened slightly, and his tongue poking against the inside of his cheek as he attempts to hold back the tears that are currently blurring his vision as they are held in place. 

Yugyeom: "I love you too... Mark..."

           His trembling words are accompanied by a set of tears of which he can no longer contain. The smile on Marks face gradually fading, his hand stretching out toward him, and his fingers draw closer, nearly touching his face. 

Automated voice: "Message deleted."

             An influx of flutters from his own eyes allows for him to come to terms with himself being back inside his own bedroom. The phone rings, and his eyes roll, landing on their side, they watch the screen light up from within his hand. His arm glides across the surface of the mattress and rests on his ear as he then reluctantly answers the incoming phone call. 

Youngji: "Kayee?"

           He only responds by breathing heavily, his eyes watching the shadowy figures of which belong to the passing cars outside, dance across his ceiling. 

Youngji: "Kayee -- I can hear you breathing. Does this mean you've forgiven me?"

            Without bothering to blink, the dryness in his eyes causes for tears to build up as he continues to stare forth.

Youngji: "I -- I just want to see you... To make sure that you're okay -- and --"

           The phone call comes to an abrupt end and she stands there silently. With her bottom lip quivering, her hand which clutches onto her phone tightly, detaches from her face. Her arm slowly lowers, then dangles at her side, as she stares forth, out of the window to where she is standing. Unable to come to terms with the fact that her relationship with Kayee might've come to an end, she breaks down. 
            Her exposed forehead, which peeks out from beneath her middle parted hair presses against the cold glass of the window. Her body shutters, and her hold on the phone loosens. As it drops onto the ground and hits with a thud, she can't help by wail, whilst slowly sliding downward, until collapsing completely in the middle of her brightly lit kitchen. With her hand masking her face, and muffling her cries, she surrenders to her oncoming emotions and cries into them, laying there, in fetal position. 

Youngji: "Y-You came!"

           Jackson stands there silently staring back at her. 

Nurse: "Sir, do you have an appointment?"

             He looks to the nurse stationed behind the desk before returning his attention to Youngj, his stare blank, and his face riddled with confusion. She stands there, silently, holding on to him before turning to the nurse and nodding her head. 

Youngji: "Yes -- his name is Kayee Wang."

            Upon hearing the name, Jackson pulls away, Yanking his arm out of Youngji's grasp, while glaring at her angrily. She begins to step back, alarmed by the fury in his eyes. 

Jackson: "That name... -- It was you..."

        The words are practically spoken through a growled tone. 

Youngji: "Huh?"

Nurse: "Kayee Wang? -- you're going to have to sign in."

Jackson: "It must've been you -- what did you do to Mark?"

          Though physically appearing the same, Youngji, trembles in fear as he becomes somewhat unrecognizable to her. Cautiously, she takes a single step toward him. 

Youngji: "Kayee -- "

             She whimpers.

Nurse: "Kayee wang?"

Jackson: "Damnit that's not my name!!!"

               He shouts, bringing the entire room to a complete stop. Each of the visiting families and those whom they came to Visit, turning to face the entrance, watching as Youngji reaches out again, only to have him step further away from her.

Youngji: "Kayee wait..."

          She pleads. 

Jackson: "Who -- is -- Kayee? -- and who -- are -- you?"

             Hearing the words come out of his mouth, prompts Youngji to shake her head, and step forth once again. Grabbing a hold of his arm, he proceeds to pull away, and she can only watch him slip from her grasp. 

Youngji: "Kayee please! -- I love you!!"

           He pauses, with his back turned to her, she can only hear his heavy breaths of which are expelled. Slowly, he turns on the heels of his shoes, and faces her. As he proceeds to step forth in her direction, she can only step backward in response. The two of them are brought back toward the entrance of the visiting room, of which remains in a collective silence while witnessing the episode being had between the pair.

Jackson: "I don't know who you are, but nothing you do or say will change the way I feel..."

              He speaks through gritted teeth. 

Youngji: "I'm not trying to do anything Kayee -- I just want you to know that I love --"

Jackson: "I don't love you! -- I don't know you!! -- therefore I will never love you!! -- I love Mark!! -- Mark Damnit!!!"

           Her jaw unhinges, before her raising hands can cover her widely opened mouth which can only produce whimpers of pure heartbreak at this moment. Jackson stands there, staring into her tear filled eyes, as she cries out in agony upon hearing his words. With a single trembling hand, she extends it forward, her slender fingers grasping at the fabric of his t-shirt for only a second before he turns away, snatching it from out of her reach.

Jackson: "I don't know what kind of sick game you're playing... But I won't let anyone come between me and Mark."

