Chapter 4

A Moment To Live



      She was born in Malaysia in 1985 from a Korean mother and an unknown father. Reports were saying she was brought to Korea through an uncle who ended up raising her. Nothing much was found about her besides that. To this day, she had lived a normal life and started working at her boyfriend's bar three years ago. They couldn't find any more information on her family, and this uncle raising her had vanished from the surface of earth when she was nineteen.

Now, she was living in the apartment above the bar with her lover, and if Junjin had to hate Minwoo for something it was for crushing his every hopes he ever had with Luna. Boyfriends weren't stopping him usually, but when he could avoid such trouble he was.

“Satisfied ?”

Minwoo looked up at the younger man and stretched his arms. “What's up with you ? You've some gas blocked inside ?”

Junjin wasn't in the mood for any stupid jokes, and his partner realized it quickly. Focusing back on the computer, Minwoo resumed his search as if Junjin wasn't sending him dirty looks from across their desks. He was used to the taller man's short temper and sensitivity concerning his feelings, and even if he couldn't caution this thing he had with this Jung Luna, he could understand how unpleasing it was for him to learn in such way about her personal life.

They had a job to do though, and once Minwoo would be done with this girl's background they had an investigation to conduct.

Looking into Jung Luna's life had left the shorter detective with more questions than answers, and if Junjin was hoping now they would just drop it and leave her alone -Minwoo had an all different idea in mind, and he was determinate to clear this cloud around this girl's life.

A thoughtful investigation into every people surrounding her begun, and after many hours of search and a few phone calls, they had all the wanted information on Go HeoSuk (Luna's boyfriend), the man's father, Go JaeSuk and his eldest son.

The father and sons had a pretty normal life up to there. Go MinSuk, the older brother was a respected business man until he got into bankruptcy and left for the mountains. Nothing much was reported about him since then, and not long atfer the little brother, Go HeoSuk living in Canada until there was back to Korea and living with his father ending in a car accident two years ago then a wheelchair. Go HeoSuk took his father under his care and inherited many responsabilities.

The man sounded like a good one, but Minwoo was still in the dark about his girlfriend, Jung Luna and needed to investigate her more -which meant question her again.

On such conclusion, they paid another visit to the club, but considering all the hours they had spent searching into the little family's life -when they arrived at Ivy the place was already full of young people dancing the life out of themselves, flirting and having fun.

Minwoo narrowed his eyes at the compact crowd, gauging and observing it like a hawk. Junjin knew this behavior too well -Minwoo was like a predator, looking for his prey and lunging at it before it could even realize what was coming at them. Tonight's prey was Luna, along with her boyfriend, Go HeoSuk. Junjin couldn't deny he was mostly looking for the man in hope to eventually know who was this guy having what he was desiring so badly.

He already knew what the man looked like, knew it thanks to the picture coming with his medical record. It was a rather old one though. HeoSuk was only twenty-one on it and was admitted to the hospital after a severe fight leaving him with broken bones and bruises all over. The right side of his face was quite swollen and red, and Junjin only knew the man's left profile.

Even though, it was enough for him to know the man was good looking. Even beaten, bruised and hurt he could tell he was handsome -which only annoyed him more.

This guy only had to be the perfect gentleman to top it all. Junjin couldn't help scoff mentally at this. As if anyone could be that perfect.

It wasn't an understatement then to say the detective was feeling like punching the man when they eventually found him (after questioning a few people in the club giving them enough insight on the place and its owner). Go HeoSuk was everything one could wish for. He was charming, kind, friendly and even had amazing tastes in girls.

Junjin felt too much like he was fighting a lost battle. How was he supposed to compete against such guy ? Not that he was underestimating himself, but he knew when he was facing someone better than him -in every aspect.

Go HeoSuk, besides being handsome, had great manners, money and everything a girl could dream of. On his side, Junjin was maybe handsome, but was just a cop, with a cop's pay and many flaws he knew weren't glorious. He had already made a fool of himself at his first meeting with Luna, while HeoSuk had no problem holding a conversation and charming people to him.

Everyone was saying so at the club, and the man had a good reputation on him. People were saying he liked to party, but was really faithful to his girlfriend. Girls were envious of Luna, and guys wanted to be like HeoSuk -if only to attract as many pretty girls as him.

