
Symptoms of you
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         With eyes laser focused on the entrance of the visiting area located within the institution, Youngji sits at the table nearest it. Her fingernails tap impatiently against the metallic surface of the table top, to which her legs anxiously swing beneath, a small purse sitting at her side. With each incoming patient, she grows with anticipation, only to sigh sadly, upon realizing that Kayee isn't one of them.
            A faint smile begins to form, as her eyes meet with a waving Mark who has just stepped inside. Standing behind another patient, he awaits to speak to the nurse who's responsible for allowing the visits to be had. Seated behind a desk, with a sign in sheet before her, she observes each signature as they are written down. 
            He mouths the words "Again" to her, to which she responds by shrugging her shoulders, and pouting playfully. Shaking his head, he finally steps forth, and proceeds to sign his name. She watches as he Steps away from the table. Brushing the hair out of his face, his thin fingers, running through his brown locks which drape over his left eye. He proceeds to Seat himself at the table beside hers, they both greet each other with somber smiles before finally exchanging words. 

Mark: "You're really a good girlfriend."

            He says calmly, his smile stretching, widening itself greatly. 

Youngji: "If that were true -- I'm sure he'd come see me more often."

          His smile quickly fades, and he exhales a gentle breath whilst bringing his chair closer to hers. 

Mark: "Don't blame yourself -- I don't know your boyfriend but... He kinda' seems like a jerk. Why would he tell you that he'd see you and never show up? -- has he ever shown up?"

             She looks down, her hands now lay flat on top of the table. 

Youngji: "Of course he has -- it's just... -- I'm sure he doesn't mean to stand me up."

              Mark shakes his head in response, while shifting his attention away from her and toward the entrance. 

Mark: "Like I said, you're a really good girlfriend -- maybe too~ good... For him."

             She raises her head and takes notice of the fact that he is also staring at the entrance.

Youngji: "Your parents running late?"

Mark: "Yeah -- but I made sure to come early so that you didn't have to wait alone."

            She smiles softly. 

Youngji: "If we played for the same team -- I'd so be smitten by now."

            They both chuckle in unison. Mark turning to face her.

Mark: "If we played for the same team I would've already offered to find your boyfriend for you and kick his for standing you up all the time."

           She swats at his arm playfully.

Youngji: "don't say that! -- even though, he does~ deserve it --sometimes!"

Mark: "Yeah -- at least we can agree on that!"

          He chuckles almost silently, while looking down to his sweaty palms which have left a slight residue on the metallic surface of the table. Youngji, taking notice of this, watches as Mark quickly begins to rub them against the fabric of his jeans upon realizing that she has been observing him. 

Youngji: "Nervous?"

Mark: "huh?"

        He sharply shifts his attention toward her. An anxious laugh escaping him.

Youngji: "You seem really nervous today."

Mark: "Ah~ so you noticed."

Youngji: "mmhmm."

           He attempts to refrain from smiling in her direction which causes her to laugh. He grunts playfully, and she raises her hands to try to muffle her laughter. 

Mark: "Today... Today, I was actually planning on Telling my parents that I've met someone -- here."

         She perks up in her seat.

Youngji: "Someone?"

Mark: "Yeah~ someone a lot like me -- gender wise and stuff... Heh..."

            Her eyes widen.

Youngji: "wow! -- that's a uh -- that's a pretty big deal."

Mark: "Y-y-yeah... I know."

Youngji: "How do you think they'll take it?"

Mark: "We'll have to wait and find out... Heh..."

           She reaches over, her hand falling atop his shoulder in a comforting manner.

Youngji: "Well, I hope it all works out for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Mark: "T-thanks."

            He looks to her and grins. 

Mark: "You said that your dad wasn't the biggest fan of your boyfriend, right?"

Youngji: "Oh! -- that's the understatement of the century."

            They both laugh in unison. 

Youngji: "He thinks that I deserve better -- and always says that I'm just settling. But he doesn't know him... Nobody does... To be honest with you -- I think that I'm the only person who truly does..."

           Mark just sits there silently.

Youngji: "Kayee is... Just dealing with a lot here. I know that he doesn't mean to hurt me, it's just out of his hands."

Mark: "you know-- to me, it sounds like you're always making excuses for this guy. Kayee... Kayee... Hmm... Maybe I should ask around and really try to find this guy. I'm sure if he knew how sad you looked here all the time he would welcome your visits more often."

             She shakes her head, a smile flickering as she does so. 

Youngji: "Thank you... But... I know he'd only get mad if he knew I was venting to someone in here about him. Especially someone he doesn't know..."

Mark: "Yeah... It'd be a lost cause anyway, I mean... I don't exactly know too many people here. To be honest --- I think that the only person I do know is Jackson. And -- it's not like I could ask him if he knows your boyfriend -- despite him always talking about all of the friends he has here, I'm convinced that he knows just as many people as I do these days... Heh..."

           She slowly begins to pull away from him, her eyes shakily looking to him, her bottom lip quivering slightly. 

Youngji: "J-J-Jackson?"

Mark: "Yeah -- oh, that's my boyfriends name. How self full of myself am I to have gone all of this time without mentioning his name once~"

          He says sarcastically, her actions going completely unnoticed by him. She begins to tense up, her eyes shakily observing his innocent demeanor as he allows a soft giggle to escape him. 

Mark: "I guess I'm not such a good boyfriend either."

          Reaching for the purse which sits at her side, her eyes begin to gloss over as she digs inside, her actions continue to go unseen by Mark as he continues to survey the rooms entrance. Slowly, she retracts her hand, holding onto a small wallet. Upon opening it, the buttoned latch which pops open draws Marks attention back unto her. With a cocked brow, he watches as she sifts through an array of I.D's, club cards, and finally, a photograph. 
            Slipping out from its confinement, she holds it in her hand, while raising her eyes to meet with his. Taking in the sight of the tears forming within hers, he reaches out to console her, but as a reflex, she pulls away, laughing nervously as she does so. 