             She watches as he fades away whilst walking in the opposite direction. Her stretched hand grasping at nothing but air before she drops to her knees and continues to sob. Retracting it, slowly, she buries her face within her tear soaked hands. Only a moment passes before she feels an arm slither across her back, welcoming her in to their body for a consoling embrace. Unable to pull away, she accepts the act of kindness, whilst burying her face into the comforting bosom of the woman holding on to her. 
Mrs. Tuan: "There~ there~ everything will be okay sweetheart. If you came to visit that young man then you know that he must be ill, I'm sure he didn't mean any of those hurtful things he said to you."

             Youngji peels away from the woman's hold, and from behind saddened eyes she can feel the warmth within the smile that greets her from the kneeling woman. The two proceed to raise, and her eyes shift between the woman, and the man at her side, who stands there silently, with his arms folded across his chest. 

Mrs. Tuan: "Raymond, could you please get her a bottle of water from the vending machine?"

           He remains still for a brief moment, his eyes shifting from the direction to which Jackson walked off, back toward Youngji.

Mr. Tuan: "...Sure."

           She watches him walk off before pulling away from the woman completely. 

Mrs. Tuan: "Our son says some hurtful things sometimes when we come to visit -- but we know that it's just his depression talking."

           She reaches out, and uses her thumbs to wipe away the tear  residue left on Youngji's cheeks.

Youngji: "Y-you're right..."

           Her voice cracks as she speaks.

Mrs. Tuan: "Is he a relative of yours?"

Youngji: "N-no... He's -- "

Automated Voice: "You have no more messages."

         With the phone held beneath his dual palms, over his chest, he sighs faintly before sitting upright and staring forth at his closet. Raising to his feet, Kayee flings his phone over his shoulder, which allows for it to land on his bed. Stepping forward, he reaches for the closet door, opening it and reaching inward for the first couple of items within. 
            His bare feet slip out from the bottom of the jeans he had just stepped into, his fingers fastening the small bronze buttons, before he grabs a hold of a hooded jumper, and throws it over the top half of his body. His fingers rustle through his dry hair as he steps from out of the bedroom. His tongue slips past his dry lips, Lathering them with saliva in an attempt to moisten them as he approaches the front door to his apartment.
           His feet swiftly dive into a pair of sneakers left near the entrance, his hood is draped over his unkempt hair as he vacates his apartment and trudges down the long corridor silently. With single motions and swift movements, an elevator ride, and departure from the building are done in only a few short breaths. Street lamps line the deserted streets, and he stands there, hands tucked in to his pockets, staring down the row of lights which continue on further than the eye can see.
           A single step, is followed by another, and the process continues as he embarks on his journey in the dead of night, a hooded figure clouded in silence, plagued by questions, simply following the light, with his head hung low. 

Park Jinyoung: "What did you mean by that?"

            From behind he can hear the doctors words, but they go unanswered as he stares past the open window through the lense of the camera held in his hands. Adjusting its view, he snaps a photo of the oddly shaped shadow which is cast by the single tree at the top of the hill. The glare of the sun, beaming through the window and hitting against his skin as

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Chapter 20: I'm in tears again. Please don't tell me Mark is dead. Please don't. They should be together. My heart is in pain right now.
Markson95 #2
Chapter 20: Oh god !! I can't stop the tears why is this do sad?! TT
Chapter 20: oh no...i couldn't stop crying well i was reading just felt so real (TT_TT)
Chapter 19: This chapter has me in tears...
carolbension #5
Chapter 19: OMG This is story is amazing !! A master piece.. everytime that i read i feel like if i was watching a tv serie!! a good one!!! i cant describe it but is so wonderful .. the emotion that you make me feel trough your words is inexplicable ... the whole story is well written and so catchy .. the mistery that it had is woww and the way you describe each scene is amazing .. for example.. the last part of this chapter just broke my heart .. the way that mark explained jackson that their love need to end because he doesnt exit .. that he needs to go back to the clinic in order to get better but the same time it means the end of their love story.. it's just so hearbroken TTTT this story just touch my heart so deep .... your story is like a rose with its thorns beautiful but painful ... and i love it !!! i fall in love with your story .. with your writing style!!! Thank you for writing this fic!!!! .. this story is amazing ... the amazing plot and the way you developed is incredible!!! how i wish i could express myself better so that i could tell you every emtoion that you made me feel through this story!!!! if i could upvote every time you update , i will because you deserve it!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for my lack of english skills TT i'm not good at it since it's not my native language.... I will wait to the next chapter !!
Chapter 18: God this story is amazing.
Oh my God I so love this story, it's definitely one of my favourites!!♡
Lunaywolf #8
Chapter 16: Whats happening??? Where is Mark??? whats going on?
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg omg is Kayee going to meet Mark? Or Mark's mother? Oh dear God I love this story. ♡