It was not much his looks playing in the game here, but more his charisma, kindness and money (even if most people were all agreeing on the fact HeoSuk was a great guy to be around). The couple seemed to be successful at their own club, and Junjin suddenly felt out of league.

“Is your girlfriend around tonight ?” Junjin was not sure why he asked such thing, and the look his partner sent him told him he too did not know.

They were working good together though, and as much as Minwoo could disagree with him in an interview he would never let it show and just deal with it later -when they were alone.

“Why are you interested in my girlfriend ?” HeoSuk's smile was benevolent, but the look in his eyes was piercing -almost chilling. Junjin could almost have squirm if he was not a trained cop -or simply a weak spirit.

“We talked to her yesterday, and she gave us the feeling she may be remembering something if given some time.” Said Minwoo, and the man's eyes fell on the shorter detective before a smile graced his face.

“Yes. She told me about some nosy cops coming around.” The man meant it as a joke, but the detectives still noticed the way he stood taller in front of them, as if to position himself as Luna's protector they would have to defeat before getting to her.  “She was a bit upset by the meeting. She felt like a suspect, and I'm sure you can understand my reluctance to let you talk to her again.”

The detectives could only agree. To everyone HeoSuk's postion was perfectly understable, and they were sure many girls would be charmed to such traits. Junjin only hated the man more for being such a good boyfriend material standing so bravely for his lover. He caught himself thinking him too could do the same, and that him too, could protect his girlfriend. Maybe not as calmly as HeoSuk, but he could fight if he had to.

He suddenly realized the big difference between him and HeoSuk. Where the man was being nice, level-headed and wise, Junjin would be all about offensive and physical submission. He never minded much his impulsive reactions, even if people around him had complained on numerous accounts about his short temper and risky behavior. He always thought it the best option to get his way in life and stand for his beliefs. 

HeoSuk just proved him wrong, and he couldn't help wish (as he glared hidden daggers at the man) that he would fall soon and would fall hard. He didn't want to admit someone so perfect could exist, and even less this particularly someone, because it meant a too bitter defeat for him he had barely started.

“We're not suspecting her. Yet.” Said Minwoo. “Her memory just seemed fuzzy, so we wondered if anything could have come back to her in the night.”

“About the dead girl ?”

The detectives couldn't help stiffen at such words. It was never pleasing to hear someone talk like that about a victim they knew all about and had somehow ended up close to -as weird as it could sound. 

"Yes. Her name was Sung Hyori. Have you ever seen her before ?" Minwoo handed the girl's picture and observed the mask of compassion on HeoSuk's face.

"She's so young." A wave of discomfort passed through the detectives at such reminder. "Not that much younger than Luna." The concern in the man's voice got to Junjin, and suddenly him to felt worried about the girl. 

Now he was thinking about it clearly (and not focusing so much on his jealousy), it was true Luna was working at the same club a girl was targetted to, drugged, and killed. What if such thing was happening to her ? It couldn't. Shaking his head curtly, he repeated the victims' profile in his mind and picked up every impossibilities.

First, Luna wasn't in her early twenties.

Second, she wasn't partying at clubs but working there.

Third, she didn't have a liberate life and had the same boyfriend for the three passed years.

And fourth, Junjin would never allow such thing to happen. But he wasn't her lover, so he didn't really have any control over this. He swore, while glaring at HeoSuk, if anything was happening to Luna he would kill him.

"So, do you remember her ?" Minwoo's voice brought Junjin out of his racing thoughts, which he was glad for.

HeoSuk shook his head and looked up at the shorter man. "I'm sorry detective. No." He handed the picture back. "I hope you'll find the one who did this."

"We will." Minwoo sounded certain of himself, and if some could think he was just being presumptuous, Junjin knew he was just telling the truth. His truth, because none of them were never giving up on any cases until it was forced upon them. "Do you know when Jung Luna will be around ?"

Slight tension appeared in HeoSuk's shoulders. "Well, she's not working tonight. Why don't you call us tomorrow, we could set up a meeting."

"Why not." It was clear for Junjin Minwoo didn't like much this idea, but he couldn't force the man either nor force his way to his place. Even if it was what he wanted. "I'll call you tomorrow morning."

HeoSuk nodded. "Okay." He smiled. "Well, people are waiting for me, so if we're done."