Mark: "Youngji? -- are you okay?"

Youngji: "You said that you don't know many people here -- but -- what if I showed you a picture... Maybe you -- maybe you could at least remember seeing this face?"

               He nods silently, as she clutches onto the photo against her chest. 

Mark: "Sure -- I can try."

             She nods in response, while allowing her hand to gradually extend toward him, stopping once he had accepted the photo into his own hands. Staring at it, he laughs to himself, as his eyes shift lazily from the photo back toward her.

Mark: "What... Wh-what is this? -- some kind of joke?"

            He lowers his attention once again, taking notice of her photographed besides what looks to be Jackson at a winter carnival, his hand wrapped in bandages, the other draped around her neck. Though Youngji is smiling widely, Jackson's eyes are placed solely on her, almost lovingly. He looks to her once again, his brows furrowed deeply as he slams the photo down on top of the table. 
           The room goes quiet for a brief second, but the inaudible conversations quickly pick back up. With a single tear escaping her, she remains seated, stone faced as she stares into the scowling eyes of Mark. 

Mark: "What is this? -- how -- wh-why do you have a picture of Jackson?"

Youngji: "Because that isn't Jackson --"

            He looks to the photo once again, shaking his head in disbelief as he listens to her words.

Youngji: "That is a photo of me -- and Kayee -- "

Mark: "No... No! -- this is clearly Jackson. How the hell do you know him? -- is this some kind of joke? -- did you -- did you know him all along?!"

           The nurse raises from her seat, and guests, one by one begin to turn toward their adjoining tables. She reaches out for the photograph, but he holds it firmly beneath his palm, sliding it back in his direction in order to look at it yet again. 

Youngji: "That photo was taken around this same time last winter, when he came and spent Christmas with me... When he asked me to pick him up from here. Were you with Jackson last Christmas?"

            He begins panting heavily, his trembling hands, grip each end of the photo before tearing it in half. She gasps heavily, watching as he continues to tear the photo into smaller, and smaller pieces, before sprinkling what's left of it back down on top of the table. Pulling his chair closer to hers, it's legs screech loudly, as they drag across the floor. She stares at him, her body quivering slightly as he leans in closer to her.

Mark: "I don't know what kind of game you're trying to play here but --"

Youngji: "Kayee suffers from a disorder -- it's called dissociative personality disorder."

           She quickly blurts out. Upon hearing the words, he gradually begins to pull away from her with a set of widened eyes. 

Youngji: "He told me that the doctors said it was the only way his brain knew how to cope with the death of his father -- and to manage the guilt he felt for how it happened."

             Her words continue to spill in a rapid pace. 

Nurse: "Hey! Is everything alright over there?!"

            She shouts, Youngji turns to face her, and nods her head politely before turning back to face a visibly shaken Mark.

Mark: "His -- his father?"

              He stutters.

Youngji: "Yeah... Didn't he --"

             Looking into his eyes, she finds the answer to the question she was about to ask.

Youngji: "he did -- he did tell you."

Mark: "The camping trip... It was... Real..."

            He says airily, almost under his breath, as his eyes soon lower. Tears form within them, and quickly escape him, hitting against the back of his hands which clutch tightly onto his joined kneecaps. 

Youngji: "He died trying to save Kayee from drowning. And, not only did he blame himself -- his mother blamed him too."

             She continues to speak, while holding back tears of her own as she watches his heart being shattered into a million pieces. 

Youngji: "Haven't you noticed his behavior? -- I mean, you two spend a lot of time together don't you? -- you must've noticed something."

             He slowly begins to raise his head, and all the times that Jackson seemed slightly off to him, all of the missing pieces to questions he had, and the way he just disappeared on Christmas morning; It all begi

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Chapter 20: I'm in tears again. Please don't tell me Mark is dead. Please don't. They should be together. My heart is in pain right now.
Markson95 #2
Chapter 20: Oh god !! I can't stop the tears why is this do sad?! TT
Chapter 20: oh no...i couldn't stop crying well i was reading just felt so real (TT_TT)
Chapter 19: This chapter has me in tears...
carolbension #5
Chapter 19: OMG This is story is amazing !! A master piece.. everytime that i read i feel like if i was watching a tv serie!! a good one!!! i cant describe it but is so wonderful .. the emotion that you make me feel trough your words is inexplicable ... the whole story is well written and so catchy .. the mistery that it had is woww and the way you describe each scene is amazing .. for example.. the last part of this chapter just broke my heart .. the way that mark explained jackson that their love need to end because he doesnt exit .. that he needs to go back to the clinic in order to get better but the same time it means the end of their love story.. it's just so hearbroken TTTT this story just touch my heart so deep .... your story is like a rose with its thorns beautiful but painful ... and i love it !!! i fall in love with your story .. with your writing style!!! Thank you for writing this fic!!!! .. this story is amazing ... the amazing plot and the way you developed is incredible!!! how i wish i could express myself better so that i could tell you every emtoion that you made me feel through this story!!!! if i could upvote every time you update , i will because you deserve it!!!!!!!! I'm sorry for my lack of english skills TT i'm not good at it since it's not my native language.... I will wait to the next chapter !!
Chapter 18: God this story is amazing.
Oh my God I so love this story, it's definitely one of my favourites!!♡
Lunaywolf #8
Chapter 16: Whats happening??? Where is Mark??? whats going on?
Chapter 15: Omg omg omg omg is Kayee going to meet Mark? Or Mark's mother? Oh dear God I love this story. ♡