"We are." Minwoo nodded before asking. "Do you mind if we stick around for a bit ? We'll like to talk to your staff."

"Go ahead detectives. Almost everyone's working tonight. I could give you the others number if you want, and if you like, I've a register. If it can help."

"Thank you, mister Go." Minwoo smiled and glanced at Junjin. He noticed the tension in his parrtner's body and could have sighed.

Of course Junjin would have ill feelings for this man, and he didn't mind, as long as it was not getting in his job's way. You could hate as much as you wanted someone, if you weren't doing anything stupid because of it. So far, Minwoo trusted Junjin, so he wouldn't say anything. He just hoped he wouldn't have to.


      Calling their investigation fruitless would be an overstatement, but they could not deny nothing much came out of the staff they talked to. Only to dig deeper, they then decided to question more customers. Junjin did not know how many people he had talked with so far, but too many of them did not even know the bartender and even less the person dancing with them -so asking them about some random girl was hopeless. It was not enough to make the tall detective give up, but it did frustrate him -and the feeling only worsened every time his gaze was drifting to the VIP's section where HeoSuk was having a hell of a party with who he presumed were his friends.

He didn't want to admit it out loud, but he really hated this man. Too perfect for his liking. No one was perfect, and the ones looking the most irreproachable were often the worst. His years as a cop had taught him that much, and he couldn't help this feeling with HeoSuk.

So yes, maybe he had manners, was good-looking, polite, kind, rich and filial -but there was to be something under all this, and he wanted to find what it was. If only to help him feel better about the chances he wanted to have with Luna. If only he could pierce this man's facade, it would be of a great help -and not only for personal reasons. With little luck, the guy could be involved, and hello prime suspect. He didn't want to pin an innocent man for something so horrible, but he couldn't drop such idea either without looking further into.

Maybe it was his jealousy playing with his head, but this guts feeling was not something he could ignore -and he swore his observations meant something. What ? He did not know yet, but he was sure he would get the answer one way or another.

Minwoo was being obsessed about Luna's background, so it was only fair Junjin was doing the same for the boyfriend.

       On his side, the latter's partner was sitting with some young people and conversing with them casually. He never forgot about his cop's hat, but he put it aside knowing these youngsters were feeling more at ease around someone 'normal'. Cops were never that appreciated besides that, and even if many would be able to tell he was part of such team, as long as he was smiling and being friendly, he knew he could gain these kids' truth.

Drunk as they were getting, it was not hard to get in their head anyway, and he was just hoping it would give him useful information in the end.

“Do you know Jung Luna ?” He asked after another ordered drink for the kids, and looking over at him, they smiled thankfully and some even cheered for him -completely ignoring (or forgetting) about his question in the process.

Laughing softly, he played along for a moment before asking again about the girl.

"Lu ?" Said the boy just next to him, and Minwoo nodded. "She's with HeoSuk. She works here too. She's a nice girl."

"Do you know her, I mean, personally ?"

"You mean if we're friends ?" Minwoo nodded and the boy shrugged as two of his friends laughed at something one of them had said. "No. She don't befriend customers, like she says." The boy smiled then sipped on his drink. "She likes her privacy."

"What about her boyfriend ?" He asked, feeling like his track had ran cold before even warming up.

He couldn't help think how little information everyone had on her. They were saying she was nice, beautfiul, funny even. But none could tell beyond that. They didn't know anything about her besides what she was showing in public, at her workplace. It made him even more curious, and more than for the investigation he couldn't tell yet if she was involved in or not -he wanted to get more on her because Junjin seemed to have fallen hard for her.

He didn't want his friend to get into something crazy again, and he couldn't believe now he was being such kind of friend. The kind to interfer in Junjin's business and use his own ressources as a detective to do so.

Junjin would so mock if for that if he knew about it.

"He's hot." Said the only girl of the group, and while one of the boy laughed, the others either growled or rolled their eyes.

"Every girls wants to get in his pants." Said the kid next to Minwoo. "We can't really blame them, but it's annoying." It sounded more childlish than the boy certainly wanted, and the detective couldn't help smile.

"Do you know his father ?"

The kids frowned. "His father ? What are you on man ? Why do you care about his old man ? Are you a cop ?"

Minwoo stared and made a face, and soon the comfortable kids turned into embarrassed, worried one not knowing what to do with themselves.

"Oh guys. He's a cop !" Said the most wasted boy.

"Huh, we... what do you want ?" Asked the one just beside Minwoo.

"I'm investigating a murder." He said, enjoying inwardly the kids' reactions.

"A murder ? Of God." One of the boy paled visibly and Minwoo was glad he was so far from him. He wouldn't have liked much to have vomit all over himself.

"Who's dead ?" Asked the girl, and the detective's attention drifted on her.

"Sung Hyori." He said, putting the picture on the bar and sliding it to her. "Do you know her ?"

The girl's eyes grew wider, and Minwoo straightened up on the stool, expecting something eventually.

"Guys, it's Hyo." She said, horrified.

"Hyo ?" The pale boy snapped back amongst them and grabbed the picture sharply. "Oh my God, Hyo."

Minwoo wasn't expecting the kid to react so strongly, and soon he was throwing up on the floor. The bartender noticed eventually and complained loudly before spotting Minwoo, recognizing him, shutting up and looking away.

"Was she a friend of yours ?" He asked and the drunken kids suddenly looked a lot more sober.

"She's... she, was." The boy next to the detective seemed to have a hard time getting the words out.

"A childhood friend." Said the girl. "I met her in pre-school, but she moved away in middle school. We just met again a couple years ago. She was back for her studies."

"When was the last time you saw her ?"

"I couldn't go out much recently. We were in the middle of an exam preparion and... we were all busy." She said, looking at her friends who stared at the bar in growing pain at the loss of one of them. "She called me a couple weeks ago telling me she needed to go back to Daegu for a bit." The girl tried to swallow her tears. "Her aunt's sick. She said she didn't know if she'll manage to be back for the exam. And when I didn't see her yesterday I thought her aunt's condition was just really bad and she couldn't make it."

"Was it the last time you got in touch with her ?"

The girl shook her head. "She called me last weekend telling me she'll be back around. She wanted to get her head off her problems and wanted to party. She asked me if I wanted to come. I said no." Guilt was clear on the gir'ls face, and Minwoo felt sorry for her. "It was the last time I heard from her."

"And you didn't worry ?" He didn't mean to make it worse for her, but he couldn't help ask either.

"I..." She sobbed. "With everything going on in her life recently, I... Hyo's not the kind to be in touch a lot when busy with her life. We're all used to her not picking up our calls. I didn't worry. I thought she just had other stuffs to care about. I guessed she was back to her aunt. I didn't know..." The tears eventually fell.

Her friends moved closer and wrapped their arms around her shaking frame.

"I'm really sorry for your loss." Said Minwoo after a moment, and putting his card on the bar he said. "I'll get in touch with you later, if I need more information" The boy closest to him nodded and took the card. "I'm really sorry."

With a pat on the kid's shoulder, he observed a last time the group of friends and left.

Damn, editing this chapter was complicated. Who would've thought changing some little details about a character in the previous chap would have such consequences on the following ones. I don't mind the changes, but keeping up with what I updated and what I've to fix is a bit hard. So, if you spot any incoherency or whatnot, I'm sorry. You can tell me and I'll fix it. I tried to review the previous chaps' details and info to keep it coherent, but I wouldn't be surprised if something had escaped me ;pp


Anyway, that's why this chapter was a bit delayed, but I hope you liked it ^^

I just realized it's my first time working on such plot (cop one I mean) despite wanting to do it for a long time. I hope I'll do a good job with it and please, keep supporting me and the story =))


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Bunny_RL #1
Chapter 4: Good chapter! I hope the next update will be soon. :)
Bunny_RL #2
Chapter 2: Well, I noticed it just yeasterday, when I was going through shinhwa tag. I was really bored and there was nothing to read :P ...

This chapter is good as well, just a little short for my taste :P ... I hope you will update soon! :)
Bunny_RL #3
Chapter 1: This looks interesting and I am really curious about the next chapter. I hope it will be soon :P ... And I promise, I will comment more on your stories :P ... Or at least I will try :D

Btw I love his new mini album especially ,,On My Own,, I just can't get enough of that song. It's just too great. <3
MMM123 #4
I will save this for later, I got busy again with another project at work :-(((
Wait for me ok? Haha
njood727 #5
Sounds good can't wait for the chapters
kpoplover38 #6
update soon^^